7 Signs Your Husband is Cheating

7 Signs Your Husband is Cheating

Posted to by Christina Rowe on Fri, 02/13/2009 - 9:12am

Extramartial affairs are consistently cited as one of the top reasons women file for divorce. Affairs are a stunning betrayal of the heart, and the pain can cut through you like a knife. Trust me, though — if you choose to, you can learn from the experience, and grow to become a more mature, independent woman.

Sometimes the most difficult lessons in life are the ones that force us to break out of our box and make a decision. You can either learn from the pain or you can be destroyed by it. Everything depends on where your thoughts are — control what you think about and you will control your life.

Here are 7 Common Signs Your Husband is Cheating:

1. Is your husband paying more attention to his appearance? Is he wearing new clothes, using cologne, and making sure his hair is combed? If this is not his normal behavior, then this could be a huge sign your husband is having an affair.

2. Is he critical of you? Has he been picking fights lately? This is another big sign. My ex was very cranky around the time he was cheating and I couldn't understand why he was so angry with me. I remember one night he got dressed, put on his shoes and brushed his teeth. I thought this was odd because it was late and it looked like he was going somewhere. Instead he sat on the couch. As I was finishing something on the computer, he yelled: "So you're not going to spend any time with me? Fine, I'm, going to my friend's house." And he got up and left. I realized later that he was purposely picking a fight so he could have an excuse to leave the house. His "friend" was, of course, his lover.

3. Watch out if he is suddenly too nice to you. If this is not his normal behavior, then he could be trying to assuage his own pangs of guilt.

4. He doesn't want you using his cell phone. This is how my divorce began. My ex twisted my arm when I wouldn't give him back his cell phone. He knew that I would discover the calls to his lover. Ask your husband if you can use his cell. Watch his reaction.

5. Is he staying up late surfing the Web until the wee hours of the night? He may be having cybersex, looking at pornography, or instant-messaging his lover. If you're computer savvy, you can find out where your husband has been on the Internet (most internet browsers have a "history" function that will show every page visited over a certain period.  If this list has been "cleared" recently, that could be another sign). There are also programs you can install on your computer to monitor activity and find out what is really going on.

6. Does your husband have a newfound interest in hanging out with "the guys"? Did he just start a new hobby or join the gym? Is he gone certain evenings of the week? You may want to discreetly follow him one evening and see where he is really going, or use a GPS tracker. My ex started hanging out with one of his buddies several times a week. This is the same buddy he used to see only once every few months. It became obvious later that this "buddy" was his girlfriend.

7. Is he no longer interested in having sex? Did he always want to be with you in the past, but now has little interest? This is another huge sign. Sometimes, though, it can be the opposite: The guilty husband syndrome. He may want to be intimate with you even though he is getting it somewhere else too! I coached a woman who found out that her husband was cheating the morning after he made love to her. Apparently, he had been intimate with his mistress the day before too!


Related Content:

When To Hire A Private Investigator To Catch A Cheating Husband — a video interview with private investigator, Jerry Palace

Infidelity, A Type of Domestic Abuse, by certified Divorce Coach, Cathy Meyer

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#4 is correct

considering i'm guilty of the crime, i can say the one weakness that women have is being nieve or not following intuition. The appearance thing, .... you learn, if your cautious, what things will give you away. If your smart, you have to be aware of things constantly and always be aware of your surroundings. For everything I did, I had a legitimate acceptable excuse for it. When it becomes habit, you feel confident that your smarter than your mate. That's when you leave the door open for the unexpected. I was very good at thinking on my feet and not looking or acting guilty but there were times where I let my guard down and got caught. It's knowing when and where to challenge the lie that is key. If you suspect something, do try and let him mess up and get comfortable with thinking he has fooled you. A smart person won't do the same things over and over and will usually cover his tracks pretty good. Aside from what ever you think and know and what you have read on how to find the signs of someone cheating, the cell phone is usually the one thing that will bring a man down. if you want to be smart, learn his phone. Learn about the software and what capabilities he has on it. Learn where to find the history of browsers, the software and where or how to hide things on the phone. check the phone records for text or media messages. All messengers will use data more than likely and even though all internet is combined as media, you can still find patterns in the time stamps. it's not proof but it can show unique data patterns. asking to use the phone is one thing, if you know for sure and want proof, your gonna need time to look through the phone. personally, i would encourage someone to put on a well scripted play to do it. act like something is wrong with your friend on the phone, go so far as to act like yours has died and you need to use his because it's an emergency. take off with it like you have to go help someone and you'll be right back. that's when you will have the time to look through the phone. you don't have to go to that extreme but in my case it would have worked and I would have been had. i would have been a nervous wreck as well. Only because I don't text or use a messenger so just asking for my phone to take a quick look wasn't gonna show much. If she knew where and how to look through the software, I would have been screwed. taking off with it would have been the only way. I considered myself smart and I pulled it off for a long time but the stress and constant attention to detail was very stressful and took its toll. The mind games were a daily routine and it began to unravel to the point where I just chose to come clean and except the consequences. i could probably write the perfect guide on how to not get caught but it was dishonest to have an affair and i wouldn't promote how to do it better.

my boyfriend does not have

my boyfriend does not have any affection for me,we once had sex last year on august,does this mean he is cheating?he has diabetice.

Is it me? Or did he find someone new?

I have been dating my boyfriend for slightly over three years. We have lived together for almost 2 years and have two cats. In the first year of our relationship, he always would text me cute messages, complement me, give me massages, flirted nonstop with me, always wanted to do things together, and always wanted to have sex (3 to 4 times a day). However, we did go through a rough patch and he had a one night stand. He denied it all at first, until I saw his call list and the night he went missing, there was a call to a guy late that night. I took down the number and called it to find out it was a female. I also deleted her number from his phone when I found it. I confronted him after I confirmed he cheated and he told me that I would not stay with him if he told me everything that happened. He did and I backed away a bit, but he put much effort into getting me back, and considering we were on the edge when it happened, I decided to give him a second and last chance. My feelings for him were too strong to walk away and not see where we would end up. When I first moved in with him, we had a roommate(his best friend). It was a mistake on my part because living with two guys, one you are not dating, and having to clean up after them is a lot to handle. Plus, he was always in the living room and I confined myself to our bedroom and bathroom. So we were constantly on top of each other, which caused arguments. Our sex lives were not the best, but it still happened. Within the year, his friend got into some trouble and decided to tell us the day rent was due, that he was moving out. I was happy that we would finally be alone, but it was bad timing. Within that same month, I lost my job because I reported a guy for sexual harassment (which my boyfriend urged me to do). I decided with him to talk to a lawyer and go after my old company. It settled out of court, but it caused a huge change in our relationship. I could not find any work, (still cannot in my field), and our sex lives are now demolished. I am lucky if he will sleep with me once a month. And yes, I do keep track. He also began criticizing me about everything, from the clothes I wear, how I put my makeup on, the hours I sleep, how he cannot stand that I cannot do anything by myself (I can, but I like to do things with him), how lazy I am, and how I do not do anything all day (which led me to stop cleaning the house on a daily basis and caused me to get very angry at him considering I tried to keep the house spotless with him and two cats). And the BIGGEST problem he has with me, is that I cannot pay any of the bills, because I do not have a job. From the time I moved in with him to the time my credit was completely used up, I paid all the bills using my credit cards because he was so behind on them. Therefore, I am still paying a substantial amount of money each month because of this. He does not understand this at all, that if he paid me back for the bills he begged me to pay, I would be able to give him money month to month for the bills. He has become so nasty towards me and treats me like I am a piece of crap. I try to stay clear of him because he never has anything nice to say. I asked him if he would ever stop hating me, and he told me he doesn't know and asked me if I will ever stop making him do things for me, like kill a spider, take the cat out of the room, hand me my face wash, and etc. He truly hates me for asking him to do anything at all. I believe this has something to do with a girl at his job. When I went through my issue with the last company I worked for, he told me how he goes out of his way to make sure this girl doesn't feel like he was sexual harassing her. Still to this day, he swears he never said that, and I am still not sure what it even meant? Since the summer, he begun getting friendly with her. From what he tells me, he only sees her on cigarette breaks or during lunch at the office. However, from what I saw on the phone bill weeks ago compared to his phone, he has been deleting messages. When I asked him about it, he didn't have anything to really say. In addition, he decided to go take her to the store recently with her son because she got into a car accident and needed a ride. He left work to help her out, and he didn't tell me about it until he came home. Almost 2 hours after he was suppose to get out of work. He told me this with a grin from ear to ear. And apparently her son's father happened to be at the same store and she had to tell my boyfriend to leave, because her baby's dad gets very jealous. I think this made my boyfriend even more intrigued. Now, he set up a password on his phone and has not shared it with me. I have a huge feeling he did so to hide his conversations with this girl. Considering, that I have no way of looking at them now. I do see on our bill that they have been texting like crazy and everytime I call him at work he is either too busy to talk or is not available. I have never met this girl, but going by the way he talks about her, she seems to be more than just his type. Any comments about this situation? Am I over reacting or over thinking? In addition, I just started as a waitress two days ago because he told me things would get better once I had a job, even if it was not what I went to college for. I asked him if he was okay with it before I went through the interview process and he said that if I didn't, he would leave me. Well, the first day I came home in my uniform, after feeling fat all day, he doesn't compliment me or tell me that I look sexy. Instead, I was told that the shorts were a little rediculous. Honestly, I am not very comfortable in them right now because I have gained about 10 pounds by not doing anything for months. I am still thin but not where I want to be. Is it a good if bad sign that he actually had something to say? I was honestly hoping that if he knew other guys would be talking to me all the time, that he would want to make sure I am satisfied with him and only him. I do not know if it will help, it hasn't yet. Can someone please offer some or any advice? I have never been this upset with my love life and I am at a lost on how to fix it? And I never heard of a guy not wanting sex or punishing his girlfriend by not having sex with her. I have been use to the opposite when it comes to sex and relationships. He has mentioned how he wants a future for us and to get married and have children... Not too long ago at all. Why does he treat me this way then? And why would he want me to ever question the way he feels about me? Thank you in advance for any feedback. I have been confused for quite some time.

