Career Education: 10 Jobs that Pay Women More Than Men

Career Education: 10 Jobs that Pay Women More Than Men

Posted to by Jill Brooke on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 9:28am

Your resume says you’re CEO of domestic affairs at your house, a multi-tasker who can juggle carpooling, cooking, homework, and dressing up for a date. You are a true financial wizard, one who can stretch $10 to pay for several meals, a baseball and discounted nail polish. But those skills – as resourceful as they are – don’t always translate to earning big cash in the workforce as a divorced woman.

Dr. Warren Farrell has solutions in his book Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap – and What Women Can Do About It, where he cites 85 jobs with the most payback.

By payback, we mean you get what you deserve.

In fact, in the following jobs, you actually get paid more than men. 

10 Careers Where Women Earn More Than Men:

Sales engineers:  Women: $89,908   Men: $62,660 
Statisticians:  Women: $49,140   Men: $36,296 
Legislators:  Women: $43,316   Men: $32,656 
Automotive service technicians and mechanics: Women: $40,664   Men: $31,460 
Library assistants, clerical:  Women: $23,608   Men: $18,512 
Baggage porters, bellhops, and concierges Women: $26,468   Men: $21,684 
Financial analysts Women: $69,004   Men: $58,604 
Aerospace engineers Women: $78,416   Men: $70,356 
Human resources assistants, except payroll and timekeeping Women: $30,420   Men: $28,028 
Advertising and promotions managers Women: $42,068   Men: $40,144 

So now may be the time to go to your local university or educational center and whip up these job skills. “The road to high pay is basically a toll road,” Dr. Farrell tells Firstwivesworld. “Every decision you make to earn more money means you have to work more on weekends, or work more hours, or be willing to relocate.”

He notes: “The jobs that pay less include jobs where you have a protected, wonderful environment.” In order to make the big bucks, he said, you have to take risks, work on commission rather than salary, work nights, work outdoors, or, say, work in an industrial area rather than in a pottery studio or a school room. “Follow your bliss, and it’s the money you miss,” he says.

Considering what you did as a mom, this will be a piece of cake in the long run and you will now have enough extra cash to afford someone to do the cooking for you.

Next: In an exclusive interview with First Wives World, Dr. Warren Farrell shares the best jobs for those who may not become legislators or statisticians, jobs best suited for single mothers and for women who have been out of the workplace.

Related Content:

Tips On Getting the Job You Want as a Divorced Woman

Your Post-Divorce Earning Potential

Click to return a directory of articles on Career and Pursuits Post-Divorce


I'd like to see Katha Pollitt

I'd like to see Katha Pollitt or Nadine Strossen debating that women deserve equal treatment with men, when confronted with this list of jobs. Mark Hansen, IWU Online

I wish your blog was

I wish your blog was available in french too so I could share it with some of my friends

I find it really amazing that

I find it really amazing that in engineering women earn morn than men. Thx for those usefull information.

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