7 Signs Your Husband is Cheating

7 Signs Your Husband is Cheating

Extramartial affairs are consistently cited as one of the top reasons women file for divorce. Affairs are a stunning betrayal of the heart, and the pain can cut through you like a knife. Trust me, though — if you choose to, you can learn from the experience, and grow to become a more mature, independent woman.
Sometimes the most difficult lessons in life are the ones that force us to break out of our box and make a decision. You can either learn from the pain or you can be destroyed by it. Everything depends on where your thoughts are — control what you think about and you will control your life.
Here are 7 Common Signs Your Husband is Cheating:
1. Is your husband paying more attention to his appearance? Is he wearing new clothes, using cologne, and making sure his hair is combed? If this is not his normal behavior, then this could be a huge sign your husband is having an affair.
2. Is he critical of you? Has he been picking fights lately? This is another big sign. My ex was very cranky around the time he was cheating and I couldn't understand why he was so angry with me. I remember one night he got dressed, put on his shoes and brushed his teeth. I thought this was odd because it was late and it looked like he was going somewhere. Instead he sat on the couch. As I was finishing something on the computer, he yelled: "So you're not going to spend any time with me? Fine, I'm, going to my friend's house." And he got up and left. I realized later that he was purposely picking a fight so he could have an excuse to leave the house. His "friend" was, of course, his lover.
3. Watch out if he is suddenly too nice to you. If this is not his normal behavior, then he could be trying to assuage his own pangs of guilt.
4. He doesn't want you using his cell phone. This is how my divorce began. My ex twisted my arm when I wouldn't give him back his cell phone. He knew that I would discover the calls to his lover. Ask your husband if you can use his cell. Watch his reaction.
5. Is he staying up late surfing the Web until the wee hours of the night? He may be having cybersex, looking at pornography, or instant-messaging his lover. If you're computer savvy, you can find out where your husband has been on the Internet (most internet browsers have a "history" function that will show every page visited over a certain period. If this list has been "cleared" recently, that could be another sign). There are also programs you can install on your computer to monitor activity and find out what is really going on.
6. Does your husband have a newfound interest in hanging out with "the guys"? Did he just start a new hobby or join the gym? Is he gone certain evenings of the week? You may want to discreetly follow him one evening and see where he is really going, or use a GPS tracker. My ex started hanging out with one of his buddies several times a week. This is the same buddy he used to see only once every few months. It became obvious later that this "buddy" was his girlfriend.
7. Is he no longer interested in having sex? Did he always want to be with you in the past, but now has little interest? This is another huge sign. Sometimes, though, it can be the opposite: The guilty husband syndrome. He may want to be intimate with you even though he is getting it somewhere else too! I coached a woman who found out that her husband was cheating the morning after he made love to her. Apparently, he had been intimate with his mistress the day before too!
Related Content:
When To Hire A Private Investigator To Catch A Cheating Husband — a video interview with private investigator, Jerry Palace
Infidelity, A Type of Domestic Abuse, by certified Divorce Coach, Cathy Meyer
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#4 is correct
my boyfriend does not have
Is it me? Or did he find someone new?
cheating spouse?
I think my husband might be cheating
7 Signs - LOL, I will give ya one
I found out about a month ago
Dont no how much i can take!
Get The He** Away from that Man!!
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Yes you are a sick monster
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It could be your fault. 1.
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men suck
Re- men suck
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My husband is loving and a cheater
bull shit( my husband is loving and cheating)
bull shit
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Is he too friendly or is he really cheating??
He might be both.. find out! When I was there I found the truth!
In case you want to look them up!
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Sick of being accused.
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