Here are my answers to questions posted by firstwivesworld.com bloggers:
From Naomi Dunne: We've replaced the traditional lightbulbs in our living room with CFLs and now the place is so white it looks like an office and not exactly romantic. Can you suggest some ways to warm up the space?
Naomi: It's true CFL bulbs do help lower your electric costs and are good for the environment but, at the cost of harsh, non-flattering, cold light. To combat this very cool white light, you must choose a color for the walls that absorb that cool light and refracts more warm toned light. One solution is to repaint your walls. If that's not possible, a very simple solution is to place a scarf in a warmer tone over the lamp to mask the harsh light and soften the tone in the room. Another way is to change the lamp shades to a warmer-hued fabric. If you can't find one ready-made, custom is the next option to explore.
From Megan Thomas: If I move out and into an apartment, my kids will go from having their own rooms to sharing one. What is the best way to decorate a room that a toddler boy and pre-school girl have to share?
Megan: A very simple way is to divide the room into two sides. For example one blue and one pink, to use an obvious color choice. If each child has their own bed, in this case you can decorate each side in the child's preference to make them feel the space is their own. Then try to incorporate decorative items in both colors on the opposite color side too unify the room. This is a fun and easy solution. Making a child feel at home in their own room is a challenging aspect of divorce but it can be done.
From Julie Savard: I have a beautiful sun porch, but my front door opens into it. During the winter when the air is cold, that sends a blast of frigid air into my porch. How can I minimize the drafts and rush of icy air and still enjoy my sunny little corner?
Julie: Sun porches are
so special, but problematic. A very simple design solution, to your
problem is to have custom drapery hardware made to enclose the space.
Then, select a fabric that enhances your décor and have draperies
made to minimize cold air flow. This is a solution many restaurants
use in the winter. It can be installed temporarily during the cold,
winter months and removed during warmer time of the year. If this isn't in your budget, use a curved shower curtain rod and ready-made draperies. This
is a removable remedy that is very reasonably priced.
Question: What do you think is the singlemost important investment I can make to change my post-divorce house?
Besides the
interior design elements of high quality rugs, antique furniture
and a high-end paint job that will last for years, the singlemost important
investment everyone needs to retain their home's value is to always
maintain their home. Take an active interest in your home. Understand
what repairs need to be done, when and how. Learn about the internal
systems (heating, cooling, plumbing) and stick to a regular schedule of upkeep. Also keep accurate
records for your taxes. A well-maintained home is a more valuable home.
Question: I want to make my bedroom "man-friendly" as I start to date again. What are the most important things I can do to change the bedroom?
That sometimes can be a difficult task. Being true to yourself might mean pink ribbons and lace or black leather and fur. Most men would be more comfortable with the latter but as long as you are confident in yourself and your style, any man you bring to your bedroom should be more interested in you, thea your interior design choices. Of course, a beautiful room enhances the mood for a very romantic encounter so take the time to decide what choices make you happy and trust your choices.