What Divorced Women Need To Know Before Jumping Back In The Sack

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What Divorced Women Need To Know Before Jumping Back In The Sack

Debbie Does Divorce with Dr. Victoria Zdrok

Posted to by Debbie Nigro on Fri, 01/11/2013 - 9:33am

Maybe it's been a while since you slept with anyone but your ex. If you're thinking about sleeping with a new man, watch the video above to hear Debbie's candid discussion with First Wives World's resident sexpert Dr. Victoria Zdrok on the things you need to know before getting back in the sack post-divorce.


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Amazing novel idea

You could try...actually trying. Sure you didn't necessarily agree before marriage. I doubt he agreed to work and bring in an income nor to be home most of the time, nor to go places with you. I do however suspect you would leave if he didn't keep up with his implied promises. You say "no" and then also say "and you can't go elsewhere to get it". If he said "eat only what I make for you - and it's going to be oatmeal. Forever." you'd be walking. Needs are needs. Not met - the other will walk.

Remember as young girls we

Remember as young girls we were told that we should never be forced into doing anything sexual out of peer pressure? Same for us grown/single/married/divorced women. Its okay to decline any type of sex that doesnt make us comfortable. Our partners need to respect us and our choices. Threats to leave us, to replace us, to divorce us, etc do not show us love and mutual respect.

Disrespect goes two ways

A woman's right to have limited sex is no more than equal to a man's right to have an enjoyable and varied sex life. Threats of complaints and drama do not show men love and mutual respect.

I am going through a divorce

I am going through a divorce now after 22 years and realizing that I have given up everything for my husband who has always wanted anal sex. Because I have hemorroids anal sex is impossible for me. Yet I thought we always had a decent sex life even after I do all the running around with 4 kids we still had time for sex. I've come to realize now that it was all about his needs and his control over my life. Well F him, I'm so done with that. If he really cared for my needs maybe anal sex wouldn't be his number one priority. Hope he gets F in the ass once see how that feels to him, asswipe,ugh!!!!

Going through a divorce (anal sex fixation)

Sorry, you had to go through all that with this man/dog. It shows no respect on his part at all to be so selfish. I know more than a few women are willing to do this today as compared with yesterday but many women don't like it, period!! I think for some of the guys that do like it sooo very much today, that they are hiding the FACT that they are gay!!! If your man turns you around regularly so as not to have to look at you AND wants anal all the time well then, they may as well be with a MAN!

Agree with you

My husband is my first husband and first man, but I am his second wife, his first wife passed away in his marriage. I have been together for about 5 years, he has brought up this anal subject from time to time. A few years ago, I actually yielded once, for then I was in a very bad position: come from oversea, no family, no friends, no job, no money, no shelter. But I told him, next time, he would have to do that over my dead body. Still, he brings up every time, no matter how I hate it. Last night, he brought it up again. And even trying to bring my breast milk back, after I have stopped breastfeeding for almost 4 years., just so he can have a sip sometimes. I feel he doesn't treat me the way he would have treated a woman from here. Am I wrong? Would a native woman from here put up with his request? After I have waited on him and the two step kids for years, he is trying to drive me away over anal sex and breast milk? I am so very fed up with him. Maybe I will have to leave him sooner or later, though I don't know how I can make it on my own and keep my 4 year old son.


I don't think a marriage would break up over sex. If it does then those two people are just not right for each other. A marriage is about way more than sex. Yes, I know sex is important in a marriage but it should never be the most important thing. My ex-husband was all about sex. It made me feel like that was all I was good for. Sex should never be the most important thing. That's just my opinion. I did everything my husband wanted sexually and we're still divorcing. Sex didn't keep us together nor break us up.

