What to Do When Your Teen Hates You for Divorcing

What to Do When Your Teen Hates You for Divorcing

Dear Mom,
Why are you always yelling at me? Ever since you and Dad got divorced you have been acting really weird. "Do this, pick up that, put this away, do your homework, get off the computer, set the table and brush your teeth!"
It really drives me crazy that you never just let me be. It's like you are taking out all your anger on me. You ask me why I don't listen to you. Well, everything you say sounds the same...plus you are on me all the time. I cannot finish a thought, a TV show, a computer game or even a conversation without you telling me to do something else!
You think that I have ADD because you think that I don't focus. Well, YOU don't let me focus. You are constantly interrupting everything I do. That is the real reason why I can never finish anything. And to top it off, I feel like I can never do anything right. If you and Dad were still together none of this would be happening. Why did our lives have to change?
Another thing, you are always working or on the phone. You never spend time with me. And that new guy you are seeing...well I won't even go into that! I know that I scream at you "I hate you!" I don't really "hate" you; I hate what has happened to us and how you are handling it. I don't mean to upset you or make you cry but I can't stand it!
Here's some ways you can make it better for me:
— Why don't you hand me a list of stuff to do and put a deadline on it? Let me manage my time and figure out when to get it done. Then if I don't follow through, you can yell at me all you want and I'll accept responsibility.
— Just stop nagging. It just makes me want to go to my room and get away from you. It also makes me say mean things to you like "whatever!", roll my eyes, and not do what you asked me to do.
— Set limits. I really do need a curfew. Even if it doesn't seem like it, I need someone to keep tabs on me.
— See your new boyfriend when I'm at Dad's. At least for now, let me get used to the idea.
— Make time for me. Invite me out to eat. Come and watch TV with me. Ask me to show my homework to you even if I protest.
Mom, I love you very much and I don't mean to be difficult. It's just that these changes are really hard and it is scary for me.
Your son/daughter
I'm so heart broken my 15
Wow - sounds like Parental
That is so horrible. I know
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