I put on a bikini today — I was at a hotel pool — and I'm pleased to announce that I am currently overjoyed with the way my body looks! I realized that I felt better, but I hadn't realized that I LOOKED so much better.
My butt is actually firming up! My thighs are too! I feel like I look like I'm sixteen again — well, at least in that aspect. I'm still doing the same routine that I've been doing, but its getting easier and easier. It doesn't feel like a chore like I thought it would, it's actually kind of fun. It's actually kind of empowering.
I mean, I used to dread being half naked in public, now I'm seeking out opportunities to do it! And did I mention that I got a date out of it? I did! I was sitting at the pool, reading a magazine, a gorgeous man came over and sat down beside me. We started chatting, and before I knew it I had a date for dinner that night. We had a fantastic time. Talk about a confidence booster.
Now if FWW could only post some videos on how to get rid of stretch marks...
Yeah! I made it to the gym five days last week! I did have a glass of wine at dinner with my grandfather but I didn't take it into account as a fourth day of going out for drinks. I also noticed that I consumed less drinks this weekend when I was out with my friends.
I'm feeling stronger, I'm proud of my dedication and I've lost four pounds since I've started my personal program. Considering I eat in moderation but don't deprive myself, I drink a decent amount when I go out and I still have the occasional sweet if I have a craving, I think four pounds is a good number. Slow and steady wins the race.
I still haven't made it to a yoga or pilates class, which was my goal for the week. Unfortunately they don't seem to have classes that fit into my schedule. Hopefully work will calm down within the next few weeks and I'll be able to add one of the classes into my regimen. I haven't noticed any drastic changes in my body but my friend Melissa always tells me that all of a sudden, it will just become noticeable on me. Realistically it will take another few weeks for significant changes to appear.
Another thing that I should mention is that since starting Kathy's program three weeks ago, I've stopped smoking, as much. I was smoking a lot and I hate it — it's gross and it will probably kill me if I keep it up. But I love smoking too. Sometimes its a great stress reliever.
Anyway, since starting Kathy's program I've just been in a healthier frame of mind. It's pretty hard to keep smoking when you're constantly thinking about your health! I've also been eating healthier and making a much more conscience effort to cook healthy meals for Adrian and I — its actually been pretty self-indulgent. It feels great to be doing so much for me.
I've added the "Adrian Squat" to our routine — the one that Kathy suggested. I hold Adrian in my arms in a bear hug, facing out and squat while holding him — he's over forty pounds so the extra resistance is good, plus he thinks its hysterical.
I bought a dress yesterday, a really nice evening gown. I had to buy it to attend a black tie affair. Normally, it would have taken me hours and hours or even days to find a dress that I liked on me. This took less than an hour. I put it on and it looked stunning, my butt actually didn't look big at all.
All of this working out is really working out for me — I'm getting very nice and toned. I'm feeling very confident and I can't wait to go to this party, wearing this fabulous dress.
The week started out well. I took my favorite spin class Monday and stocked up on healthy food. I've been incorporating Kathy's stretching and abs workouts into my regular exercise regimen since those are the two areas that I never really focused on. I've been stepping up my cardio and weight lifting and although it's only my third week, I definitely am feeling stronger.
My legs are definitely feeling tighter and I can see the tone in my stomach starting to come back. It's been gone for some time now! My co-workers have noticed that my mood is getting better since I've been off the Food Delivery Diet and are definitely proud of my dedication to getting back in shape. I feel like I have a built-in support system.
I was proud of myself for dragging myself to the gym, even when I left work really late! I even got hit on at the gym last night, which was a first! I was lifting weights, listening to my iPod and this cute guy started talking to me and then asked for my number. I smiled and walked away, trying to focus on what I was doing. Before I left, he looked at my with a sad face and said "So I guess no number?"
How could I resist, especially when he told me I was beautiful — dripping in sweat and definitely not looking so hot!
I've been doing Kathy's exercises for the last three weeks — Cardio, Stretching, Sculpting Buns and Thighs and Sculpting Abs. I can honestly say now without a doubt that I am stronger now than I was three weeks ago. It was proven to me last night.
I'm at a film festival and there's about four feet of snow here. The entire town is basically shut down and nobody is driving — we're all walking.
We were invited to the really great party that happened to be all the way on the other side of the town. We agreed to go and make the walk.
So we head out into the snow — four feet and counting — and start the hike to the other side of town. About five minutes into our walk we discover that it's all uphill. There were six of us, four men and two women. All of the men were moaning and groaning — seriously, all of them — and normally, I think I would have been too. But it really didn't feel like that big of a deal to me. Why?
Then I realized that my hard work is paying off. I'm building up my strength, muscle and endurance. Pretty cool, now I can hike up mountains to parties and not arrive winded. Thanks Kathy!
Ok, so the most recent week of the new me was not a total disaster. I only made it to the gym three times but I stuck to my three days of drinking. I ate pretty well, incorporated some of Kathy's workouts into my routine and feel good despite being one day shy of my four day goal.
It's definitely hard to find the time sometimes to take care of yourself. With work and commitments, we sometimes forget that finding time for ourselves is just as important. I'm a bit disappointed in myself that I could not find one more day to make it to the gym. My week at work was long and I was just mentally drained and too physically exhausted to make it both days of the weekend to compensate.
