Here are my answers to questions posted by firstwivesworld.com bloggers:
Question: How much quality do the online services ensure? I mean, to go a route that seems so impersonal and not in the least secure seems rather risky.
Answer: This is a very interesting question because I do not believe any online service promises a "quality divorce". What they "promise" to those who seek an uncontested divorce is to save you legal fees. And let's be clear: Most online divorce services simply complete your paperwork based on the information you provide. More often than not, the rest is up to you. When you get right down to it, the "quality" of your divorce when using an online service, is really in your own hands.
Question: Are online divorces recognized Internationally?
Answer: Much the way a rose by any other name is still a rose, an online divorce is still a divorce. Which means if you are validly divorced in the United States, it's likely your divorce will be recognized in another country. Having said that, the best place to look for answers as to whether your U.S. divorce will be recognized internationally, is to check with the country of your concern. By way of example, if you needed to know whether your divorce abroad will be recognized in the states, you can find answers at the U.S. Department of State website here.
So, you want to know what to expect when you're ending a marriage? Of course you do. While most women enjoy a good suspense novel from time to time, divorce needn't be mysterious.
What women want to know most during the divorce process includes all-important issues like, "What am I entitled to financially?", "Do I need a lawyer?", "How do I avoid becoming an emotional train wreck?" and even, "Are there any nice men out there?" Truth is, divorce is a process with a beginning, middle, and yes, an end.
Fortunately, there are resources available online to assist women with virtually every aspect of the divorce process. Not all websites are created equal, however.
When it comes to researching the legal aspects of divorce, you can save time and energy if you avoid websites that are not "state specific".
What I mean by that is this: If you are divorcing in New York, chances are the only accurate information you will get regarding the laws of divorce, child support, child custody and equitable distribution is by researching your questions at a website specifically geared for your state's particular laws.
The best way to find state specific sources is to first access your state's State Bar website. There, you can usually find links to state-specific court forms and other information.
Another good way to access the targeted information that will be most useful to you is to access website directories that link you to various state-specific information. One such website is http://www.usdivorcelaws.com/.
Another comprehensive website that is cognizant of women's need for state specific-information is http://themodernwomansdivorceguide.com/states/. There you will find state-specific information just a click away.
read more »When contemplating divorce — I mean really taking the time to think about what’s involved throughout the beginning, middle, and end — it’s no wonder we may be drawn to any path that promises an uncomplicated journey through what’s so often a difficult process.
The promises are enticing, indeed. Claims such as “Divorce doesn’t have to be difficult” and “You can do it in the privacy of your own home without an attorney,” while true in some cases, seem to imply that lawyers somehow pollute the process (I assure we don’t!).
That said, do you need an attorney to handle your divorce, or can you truly do it yourself?
Thanks to the Internet, “Do-It-Yourself Divorce” has evolved into a concept we’ll call the “online option”.
What is the online option? In most states, you can download and complete all the necessary divorce forms from a website, and file and serve them yourself without a lawyer. There are also online services that, for a fee, offer to complete your forms based on answers you provide in a standard questionnaire. In most cases, your completed forms are then mailed to you with state-specific instructions on how to file and serve them. (Click the following for Online Resources For Your Divorce).
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