Tell-Tale Signs That it's Time to Divorce

Tell-Tale Signs That it's Time to Divorce

In my last article, I wrote about things to consider before making the decision to divorce. This article deals with accepting and recognizing when it is time to "throw in the towel." Below are a few signs that you are dealing with a marriage that has gone past the point of my opinion.
Are you to the point that your spouse just can't do anything right, does everything they do get under your skin?
Shortly before my Aunt and Uncle divorced, I heard her say, "If he died tomorrow I'd have to peel an onion before I could shed a tear." Their marriage had gone on way too long. So long that she had developed feelings of animosity toward her husband. If you feel yourself moving in that direction, do yourself and him a favor and move on.
Are you tired of the trying, so tired you can't muster of the energy to even engage anymore?
Trying to solve marital problems can turn into a cycle of the wife trying to get her needs met and the husband stonewalling or dismissing her. A woman will normally try to re-engage her husband. Women are natural problem solvers who don't give up easily. She will eventually tire of trying to engage her husband in finding solutions to the marital problems. She will withdraw, stop expressing her needs; and once this happens, the marriage is headed for separation or divorce.
Does the idea of sex with your spouse cause you to shudder?
Does the idea of sex with your husband cause you to feel trapped, like you want to cry, pack your bags and never come back? If so, it is time to act on your feelings.
Has the love you felt been replaced by resentment?
Feelings of resentment come from being hurt by your husband. They stem from allowing someone to hurt you. There is nothing wrong with feeling hurt by the actions of another. The kiss of death to a marriage comes when we harbor those hurt feelings and do nothing about them. When you don't voice your feelings in a proper manner or stand up for yourself, hurt turns to resentment. From resentment grows bitterness and hostility, feelings hard to work through and more than likely mean the end of a marriage.
The above list is a small sample of signs that your marriage is dead. Many women live for years in a marriage where some or all of the above signs are present. They stay for any number of reasons...guilt, religious beliefs, the children, fear of change. They stay for all the wrong reasons. In my opinion, when it is over, it is over. It is time to stop peeling onions and throw in the towel.
Related Articles:
Do Some Thinking Before Filing for Divorce - By Cathy Meyer
Click the following for more articles and resource videos on Getting A Divorce
Time to move on?
how it affects your kids.
been a long time coming
Sorry to hear contemplating
fear of being unwanted
I am in your shoes 100%... I
If you are not giving your
Married for 10+ years and it's all in the pits
Married for 10+ years and it's all in the pits
I am tired of trying in my marriage
sad and tired
Get Out While the Gittin's Good
After 27 years of marriage
Advice Please
Grass Not Always Greener On The Other Side.
Advice please
Advise Please
Sorry to hear you are going
I'm stuck and there's no way out! It feels like bad horror movie
Acceptance and Regret(Husband's Predicament)
She is beautiful, intellectual, and dynamic and had a real penchant for going out and enjoying life. I just getting out of a 5 year relationship was looking for exactly that. But, was trying to still be friends with my ex, non-sexual. We mutually agreed to break-up as we just grew apart. We had gone through a lot and she(my ex) had some emotional issues and I didn't want to hurt her. I attempted to be friends with her, even while dating my now wife. 6 mos into dating my now-wife found out and it really blew up in my face, rightfully so. I apologized and cut off any relationship with my ex. but it definitely created a trust issue for her early on and had persisted throughout our marriage.
We came back to the US since I had a better chance at job security and legal paperwork. I started to cut friends out from my life who she would feel that there would not be a trust issue. This mainly cut out all my female friends and a male friends, limiting my exposure to only people she felt comfortable with. At first I minded but I started to think from her position and wanted us to be happy together. I gave her full access to my computer, email and phone - I didn't have anything to hide. Though when you're lazy to clean out messages that could be misinterpreted definitely caught me a few times and caused a lot of grief.
As time passed, she would bring up our past when interrogating me about females that I was friends with. She would routinely drink when she got upset. It allowed her coup with her feelings, but it also enraged her more. At first, I just took it and put my head down and attempted to apologize for past mistakes. But she wouldn't relent. But then a calm would hit and things would be back to normal. She always enjoyed a drink or two and we went out a lot. But as she would drink I would be scared to go home because I knew she was going to get emotional and just pour everything at me - good or bad. When it was bad I'd get awful name calling and a few times she would hit me. One time I reacted and tried to kick her out of the apt. That's when it was really bad. I had never gotten that worked up before. I knew then we should have separated, but it had only been about a year and a half and I thought time would heal our problems. For a little while it did.
Unfortunately, the early battles left emotional scars between us and I recognized that though we loved each other throughly, her trust issue never could heal. I started to associate her drinking with a fight and started to resent her. Little fights were blown out of proportion. I'm not blameless, I'm not all that romantic and my humor is pretty sarcastic, which to her was borderline hurtful. My approach to an apology is more of and I'm sorry I won't do it again. Than a grovel on my knees and get read the riot act. On top of that me and thoughtfulness don't really coexist. Though I do care when gently pushed. I've gotten better, flowers and a few love notes here and there, but recently they have been more negative reflection notes of our relationship or journal entries that illustrate regrets from the fight before.
Now, I realize I've really complicated our relationship by hiding my attempted friendship with my ex. It's caused her hurt and pain, but I thought she would have by now moved on. But there are moments when they popup from her caused by something I'd say or some action on FB to make her think I was interested in another person. I know I'm wrong and have attempted to justify my actions in the heat of the fight. I regret a lot of things, but think she'd be better off without me. She's on course for a great job that would help her reach her dreams, but in another country. We just moved to Europe to be closer to her family and if she takes this job we'd have to be long distance for quite some time. On top of that I really don't want to move to the country her job is in.
I love her and i think she still loves me, but all the fights and separations has worn thin between us. I'm going through regret for suggesting that she leave, but when I look at it - it only makes sense. She'd be able to chase her career dream without me and my insecurities holding her back. She'd be even closer to her family and friends. She'd have no problem finding another person who could fullfil her needs, or at least would start a relationship with trust in tact. At first, I was wondering if could get advise, but the more I read this I'm realizing that we need to separate/divorce. No matter how amazing our love is and how outwardly "compatible" we were. Inside we were broken early on and never found the right glue to fix things. Perhaps my question to the group would be how do deal with regret or loss when you feel/know you've caused the downfall of your relationship.
Calling it quits
sorry to hear
I just don't see things changing
Of course, nobody is perfect
6.5 years
Trying to help
Thank you, there of course
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!! married for 9 years
I understand what you are
He says he loves me but wants a divorce???
I just wanted to tell you it
So sick and tired of my husband
Love hurts
Love Hurts
If he can afford an affair he
Married/dont know what to do
time to divorce?
I am so sorry to hear your
so sad
Run girl as fast as you can
Is It Time?
Seperated and still confused
Divorce her.
been there done that
a reply to separated and confused...
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