cheating spouse?

same boat only im married. Now 4 the 1st time ever in r 5yrs of marriage & 7yrs of being 2gether suspecting husband of cheating. Picking fights with me n r 3 kids non stop, never a apoligy like b4, distantencing himself frm us (fam is r #1 prioty 2 us always has been n will b) very aggressive behavior towards us, coming home late, drinking alot more n alot more often than b4, wont put time on his phn, humualates me infront of every1 including r kids n makes me feel like the biggest pos on earth! Got 2 hve a life saving surgery done in a cple mnths n hes constantly throwing "if u ddnt hve 2 hve a 5grand surgery i wld hve my truck up n runing" in my face atleast once a day.. N ya sex, mnths go by with no intamicy @ all. Leaves me 2 wonder what happened 2 all the love n compassion he had 4 us not 2 long ago..if we r not getn it, WHO IS???!!!???

I think my husband might be cheating

I'm not sure but I think my husband might be cheating on me. He has this girl that messages him all day everyday and he says that she just a friend and they talk about sports because she's really into it and I'm not. I told him that's fine that he has a friend that's a female but since I don't know her or even met her I think it's disrespectful for them to be going on all day messaging each other about whatever when he's has me his wife. And she'll be messaging him while I'm tight next to him and he'll reply and he smiles and they send little smiley faces back and forth. He said he's not doing anything but I asked him to ask her server am times not to text him all late at night it at least past 10pm and he said he did but I easily don't think he did because it continues. Also when I'm at work he'll invite friends over witch is fine but he would never tell me he's having company over and when I call or message him asking him what he's doing he would never mention he had friends over but I work five min away from home so sometimes I would catch them leaving when I'm pulling up in front of my house. If he gets Invited to go out for drinks after work he won't tell me until I call his phone wondering where he is then he says that he really didn't want to go but then he comes home smelling like beer and late. I also want to add that he don't like when I go out with friends at night and if I do he wants me home st 12 or its an argument. I'm so confused I need an answer.

7 Signs - LOL, I will give ya one

The first sign your husband is cheating is to look at your self. Are you keeping in shape and giving him the most amazing sex he has had? Are you keeping things fresh and continuing to experiment and further your sexual relations? If not, then he is cheating. Look - a super deluxe cheeseburger with all the trimmings, side of fries and a good beer is a really great meal. Guys love that stuff. But a super deluxe cheeseburger with all the trimmings, side of fries and a good beer for breakfast, lunch and dinner, all day, every day, for the rest of your natural life... it gets OLD! So old that even a peanut butter and jelly sandwich looks good - your guy will jump on that in a heartbeat. We won't even talk about what happens if you let yourself go, get fat, get sloppy, plop out a few whining kids, and then a nice, tight, Fillet Mignon happen to fall into your mans lap. He is going to go down on that all day, every day and love it. If he is smart enough to use a variety of reasons - business travel, the guys, the gym, evening with co-workers, etc. and get his own phone and click the little box that says 'erase history when I exit' - you're never gonna suspect a thing. Just keep rolling along fat, dumb and happy! Sorry ladies, it's out there! be prepared.

I found out about a month ago

I found out about a month ago my boyfriend was having an affair. After getting caught and confessing to everything and begging me to return with him. Although, the phone calls have stopped. He has been having a pornographic affair. Is it because he's bored?

Dont no how much i can take!

My husband and I been married a little over year been together off and on since I was 13. He is my first love and lover. When we got back together in July 2009 it was better then ever I moved in with him after being together for 6 months the beatings started 3 months prior I found out he was cheating from a text he got on his phone at 4:30 am "had a great time today miss you baby" I flipped went after him with a knife and he kicked me out Threw me down the stairs mind u I have no where to go no family except a drug addict mother. I went to my mother house that night made sure I wrote the females (allison) # in my phone first I called her the next day she did not even know he had a girl and it turned out I grew up with her so we met up and talked she swore she would nvr speak to him again. That day he called me and asked to talk i agreed he cried and begged and pleaded for me to take him back and I did the beatings got worse he broke my nose with the arm rest of our car he punched and kicked me even chocked me till i almost passed out 7 months I got pregnant he kicked me out and told me if i dont abort it im nvr coming back so I did when I got bak almost 2 weeks later his son told me that his father had another "mommy" around him so I went on Facebook and pulled up allisons page he said thats her. When He got home i flipped and packed my bags he took me by my hair and dragged me out side in the freezing cold 20 degrees out with no jacket i stayed outside for 2 hours before he let me come back in he promised he would change. He did for a year he didnt hit me cheat on me it was perfect. I started working again I was the happiest i ever been. One day on my day off i went on the PS3 to go on facebook since my laptop had a virus i seen a email i nvr seen before so out of curiosity i put the Password he used for everything n it worked I found messages between him and allison saying is she at work so i can come over n fuk u baby i called the bitch she didnt answer so i went to her house n waited 5 hours for her to come out n told her if she ever talks to him again i will cut her into little pieces and dump her in the hudson river. When i got home he was waiting n beat the crap out of me he never talked to her again. N he never cheated again that I know of. I got pregant again in feb. This year i miscarried at 15 weeks and then i got pregnant again and miscarried last week he supported me and helpped me the whole time. Until I went out this new years eve and one of our friends cousins told me she was fuking him and showed me messages between them. She didnt know i was with him still he told her he left me and since he was away wit his family i had to wait 2 days for him to get home he swear he didnt fuk her but i know he did but i have know were to go and my 17 year old brother lives with me now Im stuck. So i decided im going back to school and getting agood job to leave him im only 21 years old I have my whole life ahead of me and im sick of him. I want to throw up when I look at him.

Get The He** Away from that Man!!

