Step One: Take 1 part husband (um, make that an "EX". Can also substitute with a hubby part deux and insta-family. May save time, but not effort!)
Step Two: Add 2 parts mom (You plus "HER" aka step/bonus/ex-wife - whichever you prefer)
Step Three: 1 to 3 parts children (whatever combo you created is fine). Some people enjoy adding a "HALF" or "STEP" for extra spice.
Step Four: Add equal parts resentment, anger, and a dash of misunderstanding. Be sure to reserve a pinch of hope and splash of compassion for later (for the sweet frosting).
Step Five: While most of us would automatically hit the frappe or whip button, it is recommended to try to gently "fold" or "blend". Bruising of the child components can easily occur and, before you know it, you will have the consistency of runny eggs.
If you have accidentally mashed or ground, all is not lost. Take a moment and check out the tips from our panel of experts on how to blend families. They're here all month to provide their own unique recipes for success. Hey, not all of us can be Carol Brady.
Step Six: Bake until golden brown... Then Enjoy!