Q: Food — It took me years to put on all the weight. Now that I'm committed to a new fit lifestyle, can you tell me how long it usually takes for someone who's 30 or 40-lbs. overweight to lose it?
A: Losing one pound a week is the best prescription for weight loss. A
slow, but steady approach to weight loss is the best way to reach your
goal. You will have made behavioral changes that promote healthy
living so that you can maintain your ideal body weight.
Q: Exercise — First Wives World blogger Faith Eggers asks: I've heard that there's a right and wrong way to breathe while working out. Is this true? If so, what is it?
A: Breathing is very important during exercise especially if you're lifting weights. The best way to remember proper breathing is to exhale on the effort. So if you're doing a bicep curl, you want to blow out your air when the weights are coming up towards your shoulder. Then inhale as you return to the starting position. Most people hold their breath during strength training and this can make you feel dizzy and sometimes a little light headed. This is because holding your breath on an exertion raises the blood pressure. For cardio exercise, breathing will become very rhythmic with your movements, breathing in and out with each step.
Q: Exercise — First Wives World blogger Faith Eggers asks: Sometimes after a workout (generally the next day) I feel very sore. I'm doing your stretches beforehand, is there anything else I can do to ease sore muscles?
A: Following your workout, make sure you spend some time stretching out the
muscles you worked. Your body is warm and loose post-workout
which is the best time to stretch. Getting a massage is also a nice
way to ease sore muscles or take a hot bath with some epsom salts.
Q: Food — First Wives World blogger Michelle Rosenthal asks: Those 100-calorie snack packs seem to be the new "it" snack these days. Is it all just a new marketing ploy or can they be substituted for traditional snacks and not sabotage a diet plan?
A: Anything pre-packaged like these
snacks typically has lots of preservatives and chemicals. I don't care
for them for just that reason. If figuring out portions is your
downfall, it's easy to pull out your measuring cup and fill your own
snack bags. Raw almonds, air popped popcorn and freeze-dried berries are
just a few examples of delicious real snacks.
Q: Food — First Wives World blogger Michelle Rosenthal asks: How can I curb my post-workout sweet tooth?
The best way to halt those sugar craving is to have a balanced
protein/carb snack ready post-workout. I always have a bowl of
hard boiled eggs in my refrigerator. An egg with a whole wheat cracker
or rice cake hits the spot. The protein and carb will balance your
blood sugar levels and reduce the craving. If something sweet is the
only way to go, try a low-fat Greek yogurt that's thick and creamy with
some fresh berries. You'll get a boost of calcium and protein and sweetness from the berries. Another tip is to make sure you
are well fueled going into your workout.
Q: Exercise — How can I weight train without bulking up? I just want to get more toned.
A: You won't bulk up. We as women don't have enough testosterone in our
bodies to get big. What you will get is toned. Muscle also takes up
less space. So lift away and you will love the way your body takes on
a new shape. The other bonus to weight training is that you only have
to train two to three times per week.
Q: Exercise — I've had three kids and I'm trying to flatten and tighten my belly. Nothing seems to work. In your experience, what works for this? Since you've had three kids, I thought you might know!
A: I definitely have some experience here. Having twins first and then my last, I really didn't think my stomach would ever come back. My skin has definitely taken on a different look but that's just me. Your body's collagen will dictate how your skin comes back. What you can do to strengthen the muscles is to focus on the core.
Doing the plank, reverse crunches and bicycle abs are just a few of the best abdominal exercises to train this area. Doing cardio and eating a balanced meal plan is also going to help you get back to the best you can be. The other thing is time. I'm still seeing changes in my abs and my kids are 11, 11 and 7. Being consistent is also going to speed up the results.
Q: Exercise — I ran a little yesterday and today my knee is a little sore. If it's still sore tomorrow do you think it's okay to run on it?
A: Running is a great exercise to burn calories and to improve your cardiovascular system but it's also incredibly hard on your joints. You place almost three times your body weight down every time your foot lands. My advice is not to run on a sore knee. Ice it and walk until it feels better.
Q: Exercise — Is there anything besides liposuction I can do to get rid of my cellulite? What specific kinds of toning exercises might I try to smooth and tighten my "cottage-cheese" thighs?
A: This is my own personal opinion, but stay away from the knife. I have seen women do these surgeries and you just never know if you will be the one who comes out unhappy with no recourse. At some point, we as women have to get realistic. Look at your parents and if the same legs are there then you may have just inherited them.
If not, then you can certainly work at changing them or making them the best that they can be. We have to remember that we are all different. Don't compare yourself to anyone. The work you need to do is strength training. Your legs need resistance to change their shape. All the leg machines at the gyms will strengthen, tone and reshape your legs. Leg extensions, leg curls, inner/outer thighs, squat decks and leg presses are just a few that you can get started on.
Q: Exercise — Should I use a pedometer to count up my steps? I've seen so many people using them.
A: A pedometer is a great little tool. I use mine whenever I can. Keep it right next to your bed or in your closet so that you can attach it as soon as you get dressed in the morning. This way you can count your steps throughout the day and see how active you are; 10,000 steps a day is the target goal for an active person. The pedometer is also a great personal trainer because you'll be motivated when you look down and only see 800 steps. I say use one and have a good walk!