Coping With Divorce, Part 3: Keep on moving!
Coping With Divorce, Part 3: Keep on moving!
I have previously described how important it is to keep your mind healthy when you are getting divorced, but what about your physical health? The Mental Health Foundation stresses the benefits of exercise for mild to moderate depression.Your body is your temple, so get into shape. Exercise, exercise, exercise!
Depression can be a vicious circle. You feel terrible. Your worry shows in your face. You can’t be bothered with yourself and days drag on endlessly. Alcohol is very tempting because it takes away the pain for a few minutes. Before long, however, the pain is back and worse than ever. You can’t be bothered to exercise. You are overweight and you haven’t got the energy. It is much easier to stay at home and reach for comfort foods. Or the bottle.
My advice? You need to have a good look in the mirror and make that leap of faith, if you are to overcome those black feelings.
What do you like doing? Salsa dancing? Going to the gym? Cycling? Running? Swimming? Do anything that will get your heart rate pumping. You will feel better immediately.
I do not recommend solitary exercise. It is all too easy to make an excuse and not bother. Instead, find a local group (a running club, perhaps), join a class or get a trainer. That way you have to join in and the habit soon begins to form. If you can’t afford it, can you cut back on some other expenses? Of course, if you have a good lawyer, you may be able to get the cost added into your maintenance!
Nothing, repeat nothing, should keep you from exercising. As for dieting: in my experience, this follows exercise. As you build up your exercising, the change in your eating habits will naturally follow.
Break the old circle and begin a new, more positive one. You exercise and its very hard. But…you begin to feel better. You see a change in your body. You keep exercising.
One day you think, “I need a new hair cut”. Another day you notice that your clothes are better fitting. Gradually, but certainly within a few months, you will feel and become a different person. Your workouts will have a tremendous effect on your body, mind and spirit.
After all, a new beginning begins with a new you.
Nicknamed "The Barracuda" for her tenacity, Marilyn Stowe is one of the UK’s most sought after divorce lawyers, and is the senior partner at Stowe Family Law.
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