Tell-Tale Signs That it's Time to Divorce

Tell-Tale Signs That it's Time to Divorce

Posted to by Cathy Meyer on Sun, 11/01/2009 - 9:24am

In my last article, I wrote about things to consider before making the decision to divorce. This article deals with accepting and recognizing when it is time to "throw in the towel." Below are a few signs that you are dealing with a marriage that has gone past the point of my opinion.

Are you to the point that your spouse just can't do anything right, does everything they do get under your skin?

Shortly before my Aunt and Uncle divorced, I heard her say, "If he died tomorrow I'd have to peel an onion before I could shed a tear." Their marriage had gone on way too long. So long that she had developed feelings of animosity toward her husband. If you feel yourself moving in that direction, do yourself and him a favor and move on.

Are you tired of the trying, so tired you can't muster of the energy to even engage anymore?

Trying to solve marital problems can turn into a cycle of the wife trying to get her needs met and the husband stonewalling or dismissing her. A woman will normally try to re-engage her husband. Women are natural problem solvers who don't give up easily. She will eventually tire of trying to engage her husband in finding solutions to the marital problems. She will withdraw, stop expressing her needs; and once this happens, the marriage is headed for separation or divorce.

Does the idea of sex with your spouse cause you to shudder?

Does the idea of sex with your husband cause you to feel trapped, like you want to cry, pack your bags and never come back? If so, it is time to act on your feelings.

Has the love you felt been replaced by resentment?

Feelings of resentment come from being hurt by your husband. They stem from allowing someone to hurt you. There is nothing wrong with feeling hurt by the actions of another. The kiss of death to a marriage comes when we harbor those hurt feelings and do nothing about them. When you don't voice your feelings in a proper manner or stand up for yourself, hurt turns to resentment. From resentment grows bitterness and hostility, feelings hard to work through and more than likely mean the end of a marriage.

The above list is a small sample of signs that your marriage is dead. Many women live for years in a marriage where some or all of the above signs are present. They stay for any number of reasons...guilt, religious beliefs, the children, fear of change. They stay for all the wrong reasons. In my opinion, when it is over, it is over. It is time to stop peeling onions and throw in the towel.

Related Articles:

Do Some Thinking Before Filing for Divorce - By Cathy Meyer

Click the following for more articles and resource videos on Getting A Divorce


Time to move on?

My wife and I have been married for 6 years now, two adorable boys that I love to death. Recently things have been in a free fall. I love my wife very much, try to express that to her as often as can, but she is just completely disengaged. Through the course of our marriage, had our share of arguments, said hurtful things to one another in those arguments and though I am the type to always forget and move on, she never lets me forget. She has built so much resentment towards me that it she is incapable of connecting with me. I have always been faithful, taken care of the household chores, taking care of the kids, I cook and clean, make her breakfast, try to always keep her as a priority. My friends and relatives always express how dutiful of a husband I am, but my wife never seems to notice and frequently only point at the negative. She expresses how there is no excitement coming home because of the kids and the constant work of being a parent. She very rarely engages with me in conversation, never ask how my day was, how my family is doing etc. I am the type of person that likes to make people happy even at the expense of myself, but at the same time have a high sense of self confidence that I know I deserve better. We been going to counseling to try to have her let go of her resentment, but she nevers committed and does not seem to want to let go. I am 34, in sales, probably make more money than surgeons, physically as fit as when I was 20.... There is nothing more I want than a happy family. I enjoy spending time with the kids constantly, just want a happy family with a wife that can mutually love me and be content with what we have.... I know things won't get better because we always have responsibilities of being parents, I enjoy it tremendously, she does not.... Should I just move on while I am still young and find someone more like me? Content to be just a parent, content in just knowing your spouse loves you as much as you love her?

how it affects your kids.

Please take this step in your life very seriously, the divorce rates are so high today it's unbelievable. I'm sixteen and i witnessed my parents marriage crumble, my father cheated on my mother multiple times and my mother basically stopped trying with the marriage and started just feeling bad for herself, introversion. She also bought a cat... A marriage is a bond between two* people and yes it's hard, but hey it wouldn't be interesting if it was easy. I defiantly understand relationships that need to end due to domestic abuse, gambling, drinking, ect. though, if the reason your considering divorce is because of one fight, please, please consider getting marital help or sitting down and talking it over or even a vacation from each other. especially if you have kids, most parents really don't see or think of how it will affect your kids, it hurts us badly leaving us broken and more likely for depression and other psychological disorders. My father is living with his overbearing girlfriend and her monstrously terribly behaved daughter. I want to spend time with him, but I cannot take his "family". Being with my mom isn't much better. She's heartbroken and has really taken it out on herself and her health, she has turned to drinking and smoking to ease her pain. She's hurting it's hard for me to be around. my father comes over a lot and has helped us to redesign our house, there is still obviously a connection between them because why would he help her? and why won't she move on? I suppose it's too late now to fix the relationship, but if only they had worked together instead of expecting the other to be the leader, maybe their lives, and mine, would've been happier. I'm going off to college in a year and I cannot wait to move as far as possible away from here. I fear for my future relationships, and as of now do not plan on getting married for fear of repeating the past. I'm just asking please consider your children and what you are loosing n your life and if you can mend the wounds before you make this big decision. thank you for reading.

been a long time coming

So I have been married to my husband for almost 14 years and from the beginning I knew I wasn't marrying him for the right reasons. The major issue back then was his depression and manic-depressive behaviors. He is very caring and a very good provider. We have never really "clicked". He has always had a drinking problem and major anxiety which I believe is why he drinks/smokes. He finally has gotten a handle on the drinking and is always trying to change certain behaviors I find troubling for me, not for himself. He is at his core not a happy person but really tries. We have two kids 7 and 11 and he is a great father and together we are good parents. We have no intimate relationship at all. I have a hard time talking to him. He has always wanted to be more intimate but due to my resentment towards him over the years, I have no desire to be with him. I am pretty social and need to interact with other people where as he is uncomfortable and never seems to have a good time. I am 40 and feel like I cannot possibly live the rest of my life so unhappy. I always tell him I want out and want a divorce but then I always feel like I'm ruining everyone's life. He freaks out and I always end up feeling like it's not worth the battle. We have tried counseling however the reasons I want out never seem to get fixed for too long. He starts telling me everything I want to hear and will not listen to me. I feel that indicators of future behavior are past behaviors. I am just having a hard time feeling guilty for hurting him but we both deserve a partner that loves unconditionally. Trying to stay strong and make the break. I know I will be happier without him and our kids deserve to be in a happy environment and not with parents that show no affection for eachother and do not love each other. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated. If you've been there or if you think i'm totally unreasonable and selfish I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Sorry to hear contemplating

Sorry to hear contemplating about divorce as well .... It's the fear of making the first move that wrecks me which sounds like the same problem you have. I can't offer any words of advice as I am in the same boat but I can't imagine life like this indefinitely either. Everyone deser ex a chance to be happy, life is too short not to enjoy it


