Yes, SEX. We need it. Gotta have it. But where does sex fit into divorce? Well, for most everyone it’s an endless array of questions: Can I meet someone just for sex?, What STDs do I need to be aware of?, How much should I shave…“down there”. Those questions you're thinking about, but don't quite want to ask.
Lucky you! Because we've assembled a stellar group of experts (check them all out below) who will be talking sex, just sex, all month long.
Everyday in this month (February) we’ll have something new – from your astrological sex forecast to ideas for creating an erotic bedroom; from tips to creating an online profile that will land you a hottie to the fine art of self-pleasure (batteries not included)…
Sex. Just Sex. Go ahead, turn down the lights, we won’t tell…
Here are some questions from firstwivesworld.com bloggers. I hope my responses will be helpful!
From Megan Thomas: Can you recommend some books to read for healing a relationship?
There are a number of great books I'd recommend on this topic. My friend Lisa Steadman wrote, It's a Breakup Not a Breakdown about moving on and changing your life after a relationship. I've also heard that Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends by Bruce Fisher is an insightful and inspiring read. Or, if you want a light-hearted advice book, I contributed to You Can Keep The Damn China: And 824 Other Great Tips on Dealing with Divorce in which hundreds of divorcees share their experiences of splitting up and moving on.
From Julie Savard: Do you believe that "living apart/together" relationships are healthy ones? Do you think this type of relationship is a good option to keep love together and that separating households can resolve some of the conflicts cohabitation brings to a marriage?
Many couples have unconventional arrangements that work for them. I know a married couple who swear by living apart, saying that the space keeps their passion alive and let's them maintain their independence and self-expression. I also know a divorced couple who both claim that this set-up distanced them so much that they started to lead very separate and disconnected lives. The bottom line is that living with another person will be both challenging and rewarding. A fulfilling relationship will look different to different people; and I truly believe that 'healthy' is defined by how much the relationship is meeting the needs of both people involved.
read more »Here are my answers to questions posted by firstwivesworld.com bloggers:
From Naomi Dunne: We've replaced the traditional lightbulbs in our living room with CFLs and now the place is so white it looks like an office and not exactly romantic. Can you suggest some ways to warm up the space?
Naomi: It's true CFL bulbs do help lower your electric costs and are good for the environment but, at the cost of harsh, non-flattering, cold light. To combat this very cool white light, you must choose a color for the walls that absorb that cool light and refracts more warm toned light. One solution is to repaint your walls. If that's not possible, a very simple solution is to place a scarf in a warmer tone over the lamp to mask the harsh light and soften the tone in the room. Another way is to change the lamp shades to a warmer-hued fabric. If you can't find one ready-made, custom is the next option to explore.
From Megan Thomas: If I move out and into an apartment, my kids will go from having their own rooms to sharing one. What is the best way to decorate a room that a toddler boy and pre-school girl have to share?
Megan: A very simple way is to divide the room into two sides. For example one blue and one pink, to use an obvious color choice. If each child has their own bed, in this case you can decorate each side in the child's preference to make them feel the space is their own. Then try to incorporate decorative items in both colors on the opposite color side too unify the room. This is a fun and easy solution. Making a child feel at home in their own room is a challenging aspect of divorce but it can be done.
read more »Here are questions I've answered from firstwivesworld.com bloggers about online dating and creating successful profiles:
From Naomi Dunne: I'm a freelance writer, and I've been asked more than once to write a profile for someone using an online dating site. Assuming all of the information is true and that I'm not outright lying on their behalf, do you think there's anything wrong with doing that?
This is part of what I'm in business to do, so you can probably intuit my answer. There is absolutely nothing wrong with ghostwriting a profile, with the caveats you state. I would add that you should take care to write profiles that are representative in voice. If your personal style is quick and witty, and your client is serious and shy, make the most of her good qualities in a characteristically representative way (otherwise her dates will be expecting sophisticated banter, which will only set her up for disappointment). I started writing online profiles in large part because so few people can sell themselves effectively on paper (or online). There is nothing duplicitous in calling in (or being) a consultant. Otherwise, marketing as we know it would be banned in at least 30 states!
read more »Below, I've answered questions from firstwivesworld.com bloggers. You might find my responses applicable to your life and sign!
From Naomi Dunne: I've always wanted to find out my rising sign (ascendant) but the charts scare me. I'm terrified I'll get the time zone wrong or something and then screw the whole thing up. What's an easy way to find out my rising sign?
Dear Naomi,
First off your chart is nothing to be frightened of, after all it is a cosmic recipe of all the ingredients that have gone into creating YOU. Your rising sign is based on the time of birth because that is when a child interacts with the earth's enviroment for the first time. The rising sign or ascendant is the actual constellation that was on the horizon when a child takes its first breath.
With the computer is is very easy to find out your rising sign. If you go to any of the Websites that calculate charts, and usually they will do this for free, just enter your birth day, year, place, and time. Make the time as accurate as you can. You should be able to find it on your birth certificate or if not, you can contact your state capitol and it will be recorded on the "long form" of your birth certificate. Then press a button and you will see your rising sign, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The astrology program has corrected for all the necessary data in time changes, daylight savings time, standard time...or whatever the particulars are of your birth time..
read more »Nervous about that first post-divorce date? Don't worry. I have a few tips that will help you put your mind at ease so you can relax! Here are three "Dos" and three "Don'ts" of post-divorce dating:
DO remember that your first date after divorce is not about looking for a new husband! Have fun. If you haven't been in the dating scene for a while, a new date is a great chance to practice your dating muscle again.
