Don't Diss Your Ex In Front of the Kids

Don't Diss Your Ex In Front of the Kids
Mom, I'm All Ears!

Kids have bionic ears — seriously, they do. When you're in the car, radio blaring, windows open, talking on the cell phone they pick up on the tiniest little piece of information and then disseminate it at the worst possible time in order to destroy you. They wait until it will have do the greatest amount of damage.
"Mommy, Uncle Joe is having a baby and he's not married," my daughter announced to my friends recently at a baby shower.
They are small terrorists — ready to strike when they know you are the most vulnerable.
"Mommy, didn't you wear that to bed?" My daughter said within earshot of her teacher as I pulled up in the afternoon carpool line.
So, if you should be so foolish as to talk junk about your ex, expect the worst.
"Daddy, Mommy said you were stupid and that you left her for a slut," you're little darling will say to her father. And this my friends will end up on the table in family court — a table that needs to be squeaky clean in order for you to achieve your objectives.
Bottom line — count to three before you run your mouth, or better yet, say it in the shower when no one is listening!
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