Can't trust him with our money or with daily issues. Lies if he thinks I will be unhappy with something. Put us into major debt on multiple occasions that our parents had to bail us out of and never explained where all the money went. Makes choices when with his friends that I don't agree with and has put me in the middle to be the bad guy. Doesn't give me attention unless I ask, doesn't "value me" unless I ask. Married 10 years in August, 3 kids, 10,7,3. I feel dead to him. We've been in counseling and he's been trying but still keeps making choices that are not ok. ex. Didn't pay mortgage for two months and told me he did. I love him. I care about him. But I can't do this anymore. On the other hand i am terrified of divorce. Scared to be a single mom. Alone. When I think of hurting him it kills me. When I think of all the emotional turmoil for me and how I am going to prevent my kids from feeling the effects...I am scared I don't know how I will do it. Has anyone been there? I keep doubting myself. Am I crazy. Will he really change this time? Etc. I know he loves me. But at the same time I also think he doesn't truly respect me. And I think he is irresponsible. I am so tired of feeling so stuck in the mud. Want to end this drama but can't.

fear of being unwanted

I so felt that too. I feared being unwanted, because I was in a marriage where I was unwanted. I Love my son and didn't want him to feel unwanted. And because of my religious beliefs . I searched and searched for proof of his cheating. Then one day I just decided to depend on the lord. I gave my ex some hoops to jump thru...let's just say I got every excuse in the list. You know 1)pity him, 2)he's angry 3) make me fear 4)I made some one sad...all that blah! But hoops should be jumped for me. Now don't think I am some kind of self centered girl, never been called that, cuz I know I am a door mat. But we door mats need to have our 'master' jump sometimes. Well he didn't and I left. Bought a very small very MINE, house for my 1yr old and me. Thanks to the lord. Found out my ex was doing all sorts of girls, men and he was naked on porn showing himself to the world. Hind sight is 20-20. Now it wasn't as easy as it sounds. I cried for a year over him. And then i cried for 2 more cuz my son will never have a family with both original parents under one roof. I can't give my son the fairy tale family. My fairy tale was destroyed and I miss that. But not my ex, not even a bit. You know he smelled bad ..a lot!

I am in your shoes 100%... I

I am in your shoes 100%... I get lied to about every little thing... in and out of counseling... together 10 years with 2 kids... and I am so scared of divorce. I feel like you just wrote about my life!


I've been married for 15 years and i have 3 kids. I've gotten to the point where i can't stand my husband. We both work but he keeps all my money. I don't even know how much he makes. We always argue because he says i have a spending money. We fight cause i spend $3 for lunch or i buy the kids a candy or give them lunch money. He was very upset when i opened up my own bank account. He judges everything i do. I love to paint and when i buy a canvas we argue but when someone buys the painting and sees money coming in he says I'm a good painter. But he gives himself credit saying he thought me. He's never painted in his life. Sometimes i work 12 hour shifts n I'm tiredand i want to rest but he won't let me do that. He wants me to go to the store n buy groceries then make dinner and clean. I can't ever nap. But when he gets home from work he gets 6 hours to himself and rests. He says he makes more money and he's the king and that my job isn't hard. None of my friends go over ti visit me anymore and if they invite me anywhere he gets upset. He rather cook and keep me at home. If i do go to dinner with friends from work he calls me so many times. He always yells at the kids and makes them serve him ice cream and coke and bring him socks. He even has my daughter vacuum up his hair when he cuts his hair. He keeps track of everything i spend which isn't a Lot. Besides its my money. He looks at me with hatred but he says he loves me and that I'm never gonna leave him. He says I'm funny cause he made me funny. I can't stand him and i want out. But he thinks he's so perfect and that i need counseling. I feel so dumb for being bind this long. I thought he was perfect. What do i do???

If you are not giving your

If you are not giving your husband sex he thinks you do not love him. That's just how we are wired. If he doesn't feel loved he won't include you in ANYTHING. I'm filing divorce for the same reason, no affection from my wife.

Married for 10+ years and it's all in the pits

I married my wife about 10 years ago. We have 2 kids now; 4 and 8. She doesn't seem to have any affection for me anymore. No desires. No positive feelings or positive emotions for me. Plenty of negative feelings and negative emotions towards me. Both of us have 9-5 jobs and fairly stable jobs with stable incomes -- so the job stress is not there. I haven't been happy for a very long time. I have just given up trying or trying to make it work. I have given up trying to be romantic or trying to make advances or trying anything anymore. I can't figure out what to do. Is this what the beginning of divorce looks like? I have always been faithful to her. Should I just start chasing other women now? Should I file for divorce and move on? At this point I am only with her because of the kids. If it wasn't for the kids I would have left. But I don't want them to grow up without their dad and I think they love me very much and I love them. Should I suck it up and continue to live like this until both of them are adults and moved out? And then start looking for a new wife when I am in my 60's?! I met my wife when I was in my early 20's and she was 18. We married about 10 years later. I don't think it was ever true love right from the beginning. I always felt like I had this little thing nibbling in the back of my head that I really didn't think I loved her completely so why I am marring her? At the time I thought, well maybe that's all just normal and you grow up and accept who you are with and what you have. But how long do I continue to live this way? Hell, at this point I dont even know how I would be able to becoe single anymore. I have completely lost my ability to be charming to talk to people. The only thing I do is go running to get away from the house and the proximity of my wife.

Married for 10+ years and it's all in the pits

I married my wife about 10 years ago. We have 2 kids now; 4 and 8. She doesn't seem to have any affection for me anymore. No desires. No positive feelings or positive emotions for me. Plenty of negative feelings and negative emotions towards me. Both of us have 9-5 jobs and fairly stable jobs with stable incomes -- so the job stress is not there. I haven't been happy for a very long time. I have just given up trying or trying to make it work. I have given up trying to be romantic or trying to make advances or trying anything anymore. I can't figure out what to do. Is this what the beginning of divorce looks like? I have always been faithful to her. Should I just start chasing other women now? Should I file for divorce and move on? At this point I am only with her because of the kids. If it wasn't for the kids I would have left. But I don't want them to grow up without their dad and I think they love me very much and I love them. Should I suck it up and continue to live like this until both of them are adults and moved out? And then start looking for a new wife when I am in my 60's?! I met my wife when I was in my early 20's and she was 18. We married about 10 years later. I don't think it was ever true love right from the beginning. I always felt like I had this little thing nibbling in the back of my head that I really didn't think I loved her completely so why I am marring her? At the time I thought, well maybe that's all just normal and you grow up and accept who you are with and what you have. But how long do I continue to live this way? Hell, at this point I dont even know how I would be able to becoe single anymore. I have completely lost my ability to be charming to talk to people. The only thing I do is go running to get away from the house and the proximity of my wife.

I am tired of trying in my marriage

I have been married for 6 years and I am just tired. I want a divorce. My husband says he will change but his change seems only temporary. When he gets mad he is so disrespectful. He calls me names and brings up that the women he cheated with are better than me. Then when he cools down he wants to say sorry and that he said everything out of anger.But when is it enough? I feel like I have been trying so hard to stay positive and try to forgive him for the way he actswactswhen he is angry. But I feel like it is never enough. How many sorry's should a women go through before she is respected. I feel like I cannot argue or share how I feel because he gets so angry. He says hurtful stuff and intimidates me. And if I am mad when he is over the argument he wants me to be over it too. And if I am not he will get mad that I am still upset. It sucks because he messed up my credit and I want a divorce but I do not know how to start. He has the money, job, and credit to move. I know I got to be strong but I just need advice or a push that I am right about getting a divorce. Your help is appreciated. Thank you

sad and tired

My husband and I have been together almost 30 years. Yes I love him yes he is s great father but he and I no longer have anything in common and zero passion. He and I both have pretty secure jobs and our kids are in college. We haven't slept in the same bed for years. He comes home hits the couch and that's it. He has outside interests that he goes off on on the weekends boy scouts and his job is demanding. Now that the kids are gone is is so apparent. We are moreike roommates than spouses. I sit here day after day he comes home usualy after 9 pm on adverage. When we have the opportunity to go to things together he is usually already commited to something else. I can not leave it takes both our salaries to make ends meet. We have talked about how unhappy I am and he says he will try but I is just the norm now. My kids will freak if we divorce. Our credit will be ruined. But am I supposed to live the rest of my life with a roommate? I am miserable but have no clue how to fix it. Is it better to live with a friend for the rest of my life or get out now? making a huge mistake or wonder why I waited?

