What if your life, as it is right now, is perfectly designed to support you in moving to the next and greatest expression of yourself?
What if everything happening at this moment is perfect for you, and will deliver you the life of your dreams?
What if there are no accidents and no coincidences?
Looking through those eyes, would you feel any differently about your divorce?
The first of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Divorce, the Law of Acceptance, asks us to stand in just that place — everything is as it should be.
Most of us spend most of our lives wishing that people, places and things were different. We get caught up in an internal struggle against what is and, as a result, we live lives filled with fear, pain, and hopelessness. We get wrapped up in the drama, the story, the interpretations of the events and circumstances that surround our divorce.
Instead of getting attached to our version of events, reinforcing our storyline, feeding the drama of our circumstances, what if we accepted that there is more going on than we know?
In Spiritual Divorce, Debbie Ford writes about how, as a young adult, she suffered deeply from her parents’ divorce. Even after years of therapy, she couldn’t let go of the sadness, and she could see no reason for having to go through so much pain and loss.
Now, of course, from this vantage point, she’s able to see that the divorce in her family and her own divorce were necessary parts of her journey.
Your divorce holds lessons, wisdom, and gifts that will propel you to uncharted, unimagined territory — a life truly beyond your wildest dreams. The first step to getting there is to practice acceptance, to acknowledge what is true in your life with no story, no blame, and no drama.
Practicing acceptance, even of the worst circumstances, is a powerful life-changing tool that will shift a moment of suffering into a moment of peace.
By stepping outside of our personal expectations, judgments, and stories, we gain access to the many possibilities that exist for us in the universe, and find the path that leads us to our destiny.