Some of the bloggers on First Wives World have complained about how single guys in the dating pool seem to prefer to text messaging as opposed to picking up the phone and talking. Well, that would turn me off too, but I have found texting to be the preferred way of communicating with my ex.
Unfortunately, there are still some financial loose ends that John and I are wrapping up, even though our divorce was final in March.
If I feel that it doesn’t need to be a lengthy conversation, I will text him what I have to say instead of calling him. And, of course, I only contact him about business matters.
Over the months, I've learned that texting helps me maintain my calm and usually prevents me from losing my temper. It's harder to yell in a text message.
Texting versus calling also helps me distance him from my thoughts. It makes sense, because hearing a voice is more personal than reading a bunch of words on a screen.
I agree that texting can be a big turnoff in the dating world, but I’m digging it in the divorce world.
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That was a great thought, and I think in the future, anyone I don't like I will try to text.
Thanks, Dorothy from grammology, the self help blog..
I usually email him unless I need an immediate answer or need to relay something urgent/important about one of our kids. For anything controversial or divorce related I let the attorney handle it. (our divorce probably won't be final for quite a while)
I totally agree that texting has its uses in a divorce! With my STBX, texting keeps our relationship (such as it is) more professional and to-the-point (i.e. finances, child custody arrangements). I don't have to listen to his verbal attitude which can still upset me at times, and neither am I baited into saying something I'll later regret. And, I have to admit that there are MANY times I detect an incoming call from him, and I let it go to voicemail...THEN I text back a response (if one is needed). That way I'm in control of my world, and he is less able to rock it! Does anyone else use texting this way with their X or STBX?
texting drives me insane
texting drives me insane when people can just pick up the phone! I agree it's great for quick communication- but ten texts in a row and I'd just rather call!