Girl, Men will do to you what you allow them to do. He has gotten away with so much from you that he knows nothing is gonna come of it and you will keep returning to him. Hold that Head High and get yourself out of that Mess. A Real Man will NOT Hit a Woman!! For God's sake don't bring a Child to Live in that Helter Skelter.. Wishing you the best in Life, but How you Live it is up to you..Donna

I'm a cheating man

Well I guess I'm the monster that destroys hearts and families just because my ego is so big I just feel I'm entitled to do so. I’m so self centered I became a serial killer of the heart. Let me let you guys in my particular circumstances. When I got married I did because I loved the woman I married, we had a wonderful beginning but right away we found out that she had a mental condition that placed me as the center of her aggressions. We found she is rapid cycling bi-polar and molested by her father from a very early age and this compounded by the fact that we were trying to integrate two families with two different ethnical backgrounds. She is white from Wisconsin and has two children from her first marriage and I’m Latino from Puerto Rico with also two children that I’m raising on my own. I know it sounds racist but think, her kids wanted mac & cheese at the same time that mime that mine wanted arroz con pollo. We have been somehow successful in the integration of the family, not completely. She still has not really accepted my younger son from my first marriage who is the one most affected in my first marriage. My first wife molested him. The both of us especially me have been the receptors of her frustration and her aggression over the years. There have been beautiful moments too but it always goes back to the arguments. She is cold with me, she tells me she loves me but there are no expressions of affection, no playing until I start and has to be me only the one that starts. We have discussed this issue and she says that she can’t for some reason initiate any kind of play with me even after all this time. Then I met my mistress. She is beautiful, loving, very hard working woman. I’m not blind I also see her handicaps. She didn’t finish her education, been married once, has been an exotic dancer in the past, has used drugs in the past and lost her four year old daughter in a car accident. She also says she loves me but she tells me she will do whatever she has to do to change her life and be with me. To my surprise I found she is. She is very loving as I mentioned, I have forgotten how it feels when she plays with my ears or she kisses me for no reason, or suddenly I feel her warm hands coming from behind me and hugging me. Sometimes we play just like teenagers. Imagine at my age, I’m 49 and I’m playing around with this beautiful blond like 2 teenagers in love. It is very hard, knowing that all I’m going to get out of my wife is an argument, not to run to my beautiful angel’s arms and get lost in her sweet love. I rather be with my wife. I know that if I end with my mistress her past is going to bother me enough to cause us problems. I rather be with the woman I married. I love her and I want to be able to love and play with her just as we did at the start of our relationship. I wish she would come back to me but I think that at this point she’s too far gone and I’m going to be force to start over with somebody else. Do you guys think I’m a monster?

Yes you are a sick monster

Yes you are a sick monster why not be faithfull why lie & cheat thars what you do thn thats what u are sorry

The worst year of my life and still counting.

