House and Home - Experts and Resources

Creating Two Post-Divorce Homes for Your Children

Posted to by Scott Haltzman MD on Thu, 01/31/2013 - 9:15am

Consider all the hoopla around weddings. Your family and friends surround you and pronounce, through their words and deeds, that they stand by your side during this life-changing experience. The band or DJ plays your favorite tune as you and your husband sway together wrapped in each other's arms. It's a great moment in your life.

Yet when you choose to make an equally life-changing experience to end your marriage, there are no rented dance halls, elaborate floral arrangements or three-layered cakes. And, more importantly, there is often no support around you for the decision that you make. There are many reasons to decide to leave a marriage, just as there are many reasons to start one. The problem is, you don't have nearly so much explaining to do when you are putting the ring on as you do when you are permanently taking the ring off. Many couples I talk to say that they feel pressure from family and friends to stay together in the marriage for one prevailing reason: the children.


Cost Saving Tips To Zip Up Your House For The Winter

Zip your pocketbook shut!

Posted to by First Wives World on Sat, 12/08/2012 - 12:40pm

Anyone living north of the 36th latitude (Virginia) is going to have to deal with cold nights and big heating bills. I have to heat my house in the winter even in Miami, and folks in the desert Southwest have to pour on the heat for those nippy nights.

It would be handy to have a guy around to do all those handyman things, but if you’re going through divorce, and still living in the drafty family home, you’re going to have to do them yourself. And you can really save money this way.


Don't Diss Your Ex In Front of the Kids

Mom, I'm All Ears!

Posted to by Amanda Lamb on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 10:17am

Kids have bionic ears — seriously, they do. When you're in the car, radio blaring, windows open, talking on the cell phone they pick up on the tiniest little piece of information and then disseminate it at the worst possible time in order to destroy you. They wait until it will have do the greatest amount of damage.

"Mommy, Uncle Joe is having a baby and he's not married," my daughter announced to my friends recently at a baby shower.

They are small terrorists — ready to strike when they know you are the most vulnerable.

"Mommy, didn't you wear that to bed?" My daughter said within earshot of her teacher as I pulled up in the afternoon carpool line.

So, if you should be so foolish as to talk junk about your ex, expect the worst.

"Daddy, Mommy said you were stupid and that you left her for a slut," you're little darling will say to her father. And this my friends will end up on the table in family court — a table that needs to be squeaky clean in order for you to achieve your objectives.


Separation Redecoration

3 ways to transform your space post-divorce

Posted to by Gregory Allan Cramer on Fri, 08/03/2012 - 9:21am

Hi... my name is Gregory Allan Cramer and I'm an interior designer. My job is to help people realize their visions, bringing them to life through design. Helping divorced clients reinvent themselves is a special talent. Of course listening is one of the key components. After careful consideration of the decorating options and once the practical discussions are over, that's when the real fun starts — shopping!

Starting over is hard enough, but when faced with an obstacle like divorce, a person can become very overwhelmed. People who try to tackle too many problems and projects at the same time tend not to get much done except think about all they have to do. I suffer from the same problem except I'm not getting divorced — I'm just trying to do too many projects at the same time!

Hiring an interior design professional is a step forward in starting your new post-divorce life. Having someone you can trust and confide in to make your home a sanctuary, a place to feel safe and relax in, will help you start the recovery process.


Dirty Divorce Tricks, Part 1

Covert operations to uncover your partner's secrets

Posted to by Marilyn Stowe on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 8:04am

For certain people, divorce — or even the thought of divorce — brings their very worst qualities to the fore.

Divorce is an emotional rollercoaster. When people are really hurting, particularly if they have been “swapped” for somebody else, self-preservation becomes all-important. But for some, such a state of mind leads to all-consuming hatred, malice and a desire for vengeance.

After 25 years as a divorce solicitor, nothing surprises me anymore. Drawing upon my own experiences — some of them eye-opening — I have compiled a countdown of the top ten dirty divorce tricks.


10 Ways to Redecorate After Divorce

Posted to by Gregory Allan Cramer on Wed, 04/25/2012 - 7:54am

One of my dearest clients and her husband are in the midst of a nasty separation, which is leading to an even nastier divorce. At this juncture they are in a furniture battle, throwing things across the room. Yes, like "War of the Roses."

She is devastated. I tried to console her as best I could, but to no avail. Finally, I had a better idea: Let's go shopping. With that, the twinkle came back into her eyes.

I felt she needed antique lighting to properly illuminate her new loft. So we rode up to Stamford, CT to The Hiden Galleries. These types of antique galleries are great resources. Everything is in one location, from lighting to rugs to sofas. It was instant retail therapy. We found many little treasures to help jumpstart her new life in the new apartment.

Don't forget that small changes can make a dramatic difference to the way you feel. Everyone has a different idea about interior design. My own belief has always been to make my clients feel comfortable, and at home in their own space, regardless of the size or the budget.


Will a Bank Lend You Money to Buy a Home Post-Divorce?

Posted to by Randy Morrow on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 9:48am

Often times in the case of a separation or divorce, one of the main topics of discussion will be what are we going to do with the house, and where will I live after? Will you buy a new home or rent? As a mortgage lender we often see people putting the cart before the horse. This means looking for a new home or selling the old one before determining what you can borrow to buy the next home.  It is important to get your ducks in a row with your finances. That includes researching your borrowing ability so you can determine if buying a new home or refinancing the current home is feasible and in your best interest.