I met my ex's sister, Erica, for the second time today. We had originally planned to meet yesterday and have a picnic in the park, but that didn't work out.
So, as I had already decided to take Adrian fall shopping today (it's getting cold quick, and I just realized he doesn't have any pants that fit him!), she asked if she could come along and perhaps buy him some clothes.
I agreed, but warned her that shopping on a weekend, in Manhattan, with a two year old can make someone nuts — but she still wanted to come.
The last time we met, we barely talked about Levi and I was hoping not to talk too much about him today. On the way to meet her, I reminded myself, several times, to keep my snide comments to myself. I'm really good at making them, but I know it's not her fault her brother is an asshole, so I try to keep it in check.
Well, about halfway into shopping she announces to me that she is adopting a baby. I was pretty surprised by this as the last time we talked she told me that she would never consider adoption.
She went on to tell me that the process was going to take awhile, because she wants a newborn and some other specific requirements.
Before I even had a second to think the words "Or, you could just wait until your brother has another one he doesn't want" popped out of my mouth and right at her.
She didn't say anything...right away. About five minutes later she said, "You know, I told Levi that he should get a vasectomy." I nodded and said, "He should want to." Then she said, "Yeah, I told him that he should freeze some sperm before he gets it, in case he wants to have another baby."
That's when I said, "Or he can just take care of the children that he has."
Everything was going fine after that, until she said something about my son being a "momma's boy" and that she couldn't recall her mother and Levi having a very loving relationship. I responded with, "That's probably half the reason that he's so f&**ed up!"
Okay. So in case you lost count, that was three snide remarks on my part. All in all, not too terrible.
At least she's trying. I'm sure with all of the animosity swirling around, she must get nervous on her way to meet me, too. I wonder if she also goes home and picks apart the day, analyzing everything that I said to her.
When we were leaving she told me that her mother really wants to meet my son and perhaps we can do that next time. We'll see.