If you are a divorced single Mother one of the biggest challenges you will face is the issue of childcare. Whether you are a working mother with multiple young children or a stay at home mom who needs a hand, you are probably asking the question "How can I go about finding quality childcare"?

There are several options, however the two most common methods would be using a placement Agency, or using an online resource.

Using a placement Agency has many advantages, for instance, if money is not an issue one should do the research and consider a good reputable Agency. An Agency simply does all the work involved in vigorously screening candidates before they are presented to a prospective employer, providing clients with support, trial and guarantee periods. In addition, the Agency runs all the necessary background checks involved. Agency Fee's are usually based on a percentage of the employee's annual salary which is usually several thousand dollars. This can be a tremendous disadvantage for a divorced Mother on a fixed budget!

Using an online service offers advantages too at a fraction of the cost. Of course, you must do all the screening, interviewing, emailing, phone calling and background checks yourself. However, the nice thing is that this can all be done in the convenience of your home or office at anytime, during or after business hours. You have the control as opposed to having to go through or reach an Agency representative.

As a nanny expert in the field I suggest that you evaluate your situation (i.e., finances, and time frame) If you have the luxury of using both methods you should do so. Remember, these are your children!

If you choose to work with an Agency get a referral and do the research. If you choose to use an online service do the same, and select a user friendly site that provides families with important tools needed in conducting a search from start to finish. Check out www.NannyKingdom.com

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