Do you think its time for you to turn over a new leaf? Embracing ways to improve yourself and the world around you can be a liberating experience for anyone who has been affected by divorce....
Are you considering plastic surgery? Divorce can lead to a desire for self-improvement and an increasing number of people are exploring the option of going under the knife. Listen as Debbie...
Are you hesitant or afraid to say no? Most women fail to use the one word that frees them, honors them, earns them respect and gets them what they want. It’s a word too many of us think of as...
Are you finding it difficult to imagine yourself engaging in an intimate relationship after your divorce? Listen in as Relationship Expert Pepper Schwartz explains to Debbie the importance of...
Debbie talks with Debra Mazda ME.d, about getting fit and fabulous — the importance of exercise after divorce. Debra is a motivational speaker, personal trainer, and nutritionist who used to...
A Guy/Girl is a woman who needs to take on the responsibilities of both a woman and a man in the same day, in the same body, in the same household. This is challenging and at any given moment can cause you to either weep like a woman or curse like a man...or do both simultaneously which always makes for a great scene.
Plan on having a split personality in every minute of the day:
happy — sad
thrilled — miserable
hopeful — hopeless
motivated — mopey
scared — in control
Expect the volume on the above to pump up when you are hormonal.
You will get everything done that needs to be done or everybody who needs you. That's what women do somehow. This new lifestyle will have you doing double duty all day long and if you haven't already figured it out for yourself, it's exhausting...often overwhelming which brings me back to the weeping and the cursing part. This can be expected. There is actually a bright ending to this column — keep reading.
You will try and make more money and then have to chop it up in so many more ways that you will never have enough left to buy yourself anything. When you spend money it will be for things you need and for other people who need things more than you.
You will say yes to more obligations out of guilt than you ever imagined.
You will be solely in charge of wiping the counter...and then wiping a tear.
You will dress like a lady for an event then open your own car door.
You will ask directions and drive yourself.
You will hit the wrong button on the remote and then try for hours to get the picture back on by yourself.
You will have to handle things you never handled before.
And yes, you will get very good at all of this. You will become extremely capable of just about anything you put your mind to. After this, you will be capable of more than you ever realized.
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