Get Out While the Gittin's Good

Like Kenny Rogers said in his famous song "The Gambler", "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run." Enough is enough. Bad marriages all reach a point of no return, and there's not much reason to continue to try and hold them together. Doing it for the children isn't a valid reason any longer, because experts know that children exposed to that negative environment in the home aren't any better off than those whose parents have split. When the kids start crying every time their father comes into the room and fighting when they're expected to go home with him, you can know that there's no point in saving that relationship. Cut your losses. Being divorced can be difficult and place financial constraints on you that you haven't had to live with before, but your overall peace of mind will be a huge positive that will counteract all the negatives and make you wonder why you stuck it out as long as you did.

After 27 years of marriage

After 27 years of marriage and 5 children I feel, quite often, that I just want to be by myself. I imagine the glorious possibilities. I have not been employed since 1986 when our first child was born. Sometimes I think I could just get a job and move back home and take care of my elderly father but that would mean my youngest child would have to relocate to a new school and I would never put my needs before my children. I loved my husband so fiercely that my heart would pitter patter whenever I would see him after 20something years. Now, because of the accumulation of what I categorize as betrayal, I have lost some of that loving feeling. I, still to this day, ask him to please take a day off of work and spend it with me. Just ain't gunna happen. He looks at it as though it is being wasted just hanging out with me at home. I know, I know, I should just occupy my days with manicures, pedicures, shopping/lunches with friends. The thing is that he has financially ruined us. We are broke due to his decisions and I am too frugal to blow money when there are so many bills to be paid. I cook (and a fantastic one at that) clean, and garden, and I love it! His financial decisions are abysmal, in my opinion. He is such a hard worker, but it is all for not in the end if life passes you by. He is stubborn and will not take advice from me. He has never had an affair, but has hurt me in so many other ways. Drugs and drinking use to be an issue many years ago. I even caught him doing drugs on one delightful Christmas night with a female family member that had stabbed me in the back before and he knew this. My feelings were most of the time secondary to his families feelings. He had stood me up on family gatherings and would ignore me for days or weeks on end for something I said or did. When our kids were little i thought I must be the crazy one. He would do or say something and then say he didn't. These are just a few examples. Although he has changed immensely from that person and has reformed for the most part, it still hurts. There once was a beautiful home with a beautiful wife and beautiful children who at one time couldn't wait for him to come home even if if he seemed grumpy. There still stands the beautiful home and beautiful wife and beautiful children (some now grown and living their lives). But where once lived unconditional love now lives a bit of contempt, frustration, and indifference. How sad. They say feelings follow actions so I will continue to love this man and hope for the best.

Advice Please

I've been married for 14 years. Very quiet marriage. We get along very well. We don't fight and we talk through most things. Things were odd, from the get go. Before marriage, he said he wanted to wait for sex, out of respect. I made advances and he always gave in....and it was good. We got married and then nothing. No sex on the kissing....nada. We had a great time though, so I just didn't give it much attention. Then after three months, Of feeling uncertain.....I cried and talked to him. I am very open, honest and understanding. He said he wasn't sure why, but he wanted to be with me very much. That has been our marriage cycle for 14 years. It's important to note that he is an amazing father. We have three daughters....all were planned....."I am ovulating, let's do this". Nothing passionate....more of an act to make our children. For the times we have had sex, it's usually after I've begged or pleaded to understand why our relationship is the way it is. He'd feel bad, tell me he adores me and then try to have sex with me. It was typically getting lost in the trying to give me an he was always very insecure. Later years...the same thing.....sometimes losing his erection. I'd start to feel resentment. I started to feel ugly....more like disgusting. Through the years, I've learned that is not true...and he probably doesn't feel that way....infect I am sure he doesn't look at me in a negative light. He finally went to the my request...after a few years of asking. Everything was normal. 7 years ago I threatened to leave and he got counseling...then quit when I came back. We haven't slept in the same bed for years. He hasn't kissed me in at least 6 or more years. As crazy as this sounds....we get along great....he takes care of me....I have a spinal cord injury, I can walk and no one can tell I have it, to look at me...but, the days when I am in pain, tired or anything, he is right there for me....very nurturing. We can lay in bed, watching a movie and he'll play with my hair for hours. He's a caregiver, devoted father and a good hearted man. We are equally caring for the children. He cooks, cleans and supports all of us with his kindness. He doesn't make much money, but he's hard working. Last year, I saw a family friend. I've known him my whole cousins....but something changed. I've had a crush on him since the day I was born...practically. Virtually starving for attention....I asked my husband for a separation. We talked about it....I told him how I was feeling, why I was feeling it and he understood. He said he can't blame me for wanting a man to look at me that way. Again he said he wanted to change to keep me.... That was a year ago. He hasn't tried counselling...nothing. It's like he thinks itmwillmall magically disappear. Again, we continually talk openly and honestly, but nothing changes. As for the cousin..I still see him. He thinks I am the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. I care deeply now...but, will not leave over that. I feel much more confident about myself. But, I am at the point where I realize this isn't the way to fix this. It helped me, through time, to realize that things can be different. I've been completely honest the entire time. Although no one knows, about our separation, except us and my cousin. I've told my sister, some girlfriends and my brother. My parents adore my husband, so I haven't gone there. I didn't want anyone else hurt, while we figure this out. But, I feel the time has come to make a break....from my cousin.....I don't want to leave my marriage because of him. I also realize that he makes it easier to hang on to my marriage, than to just make decisions. So my question is you stay and give up having sex.....but lead a good life? Or risk all the good for hopes of finding someone that can offer both? After reading all these stories, I wonder if that's possible. As for the cousin, I'd rather give that a chance, for a clean relationship, once my head is clear and my marriage is over. We all deserve that. Everything I've written, my husband knows and understands. He doesn't like it....he just knows that I've tried for years and years and now I am just trying to figure this out. I can't say that we had a passion to return to, or to make our way back to. In retrospect, it wasn't there. It was me not even understanding that a man could not be interested in sex. So confused.....don't want to live sexless, don't want to be alone, don't want to hurt anyone....want to be sure to not hurt our children, we are both very committed to that. Thanks for listening

Grass Not Always Greener On The Other Side.

I would do anything to be in your shoes. A sexless marriage is way much better than an abusive one like mine. Nothing compares to companionship, not even sex.

