Here are questions I've answered from firstwivesworld.com bloggers about online dating and creating successful profiles:
From Naomi Dunne: I'm a freelance writer, and I've been asked more than once to write a profile for someone using an online dating site. Assuming all of the information is true and that I'm not outright lying on their behalf, do you think there's anything wrong with doing that?
This is part of what I'm in business to do, so you can probably intuit my answer. There is absolutely nothing wrong with ghostwriting a profile, with the caveats you state. I would add that you should take care to write profiles that are representative in voice. If your personal style is quick and witty, and your client is serious and shy, make the most of her good qualities in a characteristically representative way (otherwise her dates will be expecting sophisticated banter, which will only set her up for disappointment). I started writing online profiles in large part because so few people can sell themselves effectively on paper (or online). There is nothing duplicitous in calling in (or being) a consultant. Otherwise, marketing as we know it would be banned in at least 30 states!
read more »In my view, finding the best dating site has much less to do with being a divorced woman than with avoiding overwhelm and considering factors other than marital history. Here are my picks:
www.match.com: Match is still the biggest site, with the best brand recognition — everybody knows about it, it's where most people start, meaning the biggest pool of available men. Online dating is largely a numbers game — at the beginning, you need a lot of options. Match is easy to use, relatively inexpensive, has great links to advice, and you can access Dr. Phil if you want for $10 extra a month. If you don't find someone in six months, and you follow the site's administrative rules, you get another six months free.
www.chemistry.com: This site suggests matches for you, by way of an exhaustive personality profile — you fill it out, and the computer scientifically finds potential partners. The jury is still out about whether this system works better than your own instinct, but as a secondary site, I think it's a good idea - why not put modern technology to work on your romantic behalf? There are other sites offering similar services, but I like this one because it serves everyone, regardless of sexual orientation.
A niche site that caters to what you consider a contract breaker — common ones are religion, ethnicity, even medical conditions. To find the right one for you, Google the word "dating" plus "Catholic" or "Korean" or "herpes" (obviously, this list is endless).
read more »I'm the founder of Romance Language, an online dating consultancy, where we write and post online dating profiles that highlight my clients' most attractive and unique traits.
When I'm writing a profile, I look for character-revealing details that show your real personality. The trick is telling your story online while revealing voice in the most riveting way. Divorced women, by definition, have little or no recent dating experience. Assuming you want to find Mr. Next, you need, at the very least, some tips about the way the game is played, circa 2008.
I'm a die-hard, never-lose-hope, romance advocate who is also a successful veteran of the dating scene. I met my late husband through video dating in the 80s, and I'm now partnered with a man who came to me for an online profile of his own. And, for the record, I'm twice-divorced and twice from the same man!
Reason #1: Online dating offers an instant pool of available men (no waiting for your friends to set you up, no hoping Prince Charming will appear at the bus stop). You call the shots, at your pace.
Just want to look? Fine, and that's even free! Between your job and your kids, can't imagine finding the time to look? No problem — sign on at 3 a.m. for some inspiration (but be warned — this exercise will not put you to sleep!).
Not ready for the all-out press? Take it slow — no one's telling you how many dates are enough. On the other hand, are you feeling confident and excited about doing some serious flirting? Great — float a bunch of e-mails to attractive men and get ready for the ego boost (just make sure your calendar can stand the demand).
Get back in the game. Whether your marriage was a horror show or a lukewarm bore, you're out of practice, right? Romance feels like a distant dream - or worse, a laughable impossibility. All the good ones are gay or married, right?