I know that every woman I speak to who wants to be in business for herself, can be. But I would say 99% believe that they can't. And as long as that's the case, everything about building your business will be hard.
Believe me, I know. I can remember when I would wait for opportunities to come to me. I would stand by the idea that "whatever is supposed to happen will happen" and then one day it occurred to me that all I was really doing was hiding. What was behind that hiding was, "Who do I think I am to be amazing and fabulous AND wealthy?" I wasn't coded for success. I was coded for approval.
Since I've been coaching other entrepreneurs on building their own successful, sustainable businesses I've seen this same syndrome dozens if not hundreds of times. Sometimes it's a question of, "Will I really be able to handle the success?" or "If I am so abundant and successful then I'm taking away from others." Of course, neither of these is true.
First, in the EnergyRICH Success System you are always set up to put systems in place that will embrace your growth rather than stunt it and, second, the more successful you are then the more success there is for others. There is nothing spiritual, kind or gracious about holding yourself back because when you do you are actually holding others back as well. When you hold back your gifts, you rob the world. Your gifts are not for you alone. When you truly use your talents to serve others then you are truly living your purpose and when you profit from this. Even better, you have more to give and the success cycle fuels itself. Yes? YES!
The same goes for having business-life balance. You aren't much good to anyone (clients, friends, family) when you're feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, right? It's time to shift that business paradigm and as female entrepreneurs we're the ones to do it.