My husband works as a bus driver/trainer for our school district. He's a great trainer and no one would ever know he is narcissistic sociopath. He lures people with his charm, particularly the ladies, and excellent work ethic at "work," not home. January of 2011 a new "feed" came for training. He immediately took a shine to her. She's reasonably attractive and acts nice. She is 50. He is 66. I had a gut feeling that he was intrigued by her, but put it out of my mind. I never expected they'd end up having a full blown affair. He started first by stroking her ego and emailing her at first with encouragement about her upcoming road test. She failed twice. He wrote "Show them how to do it." It wasn't until Memorial Day weekend that I realized that they had become VERY close. He seemed so preoccupied with writing on his Ipad and playing CDS and reading a Kindle she had loaned him. I thought it rather odd that he had all this stuff she has given him. The Kindle, particularly seemed an excessive loan. All weekend long he wrote. When he went back to work I actually picked up his Ipad and looked at his e-mails. I had never touched the Ipad and absolutely never would have read his mail. I was in shock. He had written her 45 long well thought out emails within a 21 day period. He wrote her 1st thing in the morning 4am, sometimes in the middle of the night and last thing before bed. They made references to conversations they must have had in between runs when they'd go for walks everyday while waiting for the kids. He referred to himself as "a bull in a china shop and hope I didn't break the crockery." I still don't know what that was in reference to. They wrote about the books they were reading and music he had loaned/given her. He told her she was by far the most intelligent person at the bus garage, "a true intellectual." I later found in writing her and talking with her on the phone, she not only couldn't spell, she was dumb as a post. In the e-mails there was a lot of stroking and talks about having a glass of wine at sunset while listening to Ives (a CD he had given her) and "sexy" (lol) Barbara Bonney. She apologized for keeping the music so long. She even said,"Sigh." I guess she was really into it. Though boring and tedious to get through their writing, it was clear they were beyond the "just friends" stage and clearly involved in an "emotional affair." Emotional affairs: I, his wife was unaware of their involvement; they shared intimate thoughts, were excessive in their communications. Bottom line he thought about her 24/7. Meanwhile, I'm left out in the cold. He paid no attention to me-just her. The day after I read all of these e-mails, I came home to yet another one. In this one she invites him out with friends to the Cafe Lena. It was open mic night. First of all, my husband does not go out. He's a book worm and after a day's work he typically eats and sits in his recliner, which he also sleeps in. When I read that one, where she states: "After all it is a public venue." I started shaking uncontrollably. I started drinking and crying and called one of my friends. Nothing would calm me. This bitch was coming on to my husband. When he got home he got mad at me for reading the e-mails and brushed his teeth, changed his shirt and left. The dog and I were standing at the hood of his car pleading with him not to go. He left. I got drunker and even more desperate. He eventually, came home. After all it was a weeknight and he gets up at 4am. I asked him if he had relations with her (not my exact words.) I was angry and very hurt. I had greeted him on the outside patio. He slapped my face on both cheeks very gently. I followed him in, when he slammed the door with all his might on my three middle fingers. They immediately turned black and took 4 months to heal. I called 911 and the town of Stillwater cops told him if he did anything like that to me again they would arrest him. They gave me the option to press charges, but I declined. I was concerned he'd lose his job. I was taken by ambulance to the ER for treatment and took a cab home. I drank and cried and couldn't eat all of June. He did not comfort me or reassure me that he loved me. There was no apology, no empathy, a true sign of a narcissist. I was devastated. I felt as if my life was over. He had spent 5 months of every waking moment thinking about her. I called her on June 7th. I asked: "What's with the e-mails to my husband? In a breathy voice she said," Oh I'm so sorry." She went on they were "just" friends. Funny, I said he never mentioned you except when you came on board at work. He had told her I was disabled. I have weakness in my lower legs and use a walker just for long hallways like at the "Y" and restaurants, but otherwise get around just fine. My balance is affected. People tell me I am a beautiful woman, but needing the walker makes me feel sad. On June 11th, Lawrence, my husband came up to my loft to report that Julie, the other woman, told him I had called her. He went on out of respect to me, she agreed not to talk or e-mail him anymore and he said he'd comply with my wishes, although he referred to the e-mails as "inconsequential." June 6th was our 25th wedding anniversary;we did not celebrate. He gave me a card, just signed "love, Lawrence." We ordered pizza to be delivered. That was it. I continued to stay in bed, crying, calling my sisters, my friends. finally on the June 29th, I decided to go to detox . I really didn't want to die, but wanted clarity on the situation. I would later learn that during our anniversary month he wrote her on the apple e-mail that he never wanted her to feel uncomfortable and how grateful he was to her for making his dismal life a bit brighter and he owes her the utmost respect and what a good, generous person she is. And how much he LOVED their walks and talks. All this dribble. was followed by a proposal to open a secret G-mail account to see how their friendship would unfold. I found this e-mail November 12, but it was written in June after he agreed they were "done." I would also learn on November 4th when he left the secret g-mail page open that: His words-"Good morning, beautiful, my goddess. I love you. I love to kiss you, lick you and feel your hips thrust toward me when we're making love. Next time you won't be able to walk." I had picked the Ipad up to look up a crossword and found that! I felt as if I tripped over a log and was free falling through the air. I starting breathing as if to have a heart attack. I was shaking. I went up to the loft, but other than reading "We'll take it one day at a time and why do I think of you when I'm in Price Chopper," I was unable to read anything more. He followed me upstairs. I sat on the Ipad. He said he wouldn't leave till he got it back. He started crying and foaming at the mouth bellowing that he had fallen in love with another woman, but they decided to break up on November 2. He said he's always loved just me and wanted to stay. Confusing. He said they never wanted to hurt anyone. It was a mistake. The physical affair started while I was in the hospital in July and lasted through November. I have nothing to confirm it's over. But, I view a "mistake" as you're at a bachelor party in Vegas, get drunk and have sex with a random person. Jan through November or beyond is not an error but an intentional breach of trust, complete betrayal. Just wrong. We were seeing a psychologist for marriage counseling from August-December; but Lawrence lied about everything. He was there to save the marriage but sort of omitted the part about he was having a sexual affair, maintaining there was no secret email, just maybe a "hello" in the hallway. His body language said it all. He'd sit on his hands, put his hands in his pockets, not say much at all and when he's start a sentence with "we," I thought he meant him and me, but he was referring to Julie and himself. That felt weird and questionable. Right along my gut told me something was wrong. I had gone to A.A. meetings all of July and August. I thought we'd be close again, but he neither professed his love for me, nor did he apologize for the emotional affair and the toll it took. I felt a real disconnect. Those Summer months he was working a the "Y" travel camp. He'd come home everyday around 5pm. I commented:"Wow, they're giving you good hours this year!" In years past if it rained or if the trip was shorter than expected, he'd come home sometimes as early as 3. This Summer when he came home, he would not make eye contact. He looked guilty. But they weren't seeing each other, I thought. Yes, they were. They were meeting at the Spa Park. Doing it in the woods, like animals. Toward the end of Summer August 27, 28, 29 Lawrence went in to the bus garage to train new drivers, usually from 6am til 12or so. On August 30th I needed to have my car inspected. My appointment was at 9am. The check engine light was on. I had a new catalytic converter installed just the year before. Something else was wrong. My mechanic, Byron made an adjustment and asked me if I had an hour just to drive the car, that the light would go out if I drove it. I said sure. That morning Lawrence seemed frantic to get out of the house before me. He said, I know when you have to go someplace you like your space to get ready. Yet, all I would do that day was to wash my face, brush my teeth, apply a little makeup and dress quite casually. He said he was going to get his change cashed in for paper money, go to the book store and get me a birthday present. I saw a thermos on the table. "What's that for?" He replied: "Oh, yes, um, I might go over to work to straighten some files out." So, as the mechanic asked me I drove out to Wilton, the mall, through town. Only a half-hour had passed. I decided to drive to Lawrence's work. With the car still running I called him on my cell from his parking lot. He comes all smiles chatting with another guy. There were maybe 5 cars in the lot. Within seconds I see a woman, hair blown out, nice clothes, smiling, self-assured exiting a different door. I asked him. "Is that her? Is that Julie Hill?" "Who, he says?" "That woman walking toward us," I replied. I backed my car up and looked at her like an eagle ready to pounce. She gave me a wave thinking I was polite to give her space to approach her car. Lawrence stood by his car, dumbfounded, guilty, frozen. She did not acknowledge him in any way. Usually co-workers will say:"See ya Monday." At the top of my lungs I yelled "You F...... whore!" She ignored me, but her car window was up. I drove up next to him and said:" You louse. That's what the big hurry was about-meeting her!" He answered:" Where do you think she's going over and over again, " which I thought was a rather odd question, totally illogical. "She's going to work!," he said. My concern was they met at the garage and spent some "quality time" in the training, which has blinds and a locking door. Narcissists often say things that have no relevance to the subject. It's hard to explain, unless you live with one. I knew when I saw her that day that they were carrying on. It was not over. I relapsed into drinking briefly. I was so hurt. He tried to cajole me into focusing on my birthday and how we were going to celebrate. Right. He cashed in his change and bought himself a book. It wasn't until my actual birthday Sept 2 that he bought my gift. Lawrence is really into fashion. He has bought me outfits on Christmas and sometimes birthdays. I don't know how he does it, but during the 25 years we've been married, whatever he buys me fits perfectly. The clothing he bought that day not did not fit. They were things I would never wear: baggy khakis with huge space for thighs and hips and way too long. I am petite. These clothes and I told him were for her or should be. They certainly weren't bought with me in mind. Needless to say, they went back to the store. So although I did not officially know of their affair until November 4, I certainly knew through intuition. It's funny the e-mail proposing the secret g-mail account just popped up on the Ipad, the mechanic just happened to require I drive that hour, when I would see they were to rendezvous that day and the I found the details, he had left the page open by mistake. I believe God has guided me. How else could I have been at the right place at the right time? It's been Hellish. I cry everyday because of the betrayal. They said they'd stop, but that unfaithful bastard more or less said:" Oh my wife doesn't matter. Let's go, baby!" So humiliating, so insulting, so low. And, then to read the gory details of him touching and licking her and loving her is an image hard to shake. I can't bare the thought. When I cry or bring it up, he says:"Are you still going on about that?" It as if nothing happened. Just business as usual. He hit me in the head for crying and saying: How could you do this to me. You ruined my life!" There's a temporary restraining order against him that he cannot hit, intimidate, threaten, etc. It's through family court. He already has said he will tell the judge I am an abusive drunk, which is untrue. 6 of the months they were fooling around, I did not drink, nor do I now. He said he will hire the most expensive accountants and lawyers, so I will live poverty. I asked:"Why." He smiled: "Out of spite." I contacted her husband. He and I discovered everything around the same time with the same conclusions, Although he runs a car insurance agency, he has become one of my husband's trainees. I asked him why would he want to work there? He said to keep an eye on them. I was flabbergasted at his perseverance to control. My husband says he's a jerk, but I think Rich is a descent guy based on conversations we've had. At some point during the affair, Rich had Lawrence come over to the agency to request that he knock it off. Lawrence said he'd try. I asked Lawrence how can you look the guy in the eye. Don't you feel uncomfortable. He said, "No." My guess is he thinks he'd be better for Julie than her dedicated husband of 27 years. Wow. Divorce is brought up everyday here. He does not want to support me, but because of my age, inability to work and length of marriage, by law he is obligated to give me full permanent spousal support. Divorce would financially destroy us. I can never feel the same for him. The love I felt is dead. Betrayal, lies and images are hard to shake and no attempt at repair has been broached on his behalf. I am so tired, sad, humiliated although I did nothing wrong. It bothers me she thinks she's got it over me, so yes, my pride is hurt. I feel sorry for anyone who has suffered as I have. It takes the joy. It takes the trust. It takes your happiness. I only hope in time, I'll be able to start living again. I need time, which Lawrence seems confused about. He's "so over it.? I should be. God, he's weird. Peace be with all of you.

No one is to blame except

No one is to blame except alcohol. When I drink no one wants to be around me or "touch" me. I can only imagine if I had a disablility on top of alcoholism. Hope you get better

It could be your fault. 1.

It could be your fault. 1. -Rejecting his efforts to make you happy- Husbands and wives bring different strengths and desires to marriage. For women, feeling cherished and desired is vital. For a man, respect and sex are of utmost importance. Men also have a powerful drive to make their wives happy -- it contributes to their feeling of success. You might think that your husband is the exception -- that he doesn't care about delighting you -- but he may just be discouraged because he doesn't feel that he can please you. You have the power to transform your relationship by becoming pleasable, which means showing appreciation for his efforts instead of rejecting or dismissing them -- and by extension, him. When you reject his efforts because they aren't what you had in mind (e.g., a present that isn't what you want, cleaning that's not to your standards, or a compliment you don't agree with), there's nothing he can do to improve the situation, but there is something powerful you can do: receive graciously. Remedy: Try an experiment for the next two weeks: However small or imperfect his efforts, receive what your husband offers when he is trying to please or help you. Thank him for his thoughtfulness. Notice how quickly this creates more intimacy as you practice the skill of receiving graciously. 2. -Taking the same approach at home as you do at work- We women can create a gratifying culture of intimacy, if we know how. If all we've ever been taught is how to get ahead in school and career, but not how to foster intimacy, it's pretty hard to change hats when the work day is done and we want a loving, supportive home. At work we have to manage projects and staff, move the bottom line and get that promotion. At home the goals are different; we want to feel appreciated and wanted and get more help around the house. But if you treat your husband like an employee, he will rebel. Respecting your husband by saying what you want instead of telling him what to do gives him the opportunity to make you happy in a way that no amount of managing ever will. Remedy: For two weeks say what you want, but not what he should do or how he should do it. Be patient and allow him to find his own way of pleasing you. Remember, he wants to. Let him, and he will. 3. -Withholding sex- Most men need sex more than women to feel intimate. You are his only source for that vital form of connecting, and when you withhold -- whether to punish or because you're exhausted -- you miss a chance to receive the intimacy that you both crave. Remedy: Over the next two weeks as you start experiencing more intimacy, consider making yourself available for sex at least once a week in support of your mutual goal of connecting. 4. -Initiating divorce when the problem isn't insurmountable- Women initiate between 66% and 90% of all divorces. You might think that's because men do things to make marriage untenable -- like cheat or hit them -- but I hear about women divorcing because he didn't help with the baby, he was emotionally unavailable, or because they grew apart. Countless women tell me they divorced because their husbands weren't capable of meeting their needs. When the women I work with learn intimacy skills, it changes the way they see a previous marriage. Some women tell me that they realize they were married to a good guy, but divorced because they lacked the skills to have a happy relationship. Sometimes it causes them enormous grief. It is heartbreaking to see marriages end because of a simple lack of skills. It's no different than seeing someone try to drive a car without a single lesson: A crash is inevitable, but it's preventable. Remedy: Consider taking divorce off the table just for the next two weeks, keeping in mind that intimacy needs safety to thrive. In my experience, any woman who has a good guy can bring her marriage back from the brink of divorce and transform it into a happy, loving relationship by practicing the intimacy skills. You can do the same. 5. -Waiting for him to improve- You might wonder why there's no article for men explaining what they can do to improve their marriages. Even if there was, you couldn't make your husband read it or do what it says. You can change yourself, and he will respond to you differently. Remedy: Instead of pleading, criticizing or demanding that your husband change, try the remedies above for two weeks. To learn how, get the free 17-page e-book Six Lessons for Lasting Love at LauraDoyle.org If you want peace in your marriage, then let it begin with you.