I can't be too hard on myself though, since I don't want to begin a new week on a low note. I'll just consider that my week of trial and error. Change can be hard and we have to realize that it takes time to get ourselves in the zone and determine a schedule that we can actually stick too. It's not easy but it's also not impossible. It's also helpful to know that I am not the only one who is going through these issues. Next week will be better!
This morning I woke up totally pumped. I'm getting excited about the new me. I only managed to work out three days last week which is a day less than I planned. I was not about to miss my target this week, no matter what.
I had a good day with eating and was so excited for my hour-long spin class at Equinox on Park Avenue. The instructor is awesome and I have been quite upset recently that I've been missing her class. I managed to get there two minutes before class started. I walked in and see my bike — you have to reserve a specific one at reception — and I heard someone say "Hey! What are you doing here?"
I look up and realize that Steve is already set-up on a bike and is right in front of me. I was caught off-guard, considering I haven't seen him since we've been separated or divorced and it's been about nine months. I told him that it's right near my office and that I love the class. The interaction was brief and I walked to my bike since the class had started.
I didn't have time to contemplate walking out so I adjusted my bike and took the class. How am I going to sit through an hour knowing that he's there? Thankfully, the instructor turned out the lights so I was not forced to see him the entire time, although I did glance over a few times — how could I not? The class ended and he left while we were stretching. Phew. I would have continued a conversation if I had to but I was glad I didn't have to make that decision.
Ultimately, I'm actually glad the interaction occurred where it did. I was doing something proactive, I took my favorite class and I was sticking to my goals. It could have been at a bar where I would have done shots with my friends to ease my discomfort and could have potentially made a fool out of myself. Plus, he was in a Hanes t-shirt and shorts and obviously not looking dapper. I knew it was bound to happen, and it actually took longer than I thought!
Before I had got together with Levi — and before I had Adrian — I was pretty confident in the looks department. I had no problem asking guys out. I was never afraid of being rejected. That's all changed now.
Now I'm divorced. Now I'm a single mom. Now I don't really look at "hot" as I used too.
Part of my decision to partake in Kathy Keahler's exercise videos was for this exact reason — I want to be hot again, dammit! Well, maybe that's not really it. Maybe it's just more of a confidence issue, but either way.
So anyway, I'm still managing to do my routine — Adrian is still enjoying himself.
We're Cardio, Stretching, Sculpting Buns and Thighs, and on occasion Sculpting Abs. I had asked Kathy a question a few days ago, asking for advice for toning my lower half and leaving my upper half alone. She responded with some exercise ideas that I can do with Adrain, one of which included playing cards. We've tried those too. She also suggested walking, but its freezing out!
I've been doing this routine for two weeks now, and although I don't actually SEE a change yet, I feel it. I'm feeling better about myself already, just knowing that I'm doing something. That I'm being proactive, that I'm taking charge of my health.
OK, so I had good intentions. I planned to take the 10:30 a.m. spin class. I woke up literally at 10:25 and brushed my teeth and threw on clothes — only to find out that the class started at 10:15. Oh well, I was at the gym and did the elliptical for 40 minutes and then came home to stretch with Kathy's 10 minute video. All in all the week was good! I noticed I've been eating a bit, more but it's good, healthy food and incorporates yogurt, fruit, raw nuts, that kind of thing.
So here is how my week went:
Monday: 1 hour spin class, 10 minutes of abs, 10 minute stretch.
Tuesday: 40 minutes on the elliptical, 1 hour cardio weightlifting.
Wednesday: Attempted to get to the gym but they had no showers and I was meeting a friend for dinner afterwards...oh well. Went home and "Sculpted my buns and thighs" with Kathy's video.
Thursday: 45 minute spin class and a quick stretch, drinks and dinner with friends.
Friday: 45 minute Cardio Kickboxing Class, 45 minutes of lower body and abs, dinner and drinks with friends.
Saturday: 40 minutes on the elliptical, stretched with Kathy's video at home, dinner and drinks with friends.
Overall, I am so happy with my week. Even my dinners out were pretty healthy. I only went out for drinks three days this week and made it to the gym five days — which is one day more than my goal. I'd like to add yoga or pilates into my fitness goals as well. Maybe I'll try to take a class tomorrow. I'm starting to feel great!
I've really got to hand it to First Wives World, again and again, for finding and posting, Kathy Kaehler — what a wonderful resource.
As I said, I was really apprehensive about starting an exercise program, trying to find the time with Adrian and all, but this has worked out beautifully. My original plan was to do the workouts after Adrian had gone to bed, but we've since veered from that plan. Changing plans is something we do often around here. Such is the life of a single mom.
The other day Adrian was entertaining himself with his new trains. I had nothing to do, so I decided to see if I could squeeze some exercises in. I put the computer on and started to go at it. It wasn't long before Adrian dropped what he was doing and crawled on over to me.
Ever curious, he just kind of sat and watched for a little bit. Then he started giggling — I was really entertaining him. It worked out so well I decided to give it a try the next day, and the next.
Turns out, this is great fun for him. He's even decided to join in — which is really cute — so now its something that we do together. Who could ask for more? The real beauty of it all is that once you get the routine down, you don't necessarly need the sound on. So now we've incorporated Adrian's music into "our" workout routine. He dances around, I get my workout done.
It feels wonderful to be doing something for myself — to be getting healthy — and it feels even better to be able to share that time with my son. And now, I still have my nights free!
I recently explained this to a friend and she said — "Seems like Single Mom just morphed into Super Mom," I'd have to say, she's right!