Sex and Love - Experts and Resources

9 Hot Tips for a Post-Divorce Sex Life Makeover

Posted to by Andrea Nemerson on Wed, 01/30/2013 - 9:18am

Sex after divorce can be intimidating: a new partner can mean a new bed, a new body, and new — well — techniques.  Usually, though, the hardest part is just becoming psychologically ready to date again after divorce.  After that, you're likely to find that the old riding a bike analogy applies to other leisure activities as well.  

That being said, there's a lot you can work on all by yourself to improve your sex life.  And since this is a (relatively) new year, why not invest in some resolutions for your sex life?

I'm not much of a fan of the usual type of resolution (I quit smoking when I was good and ready, and I'll lose this post-baby weight the same way) because they are generally just another tool with which to bash ourselves over the head and really, haven't we got a boxful of those already?


How to Get Help for Victims of Domestic Abuse

Posted to by Cathy Meyer on Sat, 01/12/2013 - 8:53am

Domestic abuse does not have to be physical to be experienced as abuse. Abuse can include belittling a woman, keeping her on a very tight leash financially, limiting her movements outside of the house, filling the house with fear. A Canadian study found that 79 percent of marriages with serious abuse end in divorce.

The first step in dealing with abuse is recognizing it. But action must be taken. Here are some sources of information:

National Domestic Abuse Hotline

Domestic Abuse Awareness Handbook

State Coalition List

Domestic Abuse Shelters

Domestic Abuse Victims Rights


Escaping Domestic Abuse:


What Divorced Women Need To Know Before Jumping Back In The Sack

Debbie Does Divorce with Dr. Victoria Zdrok

Posted to by Debbie Nigro on Fri, 01/11/2013 - 9:33am

Maybe it's been a while since you slept with anyone but your ex. If you're thinking about sleeping with a new man, watch the video above to hear Debbie's candid discussion with First Wives World's resident sexpert Dr. Victoria Zdrok on the things you need to know before getting back in the sack post-divorce.


Related Content:

Should You Take a Sex Buddy?, by Sexpert, Dr. Victoria Zdrok

A Ladies Guide to Condoms

Click the following to return to the directory for Sex and Dating Post-Divorce


5 Things Single and Divorced Women Hate To Hear

Posted to by YourTango on Fri, 11/23/2012 - 8:00am

Every time she hung out with her single female friends, the same gripes surfaced. Enough already with the how-to-snag-a-guy advice streaming from anyone and everyone as soon as status single was announced, they said.

Suddenly, Karin Anderson, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at Concordia University Chicago, found herself keeping track of what these single women were saying, replacing the strict academic research techniques she was used to with more informal polling.

What she found was a deluge of well-meaning advice being issued to singles that, while offered with the best of intentions, not only wasn't working but was making singles' skin crawl.


5 Tips to Move on From a Painful Breakup

A breakup can turn you into a ball of emotions. Strategies for moving on—for good—here.

Posted to by YourTango on Sat, 10/20/2012 - 10:58am

The worst part of the end of a relationship can be the lack of one. The open-endedness and plaguing questions of why and how it all went downhill can keep you up at night. We've all been there, waiting for answers that never came and wasting precious time trying to get that closure from an ex who just wasn't willing to give it.

I've scoured libraries, the Internet and talked to experts searching for some guidance to help deal with the ambiguous end of a relationship, but most of what I learned didn't come from any of those places. It came from experience. It came from my girl friends' experiences. And it came from being the one left confused and broken-hearted.

Whether it was a long drawn-out breakup or one that ended abruptly without warning, below are some tips on how to move on to bigger and better things—specifically a new you.


How to Protect Yourself from Adultery

No-Fault Divorce laws require you to be diligent and calm

Posted to by Cathy Meyer on Tue, 10/09/2012 - 7:40am

Before no-fault divorce laws, the courts considered sex something that was exclusive to marriage. A wife was protected from the negative consequences of adultery by criminal law, specific divorce laws that addressed adultery, and, in some cases, alienation of affection laws.

With the introduction of no-fault divorce laws, the courts, for some reason, decided they had no business being involved in the issue of whether or not a husband was faithful, or the right of a wife to be compensated for a husband’s cheating ways.

Let’s look at marriage and adultery from an economic point of view. Marriage vows connect two people emotionally, through their love, and legally, via a contract offered by the state.


Domestic Abuse: What You Need to Know

Posted to by Cathy Meyer on Wed, 09/19/2012 - 6:29am

Domestic abuse is about control and power, usually a man getting and keeping control and power over a woman. To simplify it, someone who commits domestic abuse is a control freak, and for the sake of argument, we are going to use the pronoun “he.” An abuser can’t feel good about himself unless he feels he is in total control of a woman and the relationship.

The abuser will use physical violence, threats of physical violence, isolation, yelling, screaming, and emotional, sexual or financial abuse to attempt to control his wife and in return control the relationship. He will leave both physical and emotional scars as he tried to remain in control and stave off the feeling of his wife being out of his control. And as the economy gets worse, and recession sets in, and jobs are lost, and income falls… the more an abuser takes out his feelings of helplessness on his wife.

Victims of Domestic Abuse