Is she cheating on me?

See, I've just read this and it describes my wife's behaviour to a tee. Does this mean she's having an affair?

Is my wife cheating on me?

See, I've just read this and it describes my wife's behaviour to a tee. Does this mean she's having an affair?

Takes 2

It generally takes two people to get to a stage in a relationship where one partner feels so undervalued, lonely and bored that they decide to cheat. I believe that men are basically simple creatures and to keep us happy all you need to provide is food, sex and a little support. Constant rejection and criticism do not make men happy. I gave up trying to please my wife, I do now however please other women.

Step out if your self pity

Step out if your self pity and love your wife,or leave her.

Why did u get married and

Why did u get married and just willingly give up and start pleasing other women? You probably weren't fulfilling her needs so she's doing the same to you.

Hey i just would like someone

Hey i just would like someone honest opinion please!! I am 23 years old my fiance is 25, we have been together since i was 15, we make 8 years weve been together in april 2013, he was a vigin when i met him and i took his virginity. We have a 3 year old daughter together. We also have been living together for almost 4 years now! And i find our sex life is wonderdul!! Well: I just found out he had sex with a girl hes been having as a friend since we met. And yes she knew we were together, shes older then me like in her late 30s, this happened in 2010, and im just finding out about it now through an old phone he had and never deleted the messages, i confronted him about it and he told me that they did try an have sex but she couldnt get it hard and that is was his worst mistake he ever made in his life!! I love this man with everything i have but it broke my heart soo bad to find this out and being that he kept this from me for over 2 years!! Im really lost and confused. could this have been that he was just curious cuz hes never slept with anyone else before(r tried to) or should i be worried that hell cheat on me agian? He is the only person ive ever really truely loved!! And he apologizes everyday for hurting me like he did and that he feels horrible!!, I wana fogive him i really doo But my heart is still soo broken and i cant stop thinkn about him cheating on me esp when i know the women:/ and i really dont know what to do Someone please help me and give me advise please I just want my relationship back like it was before all this has happened:(

Did He Cheat Again

I am 35 years old now but have been with my husband since I was 21 and I had fallen in love with him because he took my children and I as what family members would call "immediate family". I didn't want any kind of relationship with him other than a friendship because I knew raising children at such a young age is not easy and I in no way wanted to put that on anyone. We became friends and later introduced him to my boys who as friends he would go to the park and do all kinds of kid friendly outing with us. He truly seemed to care for my young babies and showed the oldest how to skate,fly a kite etc. he was respectful and maintained a clean friendship relationship. We did start dating after over 6 months of friendship with my boys and I. I always felt he had a good loving heart and felt he was God sent. That's why everything that has happened after I allowed him in my life and my boys lives has been so painful for me. He was cheating on me from the very beginning and when he was caught he would never admit it he would just make excuses.When we were dating his excuse for cheating and lying was that we were not married so that's why it wasn't such a big deal. When we were engaged he had the same excuse saying that nothing was official. I do want to mention that he would always promise he would change and never hurt me again but if anyone reading this knows anything about a guy that cheats and lies they always do it again. I feel he hurt me so much because he never loved me he just saw me as an easier way of life even though I has kids I was well established with 2 cars , nice apartment in a beautiful neighborhood,financially secure,my apartment was fully furnished with almost new everything. He on the other hand lived in an unfurnished humble apartment and had no license let alone even own a car.He really had nothing of his own so I am sadly realizing that he used me and used my children to get into my heart even though he knew it would take a long time due to me being overprotective. His mom also used to when she moved into his apartment by asking for money and to use my cars, going to my home and taking things out to use that they needed. I am realizing I was so young and naive that I didn't see they using me in front of my eyes and I am always so giving and love to help people that I didn't want to see it that way. There is so much to this story that i can't even explain the horrible lies and things that were done in the past that I can't seem to erase and I wish I could because I love him(not what he has done). Sorry for all the additional I kinda got of course with all my ranting so let me ask about what has recently happened. He works for a mortgage company and he tells me he can't text or get calls from me on his phone because he can get written up.He tells me he turns it off while he is at work and turns it on when he leaves for lunch etc. Our anniversary was this past Sept 1st and I literally had notices a while back that he would be jumpy about me touching his phone and he would spend a lot of time on the phone. When I would ask why are you on there so much he would say just checking Facebook. On the day before our anniversary I saw many text messages on his phone to two different girls and some of the text messages has picture messages with attached comments that had sexual reference. I didn't feel that it was appropriate to send messages back and forth that have anything sexual ,even if their pre made picture messages that they would find and send each other just because they thought to be funny(so he tells me). I told him its inappropriate for you to be texting these girls and especially the one that just got divorced at all time of the day. he had previously lies and said they were group messages send back and forth between their work group about work related rants. He lied because the bill showed they would text during work all day long and after work all the way till 12 midnight. he did lie about all of that and the largest texting occurred between my husband and the divorced women at his job. I told my husband the day before out anniversary that I founf sexual type messages inappropriate between him and another woman and that I no longer wanted him texting her as it made me uncomfortable due to how much they texted and how late which showed it wasn't work messages only at work within the work group and work related as at 10pm I cant see how your still talking about work.He refused and called me crazy , i was shocked because if she wasn't a big deal he should have said okay no problem. He refused to stop and we got in a big fight. The next day after a really bad anniversary he said fine he now saw it my way and understood so it wouldn't happen again.Needless to say he lied and continued texting her during one of our kids birthday outing and dinner and many other events,she was even added to out Facebook account which I had no idea( i didn't realize because I didn't know who she was). He wouldn't spend time with our kids and me and would disappear to other rooms alone and never wanted to just spend time with me because he wanted time alone to text her all day and all night. when I told him I knew he was still texting her he denied it and said I was a fucking Idiot and I didnt know what I was talking about and locked me out of my own room. I told him I saw the messages on his phone the day he forgot to erase them and he was still saying I was crazy and didnt know what I was saying. When I showed him the proof from the phone bill a couple weeks later he was trying to say the bill was wrong. I told him I feel you are cheating on me ,lying to me, not respecting me as your wife, he still called me crazy...Then he said that I was mothering him trying to tell him what to do so he didnt listen and thats why he kept doing it. He said he never liked this girl anyother way that she is just like one of the guys and that its nothing. I told him if it was nothing he would not have treated me so bad and lie about not doing it. He to this day claims he did nothing wrong , that all he did is continue texting because I was trying to tell him he could not text and that is stupid to him. He knew the reason but he lied to me and said he understood and would stop , he had promised.. i was looking at the phone bill today ending 11/14/12 and there are still text messages showing from her recived by him through 11/14and messages he send to her in Oct through Nov , our anniversary was 9/1/12 and he promised it was all done and that she would no longer text him or he text her.. he hasn't to this day blocked her number like I requested as he lied and said he didn't know how. I am so upset because why is this such a big deal if he claims she like one of the guys and has promised many times he was not texting and then that it would stop,,IDK what to do or how to handle it properly. He even called her while i was in the bathroom of a restaurant and when I caught up with him turned out he was on the phone with her on our dinner night out (we were trying to patch thing up) I feel so disrespected and unimportant but mostly hurt that someone that I have been with for over 15 years can treat someone he knows about 6 months or so better than me and can't just say baby if it bothers you its not worth it so im pressing delet on the number.thats how I thought it would go when I said I was uncomfortable with the situation. In my life he is always first and I find it sad that I have been shown by his actions that I am far from 1st on his list. Sorry so long but if someone actually read this can you please tell me what you think ? Did he cheat on me or is it about a power struggle.. i think I want to hope it's nothing bad but deep inside my gut feeling says it's something even worse :-(

