Your Happiness is Your Responsibility

Your Happiness is Your Responsibility

We can choose how we handle divorce

Posted to by Cathy Meyer on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 8:30am

It is an easy concept, but some have a hard time coming to terms with it. It is pretty basic — when we find ourselves in a bad place, the quickest way to change our situation is to look at our actions and what role our actions played in bringing about our problems.

Your life is your responsibility. You have no control over what happens to you or what someone else does to you, but you do have control over the way you respond. When faced with the end of a marriage, you have a choice. You can get bogged down in blame and bitterness, or you can take an honest inventory of your own shortcomings and mistakes during the marriage.

You can choose to be angry with a husband who leaves you for another woman, or you can look at what kind of wife you were. Let's face it, we are none perfect. You aren't responsible for your husband's choice to leave, but you may have played a role in his feeling he had no choice but to leave. It truly does take two to destroy a marriage. A happy husband doesn't leave for another woman. Before you get all red in the face and spew venom at me, let me qualify what I'm saying.

An unhappy husband is just as responsible for his actions and his happiness as his left-behind wife. If he was unhappy during the marriage, it was his responsibility to take inventory, identify the behaviors and beliefs that he had that kept him from being happy. Leaving for another woman doesn't show integrity, it shows cowardice and an unwillingness to take responsibility for his own happiness.

Both parties to the divorce played a role in the demise of the marriage. Both need to own and take responsibility for the role they played in the demise. You can both point fingers or you can take responsibility. Until you are willing to take responsibility for the mistakes you made and the role you played, you will take the same behaviors into your next relationship.

You are the architect of your own adversity; we all are. If you find that your life is full of adversity, then you are failing to take responsibility. Taking responsibility allows you the space to acknowledge your part in the adversity, learn from the experience, and move forward with more confidence.

I met a woman who was full of rage at an ex-husband who had physically abused her for over 20 years. In her mind, he had destroyed her life because he had been a bad husband and, in the end, had given her no choice but to leave. She told me that she had tried for years to make the marriage work and that she would never be able to move on with her life because of all the wasted years with her ex-husband.

She couldn't understand that she had chosen, for over 20 years, to stay in a marriage with a man who beat her. She refused to see her role in where she had ended up because doing so would mean letting go of the blame. She had to have someone to blame for where she was in life. That blame kept her stuck and kept her from moving on from a bