Christina Rowe
Christina Rowe

Author of Seven Secrets to a Successful Divorce — What Every Woman Needs to Know and an international authority on women and divorce, Christina Rowe learned the hard way about the perils of divorce. She was a happily married woman with four children when Christina caught her husband cheating. And her life spiraled out of control.
Catching her husband cheating was only the beginning of her nightmare. Divorce proceedings plunged her into a private hell of corrupt lawyers, ugly conflicts with in-laws, financial problems that threatened her four children and a stubborn and volatile deadbeat ex.
Eventually Christina's life got better. She made it through the storm. In her book, Christina reveals the secrets she learned. She shares her story and gives practical tips and on how to triumph during the divorce process. Read a free chapter of the book at her website,
She champions a new women's movement, providing psychological, legal, and spiritual support for women who face the transitional process of divorce. She is a respected and sought after media guest who has appeared on The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet, CBS 4 Miami, Fox 29 in W. Palm Beach, WXEL TV in Boynton Beach and was featured in South Florida's Sun Sentinel and Palm Beach Post. Christina has been a guest on many radio shows across the U.S. She is also an editorial contributor to No Strings Attached E News.
Christina is the co-producer of The Largest Divorce Party in the U.S. and Divorce Survival Camp Seminars, soon to be produced around the country. Her goal is to teach women the survival skills they must know to have a positive divorce experience.