I have a new guilty pleasure that perhaps some of you have seen ... The Millionaire Matchmaker.
For those of you not familiar with the television program, it's a behind-the-scenes reality show about a woman who runs a matchmaking company for millionaires. A man must submit financial documents verifying he's a millionaire, and the company's founder will do her best to find him the love of his life.
Oh, and the golden rule: There is no sex allowed unless the millionaire and his lady friend are in a committed, monogamous relationship that could lead to marriage.
I don't know what is more interesting ... learning about these men (who often think they are God's gift to Earth) or watching the money-hungry women wipe the drool from their lips.
The company's founder says that she doesn't want female gold-diggers in her pool of potential dates, but come on! These women aren't there because they just want a "nice guy." Who is she kidding!?!
Anyway, I'll be the first admit that it isn't the most intellectually stimulating program — but it's still fun to watch.
It's not the first time I have seen them since my divorce last March, but it's the first time that they have made the trip to the East Coast to visit. It will also be the first time they will see my apartment.
Last time they traveled over, I was living in a house, so they had their own bedroom and own bathroom. Going from that to a small one-bedroom apartment with one small bathroom should be interesting.
It will be nice to spend a few days with my parents and just wander around the city. Each time I see them we talk less and less about the divorce and the debacles of the past year, which is nice. Soon the divorce will be a distant memory.
During her stay we didn't talk about work or my divorce. We just tried to use our time together to escape from reality and the stresses of our busy lives.
We spent hours strolling through Central Park, did some shopping in Chinatown, grabbed lunch in Little Italy, and checked out the dinosaurs at the Museum of Natural History. We also made time to see a Broadway show.
Even though she lives on the West Coast, it wasn't the first time I'd seen her since my divorce in March. We've spent countless hours on the phone talking about my marital problems so there really wasn't more to discuss. Given this, we decided it would be fun to just have a carefree weekend.
It was sad to see her go but there's comfort in knowing that she is only an airplane-ride away.
I believe that in life we have only a small handful of really true friends and she certainly falls into that basket. Her support has been such a huge help in dealing with my divorce and I am so grateful to have her as a friend.
I was talking with my sister, Anne, the other day and we decided that it would be great for her and I to take a little road trip along Route 66. I'm not sure exactly when we will go. We're thinking sometime in the spring, but we haven't ironed out all the details yet.
We both love ghost stories, so we were thinking about how much fun it would be to hit some ghost towns along the way and check out the places that are rumored to be haunted.
It's not exactly a romantic journey through Europe, but the thought of just spending time alone with my sister and doing goofy things that make us feel like kids again sounds like so much fun.
If anyone has made this trip and has any suggestions on where to visit I would love to hear about it.
It’s fall, my favorite time of year. I love the crisp air, the turning of the leaves and the anticipation of cold nights spent sipping cocoa while nestled safely in a warm blanket. Lately, though, it has also become my least favorite time of year.
I met my ex during the fall season and over the years it had become a season we truly looked forward to. Each fall we would make a trip to a local orchard where we would buy homemade pies, donuts and hot apple cider. While traveling to the orchard we would usually stop by a pumpkin patch to pick up a few pumpkins, try to get lost in a corn maze or even take a haunted hayride.
We would pick a perfect fall day for our outing: a sunny, yet chilly day so that the homemade apple cider would taste especially good. Sometimes we would even take a little road trip to New England and stay at a bed and breakfast, and in the morning we would grab coffee and go walking to look at the turning leaves.
This will be my first fall as a divorced woman. I can feel the air is growing cooler and I see the leaves are starting to turn. It hurts when I think about what has been lost, but I know that I must remain strong and focused on the future.
It is time that I turn over a new leaf of my own.
When I picked up my car the other day to take it to a used lot to sell it I decided that since I was in the neighborhood I should swing by a friend’s house — my girlfriend, Jamie, who is the one who had told me about John’s infidelity.
It has been at least a few months since I’ve seen her, so it was good to catch up. It is always a bit odd going to her house because John and I enjoyed spending time with her and her husband and we had envisioned that our future children would be playmates with their two kids.
Ever since John figured out that Jamie and her husband had spilled the beans about his infidelity he has erased them from his life.
Sometimes just being in their presence feels like a trip back in time and reopens some of the healing wounds. But they are good people, so I have made an effort not to block them from my life.
It isn’t always easy.
Now that I'm officially single and can do whatever I want, whenever I want, I'm starting to get the travel bug. I find myself imagining worldwide travels more and more.
Right off the bat, I can think of two trips in particular that are on my "to do" list. One would be to embark on a drive across the United States, stopping at various ghost towns and other cool little locations along the way.
Another trip I would like to make is to London. I've never been there, but that accent makes me melt, and I'm sure the scenery and historic architecture are great as well.
How about an African safari?! How amazing it must be to be among such impressive wildlife. Along the same vein, I also would love to make a trip to visit the silverback gorillas. After all, one day these amazing animals may be extinct.
The one beauty of being divorced (hey, I have to look for a silver lining somewhere) is that I have a fresh start and nothing to hold me back. There's no one I have to answer to, coordinate with or aim to please. There’s just me.
When I look at my divorce from that perspective, I feel so opportunistic and realize that there's a whole world to explore. It's almost like a rebirth.
There are obviously a lot of things that take getting used to when you're going through a divorce. And one of them is feeling like everyone else but you has a special someone in their life. Yeah, it was one of those weekends.
One of my girlfriends spent the weekend camping with her husband and daughter. Another girlfriend spent the weekend visiting family with her husband and their little boy; he’s adorable and despite the fact that he’s only two-years-old, I told him he had better not grow up to be a heartbreaker!
I then decided to reach out to a girlfriend of mine who is single and discovered that she and this guy she’s been dating are getting pretty serious and have spent the last few weekends together. In fact, when I called her she was packing for their next “slumber party.”
After that, I gave up reaching out to the outside world. Apparently, everyone was busy with their special someone.
When you’re divorced, it feels as though couples are just coming out of the woodwork, reminding you of what you don’t have.
But I imagine that’s how some of our single friends probably felt about John and I when we were married. While enjoying our company, there was probably a part of them that was annoyed when we were around…the “happy” married couple.
When John and I were married, we were like two peas in a pod. We went everywhere together, hardly fought and had so much in common (or so I thought). What happened? I’m still asking myself.
I was in the airport a few months ago traveling on business and I passed this little duty-free shop that had a shirt that read: “Crazy cat lady.” Maybe I should have picked one up.