It has come to my attention that my ex, Levi — the man that's been crying broke for three years — now has his eight-year-old daughter living with him in Los Angeles.
Apparently, his first ex-wife will be moving to the West Coast in a few months (family reunion?) and she thought it best that her daughter starts the school year there.
When my friend (and former fling) Rex first told me about this, I was pissed. I mean, I was really in a rage.
How dare he take care of one child and totally disregard the other?! How dare he cry poverty whilst bringing his daughter on trips to Disneyland? And what about the rest of them? Do any of these people have a conscience?
I was so pissed off, I almost picked up the phone and let him have it.
It was then that I realized what I was doing. Getting myself all worked up over something that really, I saw coming a year ago. I'm not one bit surprised by this.
So what's my deal? Am I angry for Adrian or am I angry for me? I'm guess a little bit of both. But taking the time to realize, and not react, was a huge step for me and one that I am very proud of.
I calmed down, rationalized that this latest act of his doesn't affect our lives at all, it's just more of the same.
And furthermore, I think it's great that Levi is willing to support and love one of his children; it's the least that he can do, right?