
I finally did it.  I met with Levi's mother yesterday.

Quick recap for those of you that don't know/don't remember: Levi's mother has never seen Adrian. In fact, Levi's mother is the woman that sent me an email just a few days after Adrian was born telling me that I should have given him up for adoption immediately and adding that my son was nothing I should be proud of.

Yeah, I met with her yesterday. It's been a long time coming.

We were to meet in the main lobby of the museum at 11:30. As I walked into the lobby amongst a huge crowd, I spotted her immediately and my heart started racing.

"What am I doing?" I thought. "Why am I putting myself through this?" I turned around, pulled out my cell phone and phoned my very best friend, Rachel, and told her what was going on — by this point I was practically hiding in the bathroom.

"You have nothing to be nervous about, Faith. Just get out there and get it over with, and remember, you are the one doing her a favor," she said. "If anyone should be nervous right now, it should be her."

So finally, I took a deep breath and marched over to her.

It was awkward and filled with that fake niceness that makes me sick to my stomach but I suppose there are worse things...

She told me that Erica, Levi's sister, was also coming but was running late. She told me that she already purchased the tickets so I should just go on in with Adrian and she would meet me in a few minutes. Then she handed me two tickets.

"Thank you," I said and handed a ticket back to her. "Adrian doesn't need a ticket," I told her.

"Why not?" She asked and added that every child aged 2-14 needs a ticket. "Adrians not two yet," I told her.

"He's not?" she asked, surprised.

"Nope," I told her. "He won't be two until December thirteenth."

Then she got back in line to get a refund, and Adrain and I went inside to meet them in a few minutes.

We stayed about an hour and a half and the highlight of the day was the butterfly exhibit — it's awesome. After that, Adrian was exhausted and quickly nodded off to sleep in my arms.

Levi's mother walked back to my car with me. She thanked me for bringing Adrian to meet her, told me that he is very cute and seems to be very smart and asked that we do it again sometime.

All in all, it wasn't terrible. It wasn't the dramatic moment I've been thinking it would be. We didn't speak a word of Levi, and actually, I don't think I'm angry with her anymore. In fact, I left feeling sorry for her. I feel sorry that she'll probably never know my son like grandmothers do and that even if she does she still missed these years; these (almost) two incredible years.

I'm glad I met with her. I really needed to forgive her, and now I really do.

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