Well, it's Thankgiving again, a time when we reflect on all of the things that we have (rather than what we don't have) and remember to be grateful for them.
This year has changed me in so many ways; molded the clay of my being in ways that I would not have imagined, but now, cannot live without. I've met a lot of amazing people and I've been moved beyond belief by the kindness that these people have shown us. I'd like to take a moment to thank some of those people now.
To my very best friend Rachel: Thank you for standing by me for all of these years, but especially this year. You are my angel.
To Adam: Thank you for showing me the way — "my way."
To all of the wonderful people at Adrian's daycare center: I cannot find the words to express how truly grateful I am to all of you. Putting my son in daycare was a very scary thing for me, as I'm sure it is for most mothers. The support, encouragement, and general help that you've given me is astounding and I am nothing short of exceptionally thankful. The kindness, love and respect that you have shown my son has helped us both to grow. You feel like part of our family now. Thank you, thank you, thank you from both of us.
To all of the First Wives World readers: The community of women gathered here are all unique and all equally amazing. Thank you for sharing your experiences with me and thank you for allowing me to share mine.
To Maureen, FWW editor: Thank you for fixing my punctuation. (You have no idea how much this means to me!)
To everyone I've dated, even if it ended badly: Thank you for the experience, thank you for your interest and (maybe) thank you for putting up with me.
To my smart, witty, talented and creative "boss": Thank you for taking a chance on a single mom. Thank you for teaching me so much. Thank you for getting my humor.
To Antigone: Although we haven't exchanged many words, the ones we have exchanged have impacted me in ways that you probably can't imagine. Thank you for showing me that I am truly not alone in this journey. Good luck to you and your son.
To Levi: Thank you for giving me my son. He is and always will be the best gift I've ever known.
This is my short list.
There are several, if not hundreds, more people that have helped us along the way this year. Please know that I am grateful to you all.
Be safe and have a very happy Thanksgiving,
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You are one strong and
On Thanking Our Exes