Anal Sex Ruined My Marriage

My husband for some reason has become obsessed with wanting anal sex, and I'm just not willing to, and he has recently asked for a divorce. He says it's for other reasons, but deep down, I know that sexual satisfaction has a lot to do with a healthy partnership and I can't help but think that my denial of his sexual needs is why. Has anyone else experienced this? While our marriage isn't perfect and has it's problems outside the bedroom, it's still worth fighting for. We still have good moments. I'm so troubled. Don't know what to do. Appreciate in advance any thoughts, help or advice.

I also wonder if sex was what

I also wonder if sex was what ruined my marriage. I got put on bedrest with my last pregnancy and my husband and I haven't had sex since. He wanted more oral sex then, but I was so sick with the pregnancy I didn't want to much. He started an emotional affair with a 22 year old girl who looks just like I used to shortly after. He now wants a divorce even though we have a newborn baby and I'll be able to have sex again soon. Sex was always really good for us and a way to connect deeply. However, I think a marriage should be able to withstand a short period of time without sex. I think because of the young girl becoming involved at a time when I am fat and not as attractive as her, I will always wonder if the bedrest did our marriage in.

Should you try? Here is my story

Yes, I can share some of my experiences with you but first I ask you, why don’t you want to have anal sex? Have you ever tried it? How old were you and what were the circumstances when you did? I read about a recent clinical study of American women in which over 30% indicated that they engage or have engaged in anal sex. Surprisingly of the women that engage in anal sex, over 70% stated that they enjoy it and some have orgasms. Here is my story. I married a French man over 20 years ago. He needed a green card and I was not sure that I can do better. We ended being really different as we grew older. As just one example, I have become a heavy smoker and he has become an avid cyclist and logs on average about 150-200 miles a week. He can’t stand the smell of smoke so we have not slept in the same room for a decade. Like you and your husband, we have our moments so we stay together. We have three beautiful girls and he is a great father and the girls adore him. I have always had problems. My parents were abusive verbally and physically (not sexually). I have been seeing a therapist for most of my life and I am depressed. I have a decent figure but I don’t like what I see in the mirror. Our sex life was terrible for years mostly because of me. Before my depression diagnosis I used to masturbate and fantasize so I never had the desire to have sex with my husband. And when I did, I was not into it and did not want to try anything except having him on top of me. We did not do it doggy style until we were married for 8 or 9 years. The same with oral sex. Finally, through therapy, I learned how to get rid of some of my inhibitions, ever so slowly and our sex life became much better. Then he brought up anal sex and at first that did not sit well with me. I came from a catholic home and the idea horrified me. At the time that he brought it up our marriage was falling apart so I was worried about adding fuel to the fire by rejecting his request for anal sex. I love him and I know that he loves me in spite of all of our problems. I spent so many hours with my therapists (two of them) talking about this and finally decided to try it. I read about how it should be done so I am comfortable and so he has pleasure and bought a douche and the right gel, etc. The first two times were difficult. By the third time we figured it out and he worked hard to be gentle with me and caress me in all the right spots and now I can (not always) have an orgasm while having anal sex. Our marriage has gotten better but I am not sure it was because I agreed to this. I think that it has gotten better because I am less inhibited in bed, I smoke half as much as I used to and I am working on quitting so we can start sleeping in the same room and other things like that. Let me know if this helped because if that is the case I also want to share with you what my best friend went through with her husband.

Sorry you're going through that

So sorry to hear you're going through that. While my STBXH isn't divorcing me because of a lack of anal sex, he has asked for a divorce, and I swear to God it's over a lack of sexual satisfaction, more specifically, oral sex, and because he wants sex like everyday and somedays I'm just not in the mood. I'm sorry, I love sex too, but I work, have kids, cook, clean, manage our finances and more. He doesn't do any of this stuff. Yes he works and provides, but he just comes home, eats and plops in front of the flat screen or plays on the computer, where I think he looks at porn. They comes in all horned up wanting some, without any romance or anything. And when I don't give in, which is more often lately, he gets mad and we start fighting about other things. I don't know why I'm holding on to things marriage wise. I guess I care too much for my children and want them to have a father around.

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