If he is too selfish to care

If he is too selfish to care how much he is hurting you, you should kick him to the curb. He is cheating and it is wrong!

Some men just enjoy sex talk

Some men just enjoy sex talk cuz it excites them. It all goes bad is when they both go out of their way to meet up to actually go do the deed. They know its wrong but its excitement that they don't receive from you at home. I'm constantly bitching and yelling because he never shows me attention nor to my children. He's constantly on the phone and even punched me for going through it. I come to find out that he ends up hooking up with a coworker and a few friends; of mine who tried helping our relationship out. I'm not a dumbass and sometimes its best to just have family intervene or a professional psychologist or therapist rather than friends or coworkers. They should view both sides fairly and not just judge from what they are told. I am waay too good for the man I am in love with. I'm not perfect but he seen me as being quite close until bitches who were haters and ddnt like to see an actual couple do well and have the love they share for one another decided to intervene and pull some unecessary tests that has ruined our relationship. He is now a drug addict and just got introduced to it by some bitches I know ::cough cough:: u all kno who u are. Unfortunately he isn't as strong minded and strongwilled as I am to stop Nd understand when enough is enough. He resulted to his pain and anger by mentally and physically abusing me and leaving me bruises because he worried too much of what others thought of him. He is now a totally different person and I hope one dayhe will have the courage to be that once loving man he used to be.

What can I do

I've been married for 9 years and as we had argue about him txt co-workers in the past. Now I found out my husband has been text with a female co-worker for days non stop and sending pic messages and talking for hours when I'm not home. I confronted him and yet he said it was nothing,it didn't ment anything and that they are just friends. I call her and she flatly denied been her number and txt my husband as I called her by her name. It turns out that it was her and now I don't know if I should believe my husband or to go with my gut feeling. I don't know what they talked about as my husband can't seem to remeber what their conversations were about. what can I do?

Cheating husband

I have beeen with this man for 58 years. We were high school sweet hearts. My first an only love. I thought he was cheating on me but kept myself so busy to escape. I went through menopause and lost my sex drive. He who didn't wear his wedding band and had a vecectomy went off with a customer to her home maybe in her own husbands bed!!! They were lonely!!!!I had told him once after we mad love I would never let him touch me if he had sex with another woman. I don't know why I said it. But after a while he stopped touching me. I know I avoided his advances but I didn't know I was wrong at the time. He (as all men do) blames me. Why didn't I ask my Mother! She had passed away. Or friends! He had taught me everything If he really loved me as he claimes he does; why would he not help me. Instead he went off with his homewreaker whore. I want to know who this woman was. I want her to feel my terrible pain. Why am I the one to be punished. Every night I think of him lying with this woman making love..He does not how to just have sex. I was a beautiful woman, I had men after me all the time. But I loved this man on hello. And I am is so much pain. I have been told my my children and two friends move on. I can't. He was always nice to me but stopped taking me anywhere and never touched me and moved down stairs (blamed it on his health.) He is now crippled with arthritis. Any man I know who has cheated on his wife is either dead or very sick. Irronic isn't it. She had him when he was handsome verile and younger. I am left with a sick old man. Where is she to take care of him. I want to know who this whore is. Any married woman who sleeps with a married man and destroys his wife is a whore. I am beyond hurt and pain and don't know how to recover. My life is destroyed.

I found out my husband has

I found out my husband has been cheating three months ago. He left his email account open on my laptop at the hospital, the day after I gave birth to our son and he got an instant message from a woman saying "hey sexy, you at work yet? Message me back I need your smex". Since then, I have found five of his profiles on online adult datimg websites, 3 email accounts he has kept hidden from me, two aliases he goes under, a skype account I didn't know he had and over 150 various women that he has had online affairs with. Some of these women live near us, and he works the night shift alone as a security guard, so I believe he has even had affairs off the computer as well. I have confronted him three times in the last month, but, he denies it, acts shocked that I don't trust him, lies and tells me an ex girlfriend from ten yrs ago created one profile as revenge or he accuses me of creating these accounts to blackmail him or to have a reason to be mad at him. I guess now I know why he would always snap on me and verbally abuse me every couple of months.

Your experience very closely

Your experience very closely mirrors my own. My cheater became very protective of his phone, and then with spidey sense tingling, I came to discover his profile on a hookup site. When confronted, he denied knowledge and said a friend must've set it up as a twisted joke. When I showed him the evidence (he'd taken the pic himself), he reacted with anger and said he just did it "for laughs" and without intention to meet anyone (even though his e-mail address is listed - in chunks - on the profile). He said he wasn't aware of any more profiles on hookup sites. He then changed his passwords (to e-mail and social media profiles - we'd been open before), saying I'd drive myself crazy otherwise . . . all the while swearing up and down that he wasn't an active participant in any discretion. I then frantically searched phone records and came across several instances where he'd participate in volleys of text message sessions (with pics shared) with phone numbers that would only appear on that day. I asked him to attend counseling with me to attack what was happening (at this point - under the illusion that he hadn't committed infidelity), to strengthen trust, and he flat-out refused. Long story short: I found another hookup profile a couple months later (it was created in the same time-frame as the other; he'd said there were no others in existence), that he'd accessed just the day prior. This was my breaking point. What is yours?

Cheating Why?

I think Somewhere it our fault that cause Spouse Cheating lack of attention,no social life,no time of kids are common problem that cause wife to act against the will.

I was fooled

I was in my relationship for 12 years, since I was 15, and I didnt know him at all. I trusted him so fully that I never spied on him or doubted his word on his whereabouts or phone conversations. Well aparently he had a fake myspace for 3 years, where hes single, and looking for sex. He was using it on his computer at work. I found out because an old highschool friend of his had been in contact through this webpage, then ran into eachother one night, got drunk and had sex. Ill never know why she told me a year later, I wish she hadnt. He was also talking and flirting with a few ex's on there, I broke in the page and read heart renching messages, and all kinds of other hurtfull, shocking information. To make matters worse, the girl has been striping for 10+ years, and has done very hardcore porn. Shes also not very pretty. I dont get it. Im trying to work it out for my kids, I do still love him. Just not the same way. I dont get men, they always cheat under them. They could have it all, but still it happens. I dont think my heart will ever heal, like im dead but still breathing. If it happens again, kids or no kids im gone.

Re-I was fooled

Sorry this happend, but the ugly truth is once a cheat always a cheat if it's not now it will be later on! Keep your eyes open and your heart strong! Hope u well! Men or women that Cheat should feel the same pain back 10 times worse!

men suck

My BF of 25 years is cheating. I found the proof. It dates back to the earliest days of our relationship so basically he has cheated on me from day one. I had no clue. I was raised in an abusive/religious family and never had a concept of what to look for which made it real easy for him to get away with it. I'm permanently disabled now so what am I supposed to do? I have no money, can't work and we aren't married so no support. Some days I wish I would just die. It's horrible. I don't dare tell anyone because I don't want to be condemned and attacked.

