First, a quick word on the meaning of "Spirituality" so that no one confuses this with some type of religious statement. Religion can be a wonderful thing for some people, but just by naming it, it puts you into a specific category, which automatically puts other people outside of that category, if they happen not to share your religious beliefs.
Spirituality is simply the willingness to be open to the concept that there are forces at work in this world that are beyond our comprehension. Some people refer to those forces as Nature, The Universe, or G-d. It doesn't matter what you call it, as long as you know it isn't you, because it's when you think that you are running your own life, and that it's up to you to make everything work out perfectly, you are setting yourself up for stress-related illness and Depression.
As it pertains to divorce, which is one of the most stressful things a person can experience, there are certain Spiritual principles that are important to grasp:
1. People are put in your path for a reason. You never meet anyone by accident.
2. You never made a mistake in your life. It was all a learning experience, even if the lesson was just that you could learn what you do NOT want in your life.
3. Not everyone is meant to be in your life forever. Some people are only meant to be in your life for a certain amount of time, until you both learn what you need to learn.
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