Below, I've answered questions from firstwivesworld.com bloggers. You might find my responses applicable to your life and sign!
From Naomi Dunne: I've always wanted to find out my rising sign (ascendant) but the charts scare me. I'm terrified I'll get the time zone wrong or something and then screw the whole thing up. What's an easy way to find out my rising sign?
Dear Naomi,
First off your chart is nothing to be frightened of, after all it is a cosmic recipe of all the ingredients that have gone into creating YOU. Your rising sign is based on the time of birth because that is when a child interacts with the earth's enviroment for the first time. The rising sign or ascendant is the actual constellation that was on the horizon when a child takes its first breath.
With the computer is is very easy to find out your rising sign. If you go to any of the Websites that calculate charts, and usually they will do this for free, just enter your birth day, year, place, and time. Make the time as accurate as you can. You should be able to find it on your birth certificate or if not, you can contact your state capitol and it will be recorded on the "long form" of your birth certificate. Then press a button and you will see your rising sign, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The astrology program has corrected for all the necessary data in time changes, daylight savings time, standard time...or whatever the particulars are of your birth time..
read more »Many times people ask me what sign is romantically compatible with their sign. They tell me they're not supposed to get along with Aries (or some other sign) but they've had relationships with Aries for years, am I wrong?
The "answer" lies in understanding your whole chart and for that you should get your chart read by a good astrologer. In terms of lust and romance, the sign that your Venus and Mars was in when you were born may hold some clues for happiness between the sheets, as well as in love. Or your moon sign may call out to another's moon and your emotions feel in sync. It's more complicated than just saying that Cancerians are a good match for you, or conversely that all relationships with Scorpio are bad matches. Self-knowledge is the key.
However, we live in a fast-paced society and people may not want to take the time to understand their whole chart. There's a simplified way to determine what signs work for you in terms of overall communication — that is, between the sheets, talking, dating or planning a life together.
Each astrological sign has an element — fire, earth, air and water. Signs of the same element speak the same language and their communication on all levels is usually easy and fun. So find your elemental buddies and see how it goes. The fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and the water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Below are some specific combos that mix the elements, but usually create highly-charged chemistry.
Top 10 Hot Matches:
1. Scorpio woman and Taurus man: These opposite powerhouses goose up the sexual temperature. Water and earth make everything grow.
read more »Hi. I'm here to share my knowledge and experience of astrology with First Wives World members. I've been a practicing astrologer in New York for over 20 years and have advised clients on many different areas of life. The best part of my work is helping people use the wisdom of astrology to create a positive outcome in stressful situations like divorce.
Astrology can help you navigate through many parts of your divorce, help you re-connect with talents and interests that you put on hold while marriage and family took up your time and counsel you on timing for court dates, custody issues, choosing a lawyer and filing papers.