Susan Epstein
Susan Epstein

Susan Epstein, Parent Coach and Certified BSFT, Brief Strategic Family Therapist
Susan P. Epstein, LCSW, is a Parent Coach and certified BSFT (Brief Strategic Family Therapist). She holds a M.S.W. from the University of California at Berkeley School of Social Welfare, and has trained at the Family Therapy Institute at the University of Miami and the internationally accredited Coaches Training Institute. Bilingual in English/Spanish, Susan has had the opportunity to work with different cultures throughout her career.
Susan believes that all families are capable of helping themselves by tapping into their own strengths, creativity, and resources. Her unique blend of therapy and coaching combine to make me a powerful catalyst for change when working with parents. Through thoughtful and sensitive exploration and perspective, her clients learn to trust their intuition, confront their fears, plan effectively, and step into their families and out into the world to claim their lives and dreams.
Susan is the author of The Take Back Your Parenting Power System: Get Control of Your Kids in 30 Days or Less: The Secret Formula to Powerful Parenting, a hands-on manual that presents real issues parents face with children and adolescents in today's plugged-in, fast paced society. The Cat That Lost Its Meow, a children's tale about recovering from loss and grief, will be published in Fall, 2008. She has written for a number of publications, including The New London Day and The Bank St. Magazine, and has conducted a number of Live Seminars and Tele-Seminars.
Susan worked and consulted at the Child & Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut, the Lawrence & Memorial Hospital, the Old Lyme Youth Service Bureau, Pfizer Global Research & Development, and United Behavioral Health, and Community Solutions Inc. (providing in-home services for families of court mandated juveniles.)
My Blogs:
The Dark Side of How Teens Handle Divorce
Q & A on When Your Kids are Teens
Don't Overly Confide In Your Teen
What to do When Your Teen Hates you For Divorcing