Marilyn Stowe

Mariyln Stowe, Family Law Attorney
Marilyn Stowe, one of the UK’s most sought after divorce lawyers, has acted for aristocrats, footballers’ wives and rock stars’ spouses. Nicknamed “The Barracuda” for her tenacity, she specializes in cases involving assets of between $700,000 and $140 million.
In the UK Marilyn Stowe is well known for her family law expertise and for helping to overturn a notorious miscarriage of justice. Volunteering her assistance on a pro bono basis because she felt instinctively that something “was not right”, Stowe unearthed previously undisclosed medical evidence that freed Sally Clark, a mother jailed for life after being wrongly convicted of murdering her babies.
Marilyn Stowe is a married mother of one.
My Blogs:
Why Michelle Obama Is a Role Model for Divorce Women
Coping With Divorce, Part 1: Where Is Your Head At?
Coping With Divorce, Part 2: Fight Your Dreams
Coping With Diovrce, Part 3: Keep on Moving!
Divorce is an Emotional Rollercoaster - But Are You Paranoid?
Dirty Divorce Tricks, Part 1
Dirty Divorce Tricks, Part 2
Divorce and the Rights of Grandparents
Silver Divorce: The Rise in Divorce for Women Over 60
Take a Break: Divorce From Reality
Jewish Divorce and the Right to Choose
Prenuptial Agreements: A Family Affair
Divorce Lawyers and Second Opinions
Caravaggio, Ethics, and the Divorce Courts
Divorce and Bankruptcy: A Cautionary Tale
Are the Odds Stacked in Favor of "Gold Diggers"?
Beware The Desperate Housewives!
Is There Such a Thing as Man-o-pause?
Does Mother Know Best When it Comes to Mr. Right?
The Credit Crunch Divorce
Divorce the Second Time Around: The Pitfalls
10 Ways He Can Tell You Are Cheating on Him
Can Women Have Trophy Boyfriends?
When Being To Motherly Can Land You in Jail
How to Minimize Divorce Costs in a Recession
How to Act in Court During Your Divorce
Accepting and Celebrating Your Life Choices