After I did Debbie's exercise on Releasing Anger and felt so good about it, I decided she was on to something. I wish she was here earlier!
I decided to give the rest of them a shot. So I did her exercise on forgiveness, which basically goes like this:
Get a picture of your ex — c'mon, you know we all have them somewhere.
Look at it, and think about the "gifts" he's given you — what you've taken away from the relationship, what you've learned. That kind of thing. Write those things down — on the picture.
OK, so I busted out big picture of Levi. On sight, I wanted to throw up, thinking "there's a gift he's given me, a giant freaking ulcer."
I put his picture on my lap and looked at him. What has this man given me? That's a hard question to ask yourself. Instantly I thought of my son, that's the obvious one. Then I thought:
Strength. Power. Faith.
Levi leaving me the way that he did opened my eyes to a new me. I am strong beyond my wildest beliefs. I never would have imagined myself as someone who could have done everything I've done. That strength gives me confidence, and power, and control.
I know now that I don't need a man — that's a wonderful feeling.
Once I realized this, there was no stopping me! I really have learned so much from this and that's something to be grateful for.
So there you are looking at this picture of your ex with positive things he's given you written all over his face — or I guess wherever you choose — and suddenly, he starts looking a little bit better. Maybe even a little bit forgivable.
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