Searching for a job can be an intimidating process. And if you’ve just been through a divorce, or are facing one, you no doubt have added anxiety about where your life is going. Whether you’re re-entering the job market after being at home, or hoping to set off in a whole new direction, there are some tricks you can use to get the job you want.
Proceed by Indirection
What you want is a face-to-face conversation with someone who can help you. But don’t think in terms of people who can offer you a job. You want to start with someone who will meet you and give you valuable information about a company or a particular kind of work. Most importantly, they will give you more contacts. Job seekers often waste time asking other people for a job instead of gathering information. So how do you get information?
• When you set up a meeting make it clear that you are interested only in information.
• Use friends, former co-workers, or networking groups to find contacts in the field in which you want to work. Then set up meetings at their offices, or offer to take them on a coffee break. People may be busy, but they are flattered if they know you want to get their analysis of their company or their field of work.
• Come right out and say what you hope to get from the meeting. You may say you're recommitting yourself to your career, or that you’re interested in widgets, and you know their company is the premier widget-maker, and you want to learn more about widget-making (or about marketing widgets, or about servicing widgets, etc.) Or you can say you’ve been away from the field for a few years, and want an insider’s take on what has changed.
• Once you set a meeting, read up on the person, the company, and on widget-making in general. You want to ask relevant questions and present yourself as professional and knowledgeable.
read more »A job search can be intimidating for even the most confident person. It's all the more daunting after an emotional set back like divorce.
Perhaps you want to start a whole new life direction for yourself. Or maybe you're re-entering the job market after a long absence.
Are your skills current? How you will handle an interview? How you will measure up against other job-seekers? Here's how to brush yourself off and make your job search pay off:
Fill in the blanks. Is there a gap in your resume staring you in the face? Find a way to fill it. Even if you weren't working outside the home, you still developed and maintained many skills that translate to the workplace. Present them in a way that shows off your strengths and demonstrates that you're qualified to handle ANYTHING that comes your way. Chances you did something that called for business skills. Did you:
These types of experience are just as important as those used in a paying job, so list them. If you haven't done any volunteer work, address the gap in your cover letter. Add a few sentences to say after being out of the workforce for several years to raise a family (certainly no small feat in itself!) you are ready and eager to return.
Get current. It may be time to hit the books. If you're looking for office work but your computer experience begins and ends with Solitaire, get busy and take some classes. Here's how you can get started:
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