Advice please

There are many similarities in your dilemma and mine...I love my husband of 22 years very dearly, we get along great, still enjoy travelling and going out together but there is no intimacy. He never tells me I look nice, we haven't kissed for over 4 years or had sex. We sleep together in the same bed and cuddle once in a while. It is just so sad. We try and talk about it but cannot get to what happened between us and how we lost our intimacy. It is just too painful and sad for us to talk and he acknowledges that.He won't go to counseling. I am going to start going next week with the intent of trying to find the courage to leave. I am very confused to. We have such great memories and built our lives together it makes it so hard to leave but at the same time I feel that every day that goes by, a piece of me is dying becasue I miss feeling loved. I know he loves me in that deep committed sense but we are more like great roomates. I have secured an apartment a couple of weeks ago ready for that next step but I just can't seem to make the move. I keep saying to him I'll stay another week, a few more days. I do not have friends in the place we live at all and am going crazy for any type of company to just get out and validate that I can have a social life. People in my work are all married or have their own lives and are older (I am in a very conservative suburban area). I do not have anyone to talk to ( my parents are deceased, I have no siblings, my best friend lives abroad and we email). I am just so very sad, confused and distraught, I break down and have anxiety attacks when I am alone and have a constant headache due to the stress. This is just the hardest thing I have ever had to face and I am in so much pain. He knows that if I leave, this is forever. He has asked I give it some more time but it's been like this for the last 5 years (I did separate for 3 years as I had a job offer in another state which I took thinking this would be our opportunity to have a break and work on things). During that time when we saw each other at weekends about once a month, I thought absence would make the heart grow fonder and it would be like dating again, and he would start to see interest in me in a physical way but it didn't happen). I never thought I could feel so much heartache and pain - the idea of divorcing is worse than mourning the death of loved ones because in death, you know the loved one is not coming back, in this situation, you know the loved one is still present. I don't know where I am going to get the strength from but something has to change soon as I know I cannot keep going on like this. I wish everyone going through such difficult times to have the courage to follow your heart even though I myself at this time do not have courage.


Everything is still the same. I am so incredibly confused. Each of your answers are so the same time, it feels comforting to know I am not alone. Yes, I've asked my husband if he's gay....he always says no. I finally believe him. I think he's extremely insecure about sex. I also think he's Asexual....just doesn't have the desire. The insecurity keeps him from even trying. I too feel alone. Scared and uncertain. Just when I thought I had the strength to take time to figure this out, my "cousin" backed off. I was making plans to go see him next weekend and I stopped hearing from him for a few days. That scared me. I know it's not cool to have feelings for a married woman. I was trying to think of everyone's feelings and wanted to make some sort of clear decision. Then he backed off....I can feel the distance. So here I am worried about the way everyone is feeling and feel like my feelings aren't on the forefront for anyone. Maybe it's just that I've felt rejected for so long, that I panic when I feel it again. I want to give the cousin time, but in the same token.....I have to take in to account that everyone's life goes on hold while we wait. This weekend I planned on talking to him and reaching a way or the other. Either I was going to let him go and just face my deal with that and may e in time find my way back to him, if that's what's meant to be......or take some time to be with him and see if leaving is really the best solution. In the meantime, my husband and I agreed to all of this, but then bam the cousin is getting cold feet. I can't blame him, after all he has no idea I am even thinking these things. As for the woman who feels alone....thank you for writing. You are not alone. As you can see, we are going through similar issues. You know in your heart what you want to do, it's just finding the strength. I think after leaving, you'd feel some relief and you'll find yourself again. For the woman who filed for divorce and now changed it to a legal are doing the right thing. He'll never change. But through the separation, you'll come to the conclusion on whether you love him enough to stay anyways. It will give you time. I'll bet that once you get into that new apartment, you'll feel free.....less burdened and will have the time you so desperately need to think clearly. If you stay and not move out, he'll always find the right things to give you hope. Then it will be harder to start the process over again. Be good to've already done the hard part. If you don't follow through, then that will all be for nothing. Starting that process over will be twice as difficult the next time. Time to take a leap of faith and have time to think. You can even move out, without a legal anything, but only you know how trust worthy be in that situation. I know I can give the advice....I am a strong girl. I don't want to grow old alone. So confused.

Advise Please

I have the exact same story as yours , I mean EXACTLY! Except I've been married 23 years. Even your honeymoon, the ovulating thing, oh my god, everything (except for the cousin thing) My husband and I simply don't have sex, but he tells me I look "hot", he kisses me on the forehead and tells me he loves me. I filed for divorce 3 months ago. Nothing has gotten his attention until now. Now, he thinks that I can let go of all of he hurt and we should start, (hah!) being intimate. So, the divorce papers have been sitting there unsigned. He does these nice things, which makes me question myself daily.He asked me to give a marriage counselor a try. I was bawling in the Marriage Counselors office, he didn't know what to do. He had been mentally abusing me for years. I didn't say anything that he hadn't heard before in our counseling session, but it was SO nice to have a professional there. Having her there validated my feelings, it was a huge relief. I didn't feel like a crazy person anymore. Today, I went back to my lawyer and had her change the petition to a legal separation. It seems like it is the only way I will actually go through with this. I have been so painfully ambivalent because my husbands SEEMS like such a nice guy.The legal separation is pretty much exactly the same as a divorce, division of assets, child custody, etc. If I get the guts to change it to a divorce, everything will already be in order. The additional cost of the refiling is worth it to me, because otherwise, I may go on like this forever.

Sorry to hear you are going

Sorry to hear you are going through this. Your husband sounds like a wonderful person except for the intimacy issue. However, it is my belief that intimacy is the only true thing we can give/share to our partners that we are not supposed to share with anyone else so that's a pretty big issue to be unhappy with. I don't mean to be rude in asking but have you considered that your husband might be gay? I've known a couple gay men who, from the outside, look like successful, happily married heterosexual men but have no desire to be intimate with their wives (obviously) besides for procreation purposes. Have you discussed this as a potential issue? Another possibility is that he is suffering from some medical (even allergy!) disorder which is giving him a low libido. If you rule out the possibility that he is gay, he might consider going in to get full blood panels and allergy testing. I've heard that celiac disease (allergy to wheat) for example, can cause some CRAZY reactions in people such as infertility, etc. Something to consider...

I'm stuck and there's no way out! It feels like bad horror movie

Married 27 years. Husband disabled, not in a wheelchair disabled, but bad enough not to work. EVERY point on the list feels like I wrote it. Grown daughter and hubby out of work and living with us, college son living with us, grown son out on his own. I am so miserable. I can't afford counseling, not that I want marriage counseling! I just want counseling for me. What do people like me do?? I feel like if I saw me in a movie I still wouldn't know what to tell me. My college son wants me to go back to college, but I don't have time. I feel like I'm waiting to be rescued. Isn't that silly?? My husband is the most annoying person on the planet. I can't even expand on that because I feed nauseous just talking about him. Is this what I do? Live out the rest of my life feeling lucky that at least I have a home and wonderful children who love me 100%? I'm at my wits end. I always thought that I'd leave after the kids were grown, having been thinking that since my oldest was 6 weeks old and his true colors started to come out. Now I don't know what to think.

