In the second of a two part segment, Debbie continues to pick the brain of Tony Dilluvio in an attempt to unearth the differences between men and women.
Don't know what to do with that collection of pre-divorce photographs? Marilyn Heywood Paige shows Debbie that there can be therapeutic value to scrap booking. Find out how this art form can...
Do you think its time for you to turn over a new leaf? Embracing ways to improve yourself and the world around you can be a liberating experience for anyone who has been affected by divorce....
Are you considering plastic surgery? Divorce can lead to a desire for self-improvement and an increasing number of people are exploring the option of going under the knife. Listen as Debbie...
The wrong relationship can make you feel even lonelier than if you were on your own. Following a divorce, however, it can be initially challenging to embrace the freedom and independence that...
Nearly one third of all married women make more money than their spouses. As the financial gender gap continues to narrow, an increasing number of women involved in a divorce must confront the...
Sure, the Brady Bunch made Christmas and Thanksgiving look fun, but navigating blended family get-togethers in the real world is more like an episode of Law & Order: Dysfunctional Family Unit....
Has a new marriage suddenly thrown step-siblings into the already frenzied mix of your blended family? If so, you’re likely to have your hands full: Managing a bigger family, warding off...
If your Ex has remarried and you share custody of your kids, you’ll have to speak with your Ex’s new wife (aka “the step-mom”) sooner or later. So why not do it right — right from the...