In a recent blog, I addressed about how guys in Manhattan seem to look but not talk and, compared with guys in some other parts of the country, are hard to start a conversation with.
A reader commented that perhaps I make the move and approach the man. There's no doubt this is a good piece of advice and one I had already taken into consideration.
But here's my problem: If a guy doesn't have enough balls to make a move or isn't interested enough to try and start a conversation, then why should I?
This may sound snobbish, but I am not here to make a guy feel good and boost his ego. I have dealt with enough crap and am tired of bending over backward to make good with guys. It is their turn.
I want to feel as though I am desired and attractive and I want to be pursued — not be the pursuer.
As you can tell by my thick Little Black Book (not!), my strategy is working quite well. Ha!
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Oh the rituals of dating- is