Acceptance and Regret(Husband's Predicament)

From reading this the first time and having raw emotions pour out I can safely say I can relate to a lot of the things on here from myside as well as my wife's. we've been though we've been together for 4 years now, I can safely say that I neglect her basic need for attention. We never really started off on the right foot. I met her on new years and she was moving back to her country. I ended up closing my startup and moved there with her to continue our relationship. Sounds romantic? It was.
She is beautiful, intellectual, and dynamic and had a real penchant for going out and enjoying life. I just getting out of a 5 year relationship was looking for exactly that. But, was trying to still be friends with my ex, non-sexual. We mutually agreed to break-up as we just grew apart. We had gone through a lot and she(my ex) had some emotional issues and I didn't want to hurt her. I attempted to be friends with her, even while dating my now wife. 6 mos into dating my now-wife found out and it really blew up in my face, rightfully so. I apologized and cut off any relationship with my ex. but it definitely created a trust issue for her early on and had persisted throughout our marriage.
We came back to the US since I had a better chance at job security and legal paperwork. I started to cut friends out from my life who she would feel that there would not be a trust issue. This mainly cut out all my female friends and a male friends, limiting my exposure to only people she felt comfortable with. At first I minded but I started to think from her position and wanted us to be happy together. I gave her full access to my computer, email and phone - I didn't have anything to hide. Though when you're lazy to clean out messages that could be misinterpreted definitely caught me a few times and caused a lot of grief.
As time passed, she would bring up our past when interrogating me about females that I was friends with. She would routinely drink when she got upset. It allowed her coup with her feelings, but it also enraged her more. At first, I just took it and put my head down and attempted to apologize for past mistakes. But she wouldn't relent. But then a calm would hit and things would be back to normal. She always enjoyed a drink or two and we went out a lot. But as she would drink I would be scared to go home because I knew she was going to get emotional and just pour everything at me - good or bad. When it was bad I'd get awful name calling and a few times she would hit me. One time I reacted and tried to kick her out of the apt. That's when it was really bad. I had never gotten that worked up before. I knew then we should have separated, but it had only been about a year and a half and I thought time would heal our problems. For a little while it did.
Unfortunately, the early battles left emotional scars between us and I recognized that though we loved each other throughly, her trust issue never could heal. I started to associate her drinking with a fight and started to resent her. Little fights were blown out of proportion. I'm not blameless, I'm not all that romantic and my humor is pretty sarcastic, which to her was borderline hurtful. My approach to an apology is more of and I'm sorry I won't do it again. Than a grovel on my knees and get read the riot act. On top of that me and thoughtfulness don't really coexist. Though I do care when gently pushed. I've gotten better, flowers and a few love notes here and there, but recently they have been more negative reflection notes of our relationship or journal entries that illustrate regrets from the fight before.
Now, I realize I've really complicated our relationship by hiding my attempted friendship with my ex. It's caused her hurt and pain, but I thought she would have by now moved on. But there are moments when they popup from her caused by something I'd say or some action on FB to make her think I was interested in another person. I know I'm wrong and have attempted to justify my actions in the heat of the fight. I regret a lot of things, but think she'd be better off without me. She's on course for a great job that would help her reach her dreams, but in another country. We just moved to Europe to be closer to her family and if she takes this job we'd have to be long distance for quite some time. On top of that I really don't want to move to the country her job is in.
I love her and i think she still loves me, but all the fights and separations has worn thin between us. I'm going through regret for suggesting that she leave, but when I look at it - it only makes sense. She'd be able to chase her career dream without me and my insecurities holding her back. She'd be even closer to her family and friends. She'd have no problem finding another person who could fullfil her needs, or at least would start a relationship with trust in tact. At first, I was wondering if could get advise, but the more I read this I'm realizing that we need to separate/divorce. No matter how amazing our love is and how outwardly "compatible" we were. Inside we were broken early on and never found the right glue to fix things. Perhaps my question to the group would be how do deal with regret or loss when you feel/know you've caused the downfall of your relationship.

Calling it quits

Me and my wife have been married 6 years. We have 2 small children. Due to my schedule I am with the kids more and am a good dad. She makes a lot more money than me at a job she hates. She can't stand it that I like what I do for a living. She blames me for everything that makes her unhappy. All she talks about is negative things at work. She tells the kids she hates work and wishes she could stay with them. I told her to quit and stay home with the kids and I would get a second job. I just didn't want to hear her complain about there not being enough money or never getting to see me. I've been putting up with it a couple years now. She calls me lazy and pathetic and tells me I need to step it up and be a man. I left her 2 days ago and she changed the locks and took the kids with her to her parents house. This morning she called me and begged me not to leave her. Her parents keep bringing up old arguments we've had and she changes her mind and wants it over. My family thinks she will never change and I should cut my losses. I just want to be around my kids as much as I can. Last time we talked she wanted me back. What should I do?

sorry to hear

have you tried counseling? Women like to express their feelings and what can seem like negativity to you can be just venting. I would give it another go for the sake of your kids. Although insulting your spouse in any manner is unacceptable.She shouldn't degrade you because of your choice . It sounds like she's jealous. I also assume she feels trapped in that job because of income. Come i up with a plan that involves both of you and her finding a new job.

I just don't see things changing

Me and my wife have been married 6 years. We have 2 small children. Due to my schedule I am with the kids more and am a good dad. She makes a lot more money than me at a job she hates. She can't stand it that I like what I do for a living. She blames me for everything that makes her unhappy. All she talks about is negative things at work. She tells the kids she hates work and wishes she could stay with them. I told her to quit and stay home with the kids and I would get a second job. I just didn't want to hear her complain about there not being enough money or never getting to see me. I've been putting up with it a couple years now. She calls me lazy and pathetic and tells me I need to step it up and be a man. I left her 2 days ago and she changed the locks and took the kids with her to her parents house. This morning she called me and begged me not to leave her. Her parents keep bringing up old arguments we've had and she changes her mind and wants it over. My family thinks she will never change and I should cut my losses. I just want to be around my kids as much as I can. Last time we talked she wanted me back. What should I do?

Of course, nobody is perfect

Of course, nobody is perfect and it is always likely a situation where both parties are bringing issues but you, as a human, deserve to be respected. It's not right that she calls you names. It seems that she is taking her misery out on you....we hurt the ones we love the most, right? However, she likely bears the weight of knowing that her miserable job helps your family so she probably feels caught between a rock and a hard place herself. Ultimately, you both need to feel known/heard. She should be able to have a non-disrespectful conversation with you regarding the burdens she bears (eg, hates job, misses kids), etc. and you should be able to have a conversation with her about your difficulties/hurts. The fact that she includes your children in the mix (by telling them how much she hates work) makes me fearful for them. There is something called a Narcissistic Parent where they elevate a child to adult status by telling them things kids shouldn't know. I'm not saying you should be dishonest with your children but what good can come of them hearing the things their Mom is saying? they are powerless to change her situation. So, she needs to take ownership of that more. She also seems to run hot/cold with whether to continue your relationship. Troubling that she relies so heavily on her family to allow her feelings to be swayed. Perhaps you could try to have a conversation regarding why she wants to stay in the marriage and whether things can change. Sorry for your difficult situation!

6.5 years

My husband and I have been married for six and a half years, like most reltionshipd ours hasn't been perfect. Recently we had some friends over to the house for some wine and cards my husband got mad about something...I still don't know what and punched a hole in the bedroom wall, then he punched out the cloaet doors. Well our children were home and my friends daughter was also there. My husband stumbled outside to smoke a cigarette lockrd him out.of the house and told him to go to his moms and sleep it off. Well he didn't and started pounding on the door he ended up hitting so hard that he broke out the window. My friend called the police and they took him over to his friends house after hearing what happened. Well.two hours later he had walked back to the house and.was.pounding.on the bedroom window . I called the police and the came and got him and took him to jail. A week after that incident we were back together and.he.had apologized. Well he goes to his friends house the following weekend wheb he comes home he is ranting about how my.friend had no right to call the police, and grabbed me by theneck . He then went into.the bathroom and stabbed the stomach twice and called the police and told the.police i had done it. Luckly my dad was there and everyone knew that i didnt do it but now he.wants me to take him back and he says he has gotten help but.i dont feel comfortable around him. Any suggestions?