Re- men suck

Hun don't blame this on yourself. It takes two to make it work. He wasn't helpin to begin with, then it wasn't ment to be in the first place. I hope everything goes ok for you! Keep your chin up high and always remember that momma is always right there's always more fish in that dang ole sea!!!!



If he's not cheating, he's wishing he could

I first need to say I'm disabled. I didn't start out this way although we both knew at the time we married that I was sick and it would progress. This has taken a huge toll on both of us. Anything I say, no matter how I say it, is criticized by him. He constantly insults me, and gets angry when I try to do anything that isn't in a pity me fashion. He stays up late on the computer, with multiple porn sites that he frequents. And, here it is. He's a closet cross dresser. I also knew this when I married him but believed then that if it was kept between us, it would be ok. WRONG. In the past, I caught him having a flirtatious online thing with another x-dresser. I demanded he stop. He promised he would there were tears...blah fing blah. Last night we got in a huge fight because I was dealing with our son when he apparently already had and I guess he was mad because it was like I went over his head or something. Anyway, I did what I know I shouldn't do. I went on his computer after he left for work this morning. Tons of recent porn sites, a option for "private browsing" open, all his pw for his email and messenger changed, and his own written story about him with a tranny that he just wrote last month. I changed the pw on his computer. Not trying to be vengeful. I just want answers. Am I going overboard here?

My husband is loving and a cheater

My husband is very good in playing a role as husband. He all the time take me out for a dinner n movie. When i say all the time i mean like 4-6 times a week. Sometimes whole week we have romantic out. And i found out he have a website. Guess what website? An escort site. He create a website advertisr himself as a fantastic escort for girls. This website was open since 2000 n i just found out last year. We have been married for few months now n have been living together since 2009 n got married this year. When i found out that he got this site he never admit saying this site not belong to him. No proof this belong to him. No pic bla bla. I told him i know this him pls stop n i forget about it. He never admit n keep deny it. This happened last year a year ago when i first knew about it n confront him. Then 2 weeks ago boom i caught him meeting a women who ask for escort service from him. It sex service of coz. I found out by instint at first n confront him..of voz he denied..then i ask give me ur phone n he did. Guess what he didnt earse the email on his cell it was there a msg asking for him through his website. This time he coudnt deny of coz. I ask for divorce direct. He said no give me chance bla bla..he said it was only massage. I laugh coz i know he couldnt massage to save his life..i know he like sex so much n he create the site coz this is perfect. Horny women looking to get laid n pay for it. He didnt have to look one. They will look for him. He got his stable n loving wife n he got extra sex from a confirmed horny ladies. Disgusting yeah. . He is still my husband niw but hey it s just 2 weeks since that caught day..i didnt gave sex with him sonce n he make sure he spend 22 hrs a day with me. I dont trust him. ..i wanna leave him but i am fully dependent financially on him as its been years since iwork..i have good life with him as he have his own biz n we dobt have to go work out that s why we have time at home n he have many luxury hrspls to spend on his hobby as an escort i guess. Ps:pls excuse the typing error as i type from my cellphone n not good with touch screen keypad.


I think my dad is cheating. I realised that hes texting more and he never texts. He also said he is going out to tennis often. I picked up his phone (cuz thts what i normally do) and he literally screamed at me. I said i was using it for pictures, he literally followed me to watch me take pictures...... he said he was coming back and i jumped in his text messages because i saw them when i picked up his phone and i scrolled throught see stuff "like babe" and "coming home to you babe" and he also uses the comp. late at night.... WHAT TO DO?!?!?!?! My parents are also pastors :(

bull shit( my husband is loving and cheating)

U don't need that man. That is the problem woman these day. We depend our husband too much. U are a woman scored with no renup. He don't want u to leave cause he kow that u wikl take him to the bank. I have been married for a year now and I feel that my husband is cheating and I am planning on leaving. He don't apprecate me and awalys want me to stroke his ego. Am 41 and he's 51. I have my own bank account and I don't ask for any finicial help, so when I leave I don't have to worry about it. We don't have sex, he don't get an arection and the lil blue pills don't wk' ne don't try' but all man get horny and wnat fuck every now and them. If I wanted I could've cheated, but that is not what I want. I want my husband cause I love him but it gets hard at time. The decision is urs to say, But remember to alway put ur self first and u have nothing to lose.

bull shit

U don't need that man. That is the problem woman these day. We depend our husband too much. U are a woman scored with no renup. He don't want u to leave cause he kow that u wikl take him to the bank. I have been married for a year now and I feel that my husband is cheating and I am planning on leaving. He don't apprecate me and awalys want me to stroke his ego. Am 41 and he's 51. I have my own bank account and I don't ask for any finicial help, so when I leave I don't have to worry about it. We don't have sex, he don't get an arection and the lil blue pills don't wk' ne don't try' but all man get horny and wnat fuck every now and them. If I wanted I could've cheated, but that is not what I want. I want my husband cause I love him but it gets hard at time. The decision is urs to say, But remember to alway put ur self first and u have nothing to lose.

Ladies, women are built with

Ladies, women are built with wonderful "intuition" centers - our gut. They are usually not wrong. If you suspect your husband is cheating, he most likely is. If you have always been a very paranoid person and one to easily jump the gun, well, then step back and realize maybe, just maybe, you are being paranoid. I was married to a cheater. He loved me very much at one point and we had wonderful physical passion. We were both young, healthy. So the BIG SIGNAL: He stopped wanting or having sex with me. I had to practically beg him to touch me. If your otherwise normal, active sex life with your partner goes from 10 to 0 in a short period of time - and there's no physical sickness that been diagnosed - chances are he's cheating. I would never, ever stay with a cheating partner and it's not just because of my ego. It's not healthy, very scary what he can bring home. Decades ago, women used to turn a blind eye more often and think if he was a good provider, a good husband, his little flings wouldn't matter. Well, they matter now -- think herpes and HIV ... life threatening. A marriage should be a SAFE place to be in, you are trusting your partner with your body. A cheating spouse has blatant disregard for his health and yours. Even if a man claims he used protection, do you really know? Don't take a chance on your life.

Is he too friendly or is he really cheating??

I have been married for almost 9 years....I feel that my husband is up to no good! I have had to deal with some text message issues. The problem is that he when I saw the messages I soke to the women and they say the same thing "oh my god it wasn't meant for him". My second problem is he doesn't have the time! He is at work all day and then he comes home. I work shift work so some nights I am not at home but my kids would tell me if he went out. Oh and the women are not even attractive. I am so confused. I feel like he is cheating but I also feel like where could he possibly find the time. Help!!

He might be both.. find out! When I was there I found the truth!

There is no better ammo than knowledge. I used to listen to my husband tell me I'm crazy for not trusting him. After awhile I actually started to question myself. It wasn't until I hired TestmyTrust that I knew for sure how he was acting behind my back. They are this company I found that actually went out and tested my husband.. it was like being a fly on the wall when he had no idea I would find out. TestmyTrust gave me the knowledge and the confidence to face the truth about my relationship. That's something I don't know if I could've done otherwise. I have recommended them since to everyone because as I was saying.. knowledge is power. The worse thing is to have doubts, not know, feel paranoid, and be made to feel like you are at fault for feeling this way. Well I found out I wasn't crazy at least. I want to tell you that a lot of times men are not doing anything wrong when they aren't around... but for me it was good to find out. If I had found out he was a stand up guy behind my back it still would have been worth the money... just a happier ending. Good luck! Give them a try.

