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Networking For Business Success

Posted to Resource Articles by Ja-Nae Duane on Wed, 02/20/2008 - 11:42am

When a woman comes out of something like divorce, her entire world changes. That is why it is imperative to have a supportive community to help you along the way. This advice is especially true for recently divorced entrepreneurs.

Can you imagine trying to rebuild your life as you build your business? Well, what a better time to reach out to those within your circle! Here is how you can do just that:

1) Create a list of the people within your inner business circle (sometimes different from your personal circle). Then make a list of friends and colleagues who are not on that inner circle list, but you still feel comfortable reaching out to.

2) Make a list of your wants and needs. This list could have anything from babysitting to new clients. It doesn't matter if the list includes a haircut, office supplies, networking opportunities or a car. Find out what it is that you now need to continue your journey to success.

3) Reach out and connect: If people know what you are going through, they are more willing to be sympathetic to your plight. So, let them know! There is NO shame in getting divorced and having to start again. Send out e-mails and make phone calls letting everyone on your lists know what's going on and what you need. If they're unable to help you, then ask them to refer you to anyone who may be able to help. We each come with our own built-in community. So, take that knowledge and use it to your advantage. Have your community reach out to theirs!

Once you have reached out, remember to thank those who have helped you, as well as, give back. Successful communities (professional or personal) thrive on sharing with one another. Once you are back on track, make it a point to help as many of your personal community as possible. This constant state of giving will strengthen your relationships, as well as create a pattern of win/wins!

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