Trying to help

Hello Friend, I read your story and I understand how your husband might be upset that the police was called by your friend. If police were called for anything someone would get upset; however, he frightened children and your friends. I understand why they were called and stand behind you. I would be very fearful with a man who stabs himself PERIOD. You both have children and their needs must come first. He tried getting you in trouble...that would have been years in jail for you. What scares me most is what if he loses his temper with you. This is a form of abuse on you!!! on your family...on all those around. He did not get the help he needed in a week. You need to think this long and hard and deep inside you know that you love him and because of that you might not want to leave 100% but you do know that you can't stay with this either. Don't stay in something that could possibly physically hurt you or maybe kill you! I am soooo sorry that you and your children have to go through this! Tiff

Thank you, there of course

Thank you, there of course has been more added to this story since the other day. He took a hand full of sleeping pills and currently is in the pych ward. He seems to think he has changed. Personally I believe he wants to get better but thats not going to change my feelings toward him. I think that now would be a good time to talk to my lawyer :/. Thank you for all of your advice it has helped make my decision so much easier for me.

Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!! married for 9 years

Please help!! I have been married for 9 years. I am tired of trying to get through to my husband what my needs emotionally are. I need compassion, support, compliments. Show me you love me!! I have dealt with Bipolar and Depression all my life. I am not the most pleasant person lately either. We have 2 kids. Yes I am not confident a lot of the time. It is like most of the majority of the time any sort of affection needs to be coaxed out of him. We are both 36, I myself think he is childish for his and can be immature. I get my needs met by him at a point then he stops because it is like he forgets, then he starts to just kinda be here and of course then the immaturity and what not rub me the wrong way and he ends up that way and rude and like kidding around all the time like we are just buds. It is so annoying!!!!!! I am beginning to be so annoyed and irritated by him being so childish, and not listening to me. What in the world can I do anymore??? I am so tired of trying!!!!!! It has been many years of trying! I get my needs met, as if he makes that happen then I am so happy and you know like high but then as he stops and starts being disrespectful and rude and childish, then it is like WHAT????

I understand what you are

I understand what you are going through. I too grew up around mental illness and I think it plays a very large part in why we pick spouses with simlilar mental illnesses. As adults, we are aways trying to correct our childhood relationships. I am 39 and have 3 kids. I stopped working (thanks to my parents not husband) and have enjoyed my time raising my kids. I pushed all the bs with my husband aside and distracted myself in my kids lives. He too is very imature. Plays video games until 4:00am:/ Other than going to work and bringing home a paycheck, he is completely useless. He works 2nd shift and dosen't see the kids till the weekend at which time he's busy on his 14 hour stretch internet game. Now that my youngest is almost 3 and I'm starting to think about getting a life again I can't help but ask myself this one question. "Can I see myself with this guy, without kids to distract, for the next 50 years of what time is left on this planet?". Guess what the anwser is? You got it...FUCK NO! So at this point I bide my time and work on putting myself in a good position. As much as it pains to go back to work, my previous question pains me far more. So here's my plan, get myself in a good position and try to encourage him to move on. With any luck he'll come home one day and tell me he met someone else...isn't that terrible! It would make things so dam easy. "Yes dear, I understand you should be happy in life". It would be like winning the fucking lottery!

He says he loves me but wants a divorce???

I am so confused right now. My husband and I have been together for 9 years and married for 8. I love him with all my heart. He says I'm not the person I use to be, the fun, outgoing, confident woman he fell in love with. I admit, I do not feel the same way about myself. I've gained about 30 pounds (I have severe rheumatoid arthritis in my spine making daily activities sometimes difficult). We do have fun together (unless you ask him) but we also argue. He can be a bully but he can also be very loving. When I took my vows I meant them... for better or worse. My father just passed away on Thanksgiving and it's been hard. A couple weeks later my husband moved out, said he still loves me but needs some space. He said we fight too much and he's had enough. What do we fight about? Mainly my kids. I have 3 kids (20,18, and 12) and he has 1 (12). Most of our arguments are based on kids issues. He wanted me to seek counseling for "myself". So I did and I still am. I go every week to work on why I have no confidence or self esteem. I feel it working. I feel I am seeing the "why". He had even offered to go with me so we could work on us. He has only gone once so far. I guess the straw that broke the camels back was 2 empty cigarette packs were found in my sons (he was 17 at the time) room even after numerous times of being told "no cigarettes in our house". My husband blew a gasket and tossed his room. Everything went to the middle of the room. When I got home my husband told me what happened and I made the comment that "he was going to be 18 soon and we can't stop him from smoking (outside of our house)". I get it... he intentionally defied us. I didn't agree with the extent that he destroyed his room (things did get broken) but it is what it is. My husband moved out. He has still been coming around almost everyday and tells me he loves me. By the way... our 8th anniversary is this coming Tuesday. Last night he came to our house to fix the furnace. He sent my daughter upstairs and proceeded to tell me that this just isn't working. He still loves me but it's not going to work. What? How can you say I love you but it's not going to work even before you have given counseling a good try? I don't know what to do. I don't want a divorce. I don't think our marriage is beyond saving. Too many times people throw their marriages away like trash. I'm not saying stay together regardless but at least give it a good effort. He loved me unconditionally once... can't he feel that way again?

I just wanted to tell you it

I just wanted to tell you it seems like your husband might be involved with someone else. For him to want to give up so easy. Also if you guys dont come to an agreement about the kids than that will definetly push him away. You have to allow your Husband to feel like a man Trust me I have been through this and I learned the hard way. Most of all you have to pray to our loving God above nothing is impossible for him. Good Luck

So sick and tired of my husband

I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired of my husband. We have been married 3 years and things have been more down than up. I have three children( a son-13, girl-11, girl-6). My son is a special needs child who is developmentally delayed he does not walk or talk. Me and my husband got married and before we did I tried to tell him things about my past that he needed to know about me but he refuse to listen until my brother called me an inappropriate name to get a feeling out of him; anyway he has not gotten that out of his head and it's been three years now. My husband has means of money that he gets every month but he also works; I just recently graduated from college and gotten my B.S. degree and I work part-time at the same job I've had 6 years and it does not pay good but its work. My husband does not save money. Lately he has been working and whining about his job and he works away from home and my husband has always been a womanizer, he loves women but claims now that he is so in love with me. I know he cheats on me but just haven't caught him; when he comes home he turns his cell phone off, but wants to know why my phone isn't ringing or always making comments about my phone. I don't cheat on my husband and don't ever plan to, but I know he is. He has not saved any money, when I got money he always want my money. Our anniversary was last month and he didn't give me anything because he said he owed the hotel that he was staying in for phone usage ( I don't believe him). He is constantly texting me and wanting to know what I am doing and trying to keep up with me. I like that fact that he works away because I am starting to feel like resentment towards him when he is around and really I am feeling like I can't stand my husband I hate him and that's not a good feeling. He is good with the children but he is such an asshole at times to the whole family. My mother stayed with us for six months and it was his idea but last month he decided he was not going to pay rent because my mom was there and he really put the family in a bind and I have hated him for that every since and can't get over it. He wouldn't want me to treat his mother that way, he lies so much and always trying to manipulate the situations and turns things on me like its my fault. I just wish he would just walk away from me and leave, but I know he want, I just want out of this marriage and it is going to be hard. We have a new car together and both of our names is on the car but he does not have drivers license. I am so confused and I know this is going to be a big mess to divorce this man, he is diagnosed as being pyschosis and I'm a little bit scared of him. I just need to get away me and my children but don't know what to do.