DO stay upbeat and positive rather than talking about your baggage. Everyone has baggage at a certain age — learn to unload it gradually, over time as you and your date get closer. Remember, some mystery is good at the beginning of dating!
DO remember that being divorced is nothing to be ashamed of. Without dwelling on details of your past, be honest about your divorce status if you are asked about your relationship history rather than have your date find out after the fact.
DON'T spend the entire first date comparing the person to your ex spouse. If you do this, you won't be present or show up as your best self on the date.
If you have children, DON'T introduce your date to them before or after a first date. Meet your date at a public place and let your connection grow before you involve your kids.
DON'T go on a date to get back at your ex. This is YOUR time. When you feel ready to start dating again, you are making a statement to yourself that you are ready to embrace a new and exciting chapter of your life.
Go out and have some fun!
Here are three of my favorite sites and blogs for dating advice:
Lisa has a lot of great information and articles about breaking up and moving on.
read more »After a divorce, trying to re-establish your life has its drawbacks but you must look toward the future and turn your life around. With life coming at you hard every day, what you need is a place to escape and relax, when you get home.
For most women, the bedroom is their place of peace. This is the room that reflects the personality the, inner women. Interior design can truly help reflect the attitude of the client. There are so many possibilities and choices within the realm, of the interior design world. These choices can some times be difficult to decide upon on your own.
This is where the aid of a true design professional is beneficial. If
your budget doesn't allow for the assistance of an interior designer
for your entire project, another idea is to hire someone to help on
a consultation basis. This is usually done on an hourly rate as apposed
to a percentage based rate.
After establishing your budget, whether modest or extravagant, the next step to focus on what style. This is where your true personality comes to the surface. This creative step is an exercise about looking within your self and asking questions.
With what style do I feel comfortable and expressive, contemporary, antique, traditional, Asian or modern? What colors makes me happy? Do I respond to warm or cool color? What type of bed, four poster, platform, upholstered headboard, do I want to sleep in at night? Are my sheets, as soft as they could be? What thread count feels the best on my skin? Do I want a bench at the end of the bed or a chair, seating area, or a favorite reading spot, where I can relax and plan my day?
read more »In my view, finding the best dating site has much less to do with being a divorced woman than with avoiding overwhelm and considering factors other than marital history. Here are my picks:
www.match.com: Match is still the biggest site, with the best brand recognition — everybody knows about it, it's where most people start, meaning the biggest pool of available men. Online dating is largely a numbers game — at the beginning, you need a lot of options. Match is easy to use, relatively inexpensive, has great links to advice, and you can access Dr. Phil if you want for $10 extra a month. If you don't find someone in six months, and you follow the site's administrative rules, you get another six months free.
www.chemistry.com: This site suggests matches for you, by way of an exhaustive personality profile — you fill it out, and the computer scientifically finds potential partners. The jury is still out about whether this system works better than your own instinct, but as a secondary site, I think it's a good idea - why not put modern technology to work on your romantic behalf? There are other sites offering similar services, but I like this one because it serves everyone, regardless of sexual orientation.
A niche site that caters to what you consider a contract breaker — common ones are religion, ethnicity, even medical conditions. To find the right one for you, Google the word "dating" plus "Catholic" or "Korean" or "herpes" (obviously, this list is endless).
read more »Many times people ask me what sign is romantically compatible with their sign. They tell me they're not supposed to get along with Aries (or some other sign) but they've had relationships with Aries for years, am I wrong?
The "answer" lies in understanding your whole chart and for that you should get your chart read by a good astrologer. In terms of lust and romance, the sign that your Venus and Mars was in when you were born may hold some clues for happiness between the sheets, as well as in love. Or your moon sign may call out to another's moon and your emotions feel in sync. It's more complicated than just saying that Cancerians are a good match for you, or conversely that all relationships with Scorpio are bad matches. Self-knowledge is the key.
However, we live in a fast-paced society and people may not want to take the time to understand their whole chart. There's a simplified way to determine what signs work for you in terms of overall communication — that is, between the sheets, talking, dating or planning a life together.
Each astrological sign has an element — fire, earth, air and water. Signs of the same element speak the same language and their communication on all levels is usually easy and fun. So find your elemental buddies and see how it goes. The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and the water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Below are some specific combos that mix the elements, but usually create highly-charged chemistry.
Top 10 Hot Matches:
1. Scorpio woman and Taurus man: These opposite powerhouses goose up the sexual temperature. Water and earth make everything grow.
read more »Maybe it's been a while since you slept with anyone but your ex. If you're thinking about sleeping with a new man, watch the video above to hear Debbie's candid discussion with First Wives World's...
Are you ready to go on your first post-divorce date? Then don't miss Debbie's chat with dating expert Andrea Syrtash on how to have a great first date — and have a little fun while you're at it...