Startsyou on the journey from playdough to real dough. Shows you how to assess your career options, prepare for aninterview and market yourself so that you can find a new and exciting career
book suggested by BlueBerryHill
It's about time management. By David Allen, this book is the most useful book I've ever read, hands down. Click here for more on the bok and here, to Allen's Website for more information.
book suggested by ComputerKathy
This is a wonderful, creative, workbook filled with great exercises to help you "find yourself" and move on in a better direction. I still love this book!
book suggested by BrightEyes
Oprah read this book and said, "The process is life changing". The authors reach right into your closet and help you pull out the perfect you. Discover that what you wear can be a catalyst for the way you relate to the world, discover and express your fullest, most powerful self.
book suggested by GoingOut
How many of you out there feel like you can never quite get organized? I'm sure most people feel that way. This book has everything you need to get organized for success and sanity at home, on the run and in the office.
book suggested by CaDee
Helps you
find the right entrepreneurial fit – options that go beyond starting a venture
to include buying an independent business or franchise, joining or consulting
for small businesses, or working with partners.
book suggested by Jen2840
Read the proven advice and inspiring anecdotes from senior executive, industry experts, and women just like you to help you make smart career choices and thrive at a job you love. You’ll learn:· The business etiquette rules every woman must learn to get ahead· Keys for making your networking contacts work for you· How to toot your own horn-without blowing it· Tips for coping with life’s curveballs…while keeping your career on track· The secrets to enjoying your success once you’ve achieved it!
book suggested by AmyB
Offers the roadmap to women’s dreams by guiding them through the creation and implementation of personal strategic plan using easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions
book suggested by Beckbell
Fourteen of America’s leading experts share proven principles, ideas and strategies!
book suggested by JJBSales