Love hurts

I think I should do the divorce thing. But I am so confused because I love my husband so so much. We have been together for nearly 20 years, high school sweethearts. We have just about everything in common, we never fight, I truly feel like he completes me. Unfortunately I do not complete him. We have two adorable babies, a nice house, and both come from " broken" homes. My husband complains of an emptiness but says he loves me. He complains that I am unhappy with him and deserve better. The problem is he has affairs, long ones, he falls in love with them but then quickly falls out of love and back in love with me. The trouble is we never have time for each other and we are broke. So we can't afford a sitter to do date night. I am crazy to even consider staying with him after this current affair. But I don't want to raise the kids the way I was and that was without a dad. I know it will just happen again. He likes the excitement of the affair. But if I leave him he will be helpless, he can't afford life without me. I don't want to leave him a mess, what would my kids think? Plus I will probably never meet anyone new. I am not outgoing, my husband was my only love affair, and I have two young babies. He hasn't even thought about breaking it off with this new lady. He says he wants to see where it goes! But when I pack up all his stuff he says he doesn't want to leave me? I need some super hero strength to get me through this. Has anyone tried support groups or anything? All my friends are happily married so they are no help. And my parents and his are all spiteful divorcees. I want to keep our friendship for the sake of the kids. He is staying with this stupid lady right now but won't move his stuff. Should I just drop it off at her house? But then he will be mad and for the kids sake I don't want him to cease speaking to me! What the heck am I suppose to do??? I am ready to just move out of the house and leave his stuff here. But then again I still love him!!! I need help!

Love Hurts

You deserve better. It may not come tomorrow or the next day, but you need to cut the ties now. Work on you; work on your kids. A good man will love you for that. You deserve a faithful spouse. we all do.

If he can afford an affair he

If he can afford an affair he can afford to take you out on a date.

Married/dont know what to do

Ok here is my story, I will make it as short as I can. When I was 16, I had a kid, I was a single mom and I struggled everyday, wanted to find that perfect man. Then I was 19 and had another baby, my childs father turned out to be a liar (surprise) and I was soon a single mom again. I worked all the time, had my own place, but I struggled a lot with being a single mom and wanting better for my kids. 5 years ago I met a man who was great, so I thought. I met my now husband through an online thing, immediately fell for him when he was dancing with one of my kids, and nervous to see the other one (who was on vacation and coming home) I got pregnant 2 months after we met, (b/c didn't work) and after only 3 months, found out he was cheating on me. It was hard but I tried to deal with it, at 6 months in, I found out he was trying to sleep with the next door neighbor at our apartment complex. Yet I tried to forgive and we got married, I loved him. He cooked for me, the kids, he took them to the bus stop, he watched them anytime I wanted to leave, basically aside from the cheating, he was the dad my kids never had, and the man I loved but was starting to hate a little bit. Well we struggled financially, he had no job, I was working, then at my 8 month pregnant mark, I lost my job. I have always wanted more for my kids so I signed up for school, then my husband did, his schedule conflicted with mine and we had no childcare, so I stayed home. 2 years later, I started school. In that time we moved into a house, still he had no job but we made it work. Then I found out he was cheating on me again, making fake profiles, etc. Anyways, we tried to make it work, but he started calling me everytime he was gone, texting me, and I mean so much I didn't even answer my phone. I asked fr a seperation. Soon he was texting me more and coming over, and I loved him, a week later we were back together. He ended up getting a good job and now we live in a nice house, all the kids have their own rooms, and we have separated once here, for a month. My problem is, I don;t know if I should not be happy. He does things like he deals with me (im bi-polar) he cleans, he cooks (I do too but he helps) he takes the kids to school, he is excited for their school plays, functions, he asks how their day was, etc but he doesn't really spend time with them, his job makes it to where he is gone a lot (which I can handle easy) but when he is home, I expect him to play with the kids, and go do things with us like go to the park or whatever, instead he has an attitude, the last time he watched the kids he had them in bed 3 hours early because he didnt want to deal with them. , he calls me at least 60 times a time, texts me non stop, if I don't answer he calls my mom, my friends. He is constantly telling me he loves me and wants to know if our relashonship is going to work even if all I did was get mad over something stupid. I have no private time, if I go in the room, he needs to put something away, if I am mad and don't want to talk, he follows me into the bathroom or the bedroom or whereever I am. I can easily make it seem like he is a bad guy, but at the same time, he does little things for me like makes me coffee when I wake up, brings a blanket out and puts it on the couch for me so i don't get cold if I want to come out and be lazy, tells me I am pretty even when I am sick and have no makeup on, but it seems like everything he does, he just does because its our normal life. I don't like having sex with him, everything he does makes me angry, even if he had good intentions, I feel like sometimes I am going crazy because he can be such a nice guy, but he is too needy. He has recently been yelling at me and calling me names and waking me up to yell. I say I dont want to argue in front of the kids, yet that is all they hear, every day. I am happy when he is not home, but I am afraid of doing it all again. If he leaves, I lose my house (I can't afford my rent/bills) and I go back to an apartment with the kids, and then what? Honestly I don't know what to think anymore, I don't know if I love him, I don't miss him, recently we went down so I could see my family on an extended visit, I stayed for 19 days, I didnt miss him once....what is wrong?

time to divorce?

I have been married 2 years, ours is a marriage a little different than most. I am American and my husband is an Egyptian, I married him and moved to Egypt for over a year. in that time his mother tried to divorce us, the stress of home and money almost killed us, and the cultural differences are something else all together. my husband and I started to have problems very early on, i suffer from anxiety and well living with his family was miserable 24/7 i began to retreat into myself i stopped eating and became skin and bone, and fought with my husband day and night. 4 months ago we moved to Abu Dhabi as my husband took a physicians job there. so i was so sure that this was the break we were looking for and a much needed stress reliever, Wrong his family also lives here and have for 30 years so they all ended up at our house whenever they wanted, and in this culture there is no boundaries its considered rude and is not tolerated but being from the west we love our boundaries. so problems once again came about. his mother would come and tell me i was ugly and my hair is wrong ( I have natural curly hair) and i should make it straight and i have to wear makeup and i must dress different as i am the wife of a DR. people will judge my husband on the way I look. she would hit me and tell me Erin your husband will leave you he dont want a girl like you. so when i told my husband this is not right and i cannot and will not take it anymore i told him put boundaries with your family and make them go away for a month so we can work on us and focus on our marriage, the whole month he yelled and blamed and cursed me that i wanted him to be an orphan and i ran his family away, but these past few weeks I really just cant take it anymore I find we have grown apart so much, i ask him for kind words and romance he tells me he wont worship me. i have begun to hate him despise him and tell him i want a divorce. he then tells me i am the reason his life is miserable that i steal his joy that i want to make him a prisoner he just says horrible things to me so now i am pissed hurt and in tears so i in turn respond badly, and the cycle continues I just dont know what to do anymore... I have asked him 3 times now to work on our marriage and see a consular he refuses and says he dont believe in them and we must work it out on our own. but we cant cause we cant stand eachother. I really wish things could go back to the way they were but sadly I believe its time for a divorce the hurt is just to much, he refuses to change and i cant be what he wants he wont work on himself and wants to point the finger at me. i suppose if thats what it takes to make him feel better but for me I just live in misery and that is no life marriage is supposed to be a loving good thing not a painful hurtful thing

