A while back — a long while back — I wrote about how in those first few months after Levi left I couldn't stand to look at anything that reminded me of him. This obviously included pictures of us, his clothes, his stuff etc., but also included things that he had bought for me: jewelry, clothes, dishes, and so on.
Although this has changed somewhat — I am once again wearing my favorite pair of jeans, even though he gave them to me — it hasn't completely gone away.
Levi's splitting plan (which was equivalent to that of a criminal running away in the night) wasn't conducive to hauling furniture along with him.
Although, he was slightly crafty and snuck a few of his favorite things into a storage shed before he left, I was left with quite a bit of furniture.
(Now that I think of it, I never did say thank you — better get on that.)
Not initially having room for all of it, I put most of it into storage also. (Too bad Levi and I weren't on better terms, we coulda probably gotten a sweet two for one deal.)
Well, now I have the room, and a need, for the rest of the furniture. I have enlisted my friends to help me fetch it next Saturday.
"Why didn't you get it earlier?" my friend Rachel asked. I told her the truth: I didn't quite have the room for it, and, I couldn't stand to look at it. She told me that she had that same problem when she had broken up with a long term boyfriend. "Yeah, I think its a common symptom of breakups," I told her.
Then it hit me. I had an idea. "Wouldn't it be great if I could find another woman with a storage shed of furniture that shed of furniture that she couldn't stand to look at? "We could trade!!"
We had a good laugh over it, and while we were on the phone I posted an ad to the barter section of Craigslist titled: "My half of 'marital property' for yours." I described the situation, listed what my half entailed and asked anyone interested to send me an email.
I woke up the next day to 17 messages from people (men and women alike) who wanted to "recycle" their marital property.
Sometimes all it takes to make your heart sing, is simply knowing that there are others that feel exactly as you do, that you are not alone.
What Others Have Shared ()
Great Idea
Where to put his stuff?
Terrific idea!
Hey Faith!
Hi Joy!!
I didn't care for the stuff.
You're a genius