How to Catch a Cheating Husband

How to Catch a Cheating Husband

Posted to by Jill Brooke on Thu, 06/18/2009 - 1:52pm

Is hubby suddenly logging on to and talking about the good old days when he was a high school basketball star? Perhaps he’s taking up running, or he’s running to the gym to work on his abs and pecs?

Is he donning black leather jackets instead of Brooks Brothers? Is he spending more time in the bathroom than you do, and using more products?

Hmmm. He may be going through a mid-life crisis, but more likely he's doing the hanky panky with someone else.

The American psychic Edward Cayce said that intuition is knowledge from an unknown source that is usually true. As we all know, a woman's intuition is usually spot-on — especially when it comes to whether her guy is straying. However, the desire to avoid divorce puts us in a state of denial.

But, girlfriends, better to know the truth. That way you can come from a position of power in confronting the problem and solving it. With your interests in mind, we asked Danine Manette, the author of Ultimate Betrayal: Recognizing, Uncovering and Dealing with Infidelity, what 15 signs to look for if you suspect your mate is making out with someone else.

  1. Do his friends' wives give you a pitiful, sympathetic look without saying anything?
  2. Does he work more overtime, but still never have any money?
  3. Does your mate have some new activity that occurs on the same night every week, and to which you are not invited?
  4. Does he answer you promptly when you ask where he's been or does he hesitate before replying?
  5. Has he suddenly begun carrying gum or breath mints?
  6. Is he experiencing a sudden unexplained interest in changing his hairstyle and general appearance?
  7. Has he started leaving his cell phone in his car at night, “to charge”?
  8. If he answers the telephone in front of you, does he quickly leave the room and speak in hushed tones? Or just mumble and give cryptic answers?
  9. Does he hang up the telephone or switch computer screens as soon as you walk into the room? Has he taken up text messaging, or spending hours on his Blackberry when there’s no work to be done?
  10. Has he recently changed his computer password or changed email for no apparent reason?
  11. Has he begun to pick petty fights with you, after which he storms out of the house, remaining away for extended periods of time
  12. Do his friends cheat on their wives?
  13. Do you have to adjust the passenger seat in his car when you get in?
  14. Does he suddenly seem uninterested in sex or conversely is he suddenly interested in experimenting with new sexual techniques?
  15. Have photos of you in his den or office disappeared?

If some of these scenarios apply to you, I think you get the picture. If you are suspicious, you can also check wallets, especially between credit cards and behind photos; you can look in coat pockets, pants pockets, gym bags, briefcases; and you can examine cell phone bills, credit card bills and bank statements.

If you're looking to become an even better sleuth, there's also surveillance software, like Blazing Tools or Waresight Keylogger, which allow you to monitor what’s happening on his computer, including web sites he visits and his emails.

Manette, who is a criminal investigator, also suggests using the reverse telephone directory to find out sources of mysterious phone numbers, and Phone Bust, which for a small fee provides info on the calls someone made.

Once you’ve gathered enough to feel you have the evidence you need, you need to confront your guy, but you must not rant and rave. You should present what you’ve found in a calm way. Say that obviously there is a problem and ask what will he do to correct it.

If he's willing to go to marriage counseling and end the affair, consider it an opportunity to work on your relationship. If he doesn't want to repair the relationship, you're better off heading to a divorce lawyer.

The world is a big place and full of people who will appreciate you. Remember, never love someone who doesn't love you back.

You deserve better than that: you're the catch.


Related Content:

When To Hire A Private Investigator To Catch A Cheating Husband — a video interview with private investigator, Jerry Palace.

7 Signs Your Husband Is Cheating, by Christina Rowe, author of "Seven Secrets to a Successful Divorce — What Every Woman Needs to Know"

3 Financial Clues That He's Looking for a Divorce — a video interview with Financial Expert, Lili Vasilef


Be Proactive: Get Away From the Toxic

@guest 11234-I am sorry to hear that but am glad that you have moved on. I here too many of these stories, that is why I got into the business I am into now and agree with this article. I have heard of many stories of people living with that sort of suspicion in their lives and it eats them alive from the inside, and they are not even the ones doing something wrong. Not to mention the cheater usually becomes defensive because (whether they realize it or not) they are living with the guilt of their actions. It all combines to create a toxic situation, its unhealthy for the person and the relationship. It may hurt, but you owe it yourself to find out what is going on and get away from that situation as fast as you can, spy equipment, or whatever it takes. The longer it continues, the longer you have to deal with the pain of suspicion and the more its going to hurt in the end.

Then you have the people that are the cancer of our society trying to preach the fact that it is more wrong for someone to to find out the truth of their situation than the ones that lie, cheat, and devastate someone else s life out of complete selfish motives (like just getting laid, ahem, scott). That is what they are, plain and simple, selfish motives. Grow up, be a real man and grow a pair. Being a real man is dealing with situations of life that are hard, not being a boy and taking the easy road just to get laid only to place the blame on someone else.



I can definitely relate during my 6 year marriage my husband cheated on me and to this day denies it. He would always have some business he had to take care of and when I called him and Ask him where Are u he would yell, scream and call me stupid and retarded. I just loved him do much I didn't want to believe it and he also beat me the whole time but now I finally have the courage to leave now I am happy he is gone.

Doesn't always work that way

You're quoting a "psychic"? What??!!!! That's ruined the credibility of this article straight away. There is no such thing as a "psychic" - they are all frauds. If you find a real one, send him to James Randi for testing. Anyhoo - if I discovered a keylogger on my PC I'd go to the police. If, as a result, I discovered that my wife installed it because she thought I was cheating, the marriage would be dead anyway, cheating or not. I wouldn't tolerate being spied on. If you women want to put your men under surveillance, remember this - you can be caught out, and you'll end up losing anyway. Thirdly, there are very few red-blooded males on this planet who would refuse no-strings sex from an extremely attractive female. You can deny this to yourselves and go ask your husbands who will no doubt say "no honey, you're the only one for me", but you know in your heart it is true.


I sure hope ur single. If not then u should be, men like u do not deserve to be married! You deserve to be with as many prostitutes as u can be with until your D*** fallls off!!!

Scott, there are far more

Scott, there are far more than just "very few red-blooded males" who will refuse sex from a woman other than the one with whom they are in a relationship. They're the ones who are actually mature, realize the true worth of what they have, and are unwilling to compromise it for a short term feeling. Sure, many taken men and women will fantasize, check out someone attractive, watch porn, or whatever, but they don't all act on it. If a woman in a marriage has serious reason to believe that her husband is cheating, as someone who has invested a lot of emotion, time, and many other things into the relationship, she has every right to find out the truth. As would a husband! You may not tolerate being spied on but no self-respecting woman will tolerate you whipping out your junk for the first attractive woman that shows some interest in you. That's utterly disgusting.

Spot on!!! It's like this

Spot on!!! It's like this was taken from a manual that these men pass around entitled "How to Cheat on Your Wife". In the two years before my separation, all of these signs were there - but I was in denial and just didn't want to believe it could happen to me. I love what you said because it's such an important reminder: ". . .never love someone who doesn't love you back". I can't believe that those years were wasted on such a horrible man. Just remember, good men are out there, even for those of us who are over 50 years old!! My social life has never been better! KEEP THE FAITH LADIES!!!

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