I am so sorry to hear your

I am so sorry to hear your story! But it is a carbon-copy of mine - at the beginning. But mine became so much worse. Please do not stay with him. It will escalate and he will hurt you seriously. I know! My Egyptian husband was (I thought) my soul mate, the true love I had always looked for. Handsome, smart, witty, charming, kind and loving. But it turned out to be the most evil, horrid 5 years of living hell!! He cost me $15,000 +, he broke my things, he broke my body, he choked me, etc. but it all just started with: "i ask him for kind words and romance he tells me he wont worship me,he yelled and blamed and cursed me that i wanted him to be an orphan and i ran his family away,he then tells me i am the reason his life is miserable that i steal his joy that i want to make him a prisoner he just says horrible things to me,I have asked him 3 times now to work on our marriage and see a consular he refuses and says he dont believe in them and we must work it out on our own". These were the EXACT words of my husband! The crazy thing is....he started running around and hooking up with local online sex sites. Meeting these women and I was afraid of getting a disease. I stuck by him, I was totally devoted to him. But it was never enough.....after he is cheating on me, he accuses me (even now) of sleeping around. Im not his wife!!! So, so controlling. Honey, get out while you still can!!

so sad

It sounds like you thought you found prince charming. With a completely dimented side. He kind of sounds like my husband. Sometimes so wonderful you feel like you've met your true love. You told the previous person to get out while she can. Honey take your own advice. Life is way too to be thinking of what you shouldve done when you had the chance. You know you love him and you always will. But don't you deserve happiness? Please find the courage inside yourself to do what you know you need to. Don't be 60yrs old saying "what the hell did I do with my life"

Run girl as fast as you can

Run girl as fast as you can he will never choose you over his family based on what you described. Your mother inlaw hits you you're an American stand up for yourself hit the b***h back

Is It Time?

My husband and I have been married for almost 10 years. We have had some really rough times. He was active duty and deployed several times. His last deployment he was hurt, that was in 2006. He is now medically retired from the Army. He does have some lasting issues with his back but works as a Firefighter/EMT. Since getting out of the Army, I feel like he has just given up on himself. He has gained almost 80 pounds. I have a very demanding job as well. I am an officer for the State. I work out and try very hard to take care of myself. The longer we are together the worse things seem to get. I cannot get him to bathe, brush his teeth, or wear clean clothes most of the time. He has started smoking again but tries to hide it from me. We have 5 year old little girl that we both love dearly and I do not want her to think that behavior is acceptable. The thought of him touching me almost makes me gag. I would not mind the weight so much if he was clean! I have tried to get him to eat better and go to the gym with me, but nothing seems to work. He lacks all motivation other than sitting on the couch eating everything is sight. We have separated a couple times in the past. I filed for divorce in 2009, when without discussing it with me, he chose to take a private contract and go back over seas. We got back together a couple months after he came home. I am so burned out. I, however, have this huge amount of guilt that if I take our daughter and leave can he function? I feel like the moment I start talking he tunes me out. He says all I do is nag about him. I have started sleeping in the spare room because, well, he stinks and I find it disgusting. I feel terrible for even saying it. We have tried several different things. He does have PTSD but refuses to go talk to his counselor. I cannot fix him. I try to get him to help around the house but he does not budge. I work 50+ hours a week and he still expects me to play Suzie Home Maker. In two years, I started and graduated with honors with my Bachelor of Science. While attending school, I worked two full time jobs while he was unemployed most of the time. He does work full time now, but I am still working my regular job, a part-time job and working on my Masters. I work part-time because when it comes to our daughter needing new clothes, shoes, or school things I always pay for them. He has a serious EBay shopping addiction and refuses to show me the amount he spends. We now have separate checking and savings account because it is so out of control. I still feel the need to save him. I look at him and he is nothing but a shell of the man I fell in love with. I feel like I am raising a very large kid and my little girl. At what point do I give up? Will my guilt ever go away? Or am I a terrible wife of a vet?

Seperated and still confused

I have been married for 9 years and recently seperated from wife 5 months ago. I have one daughter who is 6 years old. I was always a faithful husband until recently. I developed a crush for a coworker about a year ago. I revealed this to my fellow coworker and the feeling was mutual. We began texting and talking for months. I really began to have strong feelings for her. My wife eventually found out and she moved out to a apartment of her own even though nothing physical had happened yet. The day my wife moved out the coworker came over to my house, and we had amazing sex. We continued to text and sleep together for about 2 months. Then some coworkers found out and the affair ended. I still have feelings for the coworker. My wife and I have continued to have sex even though we our seperated. We our going to marital counseling about once a week. My wife works at a hospital so she works every other weekend. So throughout my marriage I felt like a single dad. She is not very affectionate at all. She is also 7 years older than me. The coworker was 10 years younger. I am 35 and take care of myself physically in good shape. I am trying to figure out what I want to do. She wants to work things out, but I am not sure. I told her if we get back together she must not work weekends and she seems ok with this. I would like to also mention that sex with her was always ok, but she never slept in the same bed with me the entire marriage , because she says I snore too much . Need to make decision to stay married or to get divorced. I do enjoy living alone. I always craved for alone time when I was married.

Divorce her.

Get divorced. You obviously do not want to be married. You invite another over to your home where you and your wife sleep then have "amazing sex". But it's just "ok" with your wife she left because the man who promised to love her forever developed feelings for another woman she was hurt and you apologized by f$&@ing your coworker. Definitely divorce her she deserves better I'm not putting u down for your decisions because you both deserve to be happy I'm just saying don't be that selfish if u want something else then go after it but free your wife so she can have that same opportunity.

been there done that

Hey, look I was 14 when I began to see my exhusband. We had two kids and at 25 it felt as if he was my brother. He also wasn't affectionate and never really paid much attention to me. So I met a guy while I was married and we were just planning on being lovers yet we fell in love. I felt so good with him and he felt so good with me. So I divorced my ex and eventually married him. Though I never had regreted divorcing my ex, going into this marriage based on an affair screwed my life up. This isn't working out any better. Honestly, I think you should divorce. But don't keep a relationship with the coworker. Start a new relationship on the right foot and right grounds. The affair is cursed! Trust me

a reply to separated and confused...

Hi I read your post and would like to give my personal opinion on this due to the fact that I am going through a divorce and my husband did to me what you did to your wife. Not meaning that as an attack, but just a way to let you know I can relate to your wife's need and wants to make the marriage work and partly out of feeling rejected. I would suggest that if you have had an affair and still have feelings for this other woman than you need to spare your wife of the possible hurt in the future of you straying and end it while it's easier for the both of you being separated. You are not in love with your wife and if you were to get back together with her it would only be for the convenience or for the kids sake; and trust me that will never work if it's not for the passion and love you have for one another. You were married to this woman for 9 years and if you are still unsure even when you are not with the other woman...then it sounds to me like you have lost feelings and your love for your wife. It sounds like you are not happy with your wife and you are looking for something or someone to fill an emptiness inside and you may be attached to her familiarity but as far as you being in love it sounds like that's a NO, and why be married if you're not in love? What a waste of life. You are searching for something and it sounds like your wife is not what you want in a marriage. I feel for her because I am on that receiving end and it's really hurtful but we all get through it and it always makes a person stronger :) Move on and maybe you both can be friends for the childrens sake in the future but save yourself and her the hurt of a nasty divorce in the future. I hope that helped.

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