In case you want to look them up!

www.testmytrust.com good luck!

me and my husband have not

me and my husband have not even been married 2 years yet and I think he may be cheating or just tired of me one of the two he's not happy thats for sure. Before we got married we were only together for 8 months we talked about marriage in the years to come and even made some not set in stone plans when i got pregnant. because of the pregnancy we got married sooner and I'm not sure he was ready for marriage ... and now we have almost completly stopped any romance what so ever even setting next to each other. If i move by him he moves to another seat. He spends excesive amount of time on his phone and he hasn't been home at all latley he always has excuses this friend or that friend asked him to go fishing or hunting etc. I don't know if he's really going or not I assume so but he doesn't get home till early in the morning like 2 or 3. it scares me but he could just be avoiding me either way I don't think this is good any advice


well my husband and i are at a critical point. I have a hard time trusting him and for very good reasons. He cannot keep anything i say to himself. No matter what it is he HAS to tell family, friends, coworkers. Awhile ago i found out he was lying to me about going to strip clubs and about cruising online porn. All of these actions really cause resentment for me. Today i found out he was lying to a friend about the amount of times we had sex and the friend told him to get a "f*" buddy. this same friend has ceheated on his wife numerous times. I get several phone calls a week from restricted #'s telling me that I should have sex with my husband more or i should appreciate him more. Early in our marriage my husnabnd wrote nasty letters to me only he pretened to be another woman. he also sent himself pictures of naked women and told me they were form some woman who was after him. I hired a private investigator to help me figure this out. Now I ahve to deal with him telling me I need to have sex with him more often or he is leaving. He says I never initiate it or that its never spontaneous. Does he seriously think that all his past actions have no bearing on how i feel. He is planning to meet the friend that is a "cheater" for a weekend getaway for the "boys". I know that the "cheating" friend has put my husband back in touch with one of his old girlfriends. I am at a loss. do I say something. and the kicker-tonight he says "i wish you would make love to me more". Get real

Sick of being accused.

I have been with my wife for almost 5 years and going on our 4th year of marriage. She is CONSTANTLY accusing me of cheating when I have been completely faithful and am violently opposed to infidelity. She becomes obsessed with the idea after reading web pages like this. This page makes it seem like ANYTHING a man does or does not do is suspicious. If a man is nice to his woman....that's suspicious. If he is not nice to his woman....thats suspicious too. If he suddenly wants to improve his hygiene and dress.....thats suspicious. Sometimes a man may just get tired of being unkempt and looking bad and may want to improve himself. My wife reads things like this and she thinks I start arguments so that I can leave. The truth is she ticks me off when she acts suspicious of me and accuses me of things and I get extremely angry at times. Then she TELLS me to leave forcibly and I linger for a while until her abusive behavior becomes intolerable and I feel the rage in me boiling to a point where I could get violent. I have never hit my wife but at times I sure have felt like it. Thats when I get away from her for her own safety and to keep myself out of jail. My wife will hardly ever even kiss me because she thinks Ive been with other women. Her suspiciousnes is absurd and based on an unreality. But its real to her. She treats me like I am this horrible person. Our relationship is completely disfunctional. She hates my sister and has accused me of incest with my own sister even though I had very little to do with my sister in the beginning of our relationship and now I have nothing at all to do with my sister. Its weird....my sister was the one who got my wife and I together. If my brother wants to sell me something he isnt using anymore my wife gets mad if I buy it for fear it may help my brother. I am not allowed to do anything that will in any way benefit my relatives because she thinks I should invest ALL resources in her. There is no room for anyone else.....ever. I can not have any friends. I was spending time with a friend of mine and she started accusing me of having a homosexual fling with my friend and even though I dont hang around anyone anymore she still accuses me of such things. My word of advice for people would be to trust your spouse and NEVER accuse them of being unfaithful unless you have 100 percent solid proof. If and when you KNOW they are cheating THEN confront them about it. Dont try to look for tale tale signs and then treat your spouse bad because you THINK they MIGHT be cheating. That will destroy what could otherwise be a very good relationship. And no matter what signs you may think you see there are always more than one explanation for them so if you conclude something negative you could very likely be way off.

First thing I would like to

First thing I would like to say is.... I'm sorry if you HAVE been faithful to your wife and you have been being abused and accused. She has her own issues then, I suggest you seek couples counseling, so that there is a mediator there so you may speak your true feelings. a counselor will he able to help explain what feelings are your true feelings due to men never show them. Re-assurance and comfort is what she needs. On the other hand... Nine time out of ten, most of the women who finally start calling men out on what their actions are speaking to her, she is already at her wits end and does no how else to react at this point. You see... women are a product of their surrounds. If they have been in a relationship for awhile, and something happened a few yrs into the relationship, it was the first time, she forgives, and its never brought up again, (due to feelings of humiliation, pain, stupidity and anger) so.. she let's go of it. But in the meantime, the red flags have been thrown a few more times here and there, and they have built up. He has given her a reason in the first place to make her feel threatened again. If the relationship was all good then all of the sudden she starts accusing you, then either the guy had given reason for her to not to trust him at one point or another,or she is doing something wrong herself. Women don't like pain, humiliation,fear, or to look like a total dummy. We want to believe that our man loves us so much, that he would never cheat on us. How painfully embarrassing,and humiliating to find out otherwise. We don't accuse just for no reason, (with some exceptions of women, that's the only thing they know how to do, is bitch) anyway ... we don't like looking like a clown,or stupid, so unless we have a good reason to all of the sudden but ourselves out on blast as to how gullibly blind and stupid we are of the fact that we are being lied to, looking Like a fool, we aren't going to start the loud speaker just yet. Because ,love makes you do stupid s**t ... and it uses a lot of extra energy to do these dumb things. So we tend to shy away from being the crazy lady of the year. So please step back and check yourself before you go saying that she accuses you for no reason at all. because if you have messed up once in the past, remember, you commuted the.ultimate betrayal, she had trusted her feelings, emotions,and her true self to you. and you betrayed her. even though we forgive the first time, we always have that feeling stuck in the back of our heads. you never mentally forget the pain, warning signs, and most of all fear of it happening again. we don't like to question whether or not we can trust our spouses with our true self. our well being, our feelings, and maybe our safety. Because you have compromised this already. Who knows what horrible things you have told the other woman her. ( not you personally,taking in gen) and or other people. So now she has become defensive,and questions anything you or anyone else says to her. its very sad to see women going through this if you have been there. Because it hurts. So please.. before you start trying to take.the attention off of you by putting her on blast for her actions, or should I say "Reactions" (because her reactions are a direct result of your actions) think about her feelings, and how bad this would hurt if it was you. I can honestly say...."YES.. there are some men out there that would rather die then cheat on their wife, or hurt her in any kind of way. There are men whom have never entertained even the.thought of cheating. I commend them. These are the good men that are hard to find. please be kind to women. We love being loved and protected. its in OUR nature.

Your wife is abusive. No one

Your wife is abusive. No one deserves to be treated that way. It sounds like you would be much happier without her.

Faithful, or unfaithful?

Thank you i am 27 female my husband has lied to me alot and looked at porn when i was pregnant and has came home mad a couple times and wouldnt tell me what was wrong other than work problems he doesnt seem happy sometimes and deff not like he was in the beginning. So from a faithful man to his wife from your point of veiw on what ive said do you think its possible he MIGHT have been unfaithful at one point or another? My last marriage ended because he was unfaithful, and i dont accuse my husband of cheating hes always been nice and a good father and hes 10 years older than me we only have sex if i want to or if its been a week or two for him. Please help me i love my husband and have always trusted him until he lied.

My husband feels the same

My husband feels the same way, tired of me accusing him that is. We have been married for almost 2 years and hes has hurt me in the past. Trust is a big issue. Ive never caught him cheating but when we go out in public he stares at other women and thinks I am just starting a fight, no its called respect. I'm not a super model but very secure w my looks and take very good care of myself. In fact, I have had men, married, single, young and old try to get my attention and I am in love w my husband so they don't phase me. now when my husband and I started dating up until we married we were intimate 3/4 times a day. He blames his medication for our sex life but yet buys magazines w half naked women, looks up all the whores on his phone through you tube but cant satisfy his wife. Its down to 2 sometimes 3 times a week if I'm lucky. No passion, its almost like why bother. We don't have kids together, I have 2 from a previous relationship and he has 2 from previous relationships. The time we get alone time he has no motivation. He doesn't work, I do. After a long day at work I come home, cook him dinner and that's it. Sex is on his time and because he is 8 years older than me, I feel like I'm losing out on the best time of my years. He lies about stupid things which is a big factor of my suspicions. I'm tired and my head has no free space for all this bs that I'm dealing w. So do you think I'm crazy?

She has more likely been

She has more likely been cheated onion the past. Look her in the eyes and tell her she is the only one for you. Take her out on dates and listen. What she is doing is projecting her insecurity in you and the relationship. Something in her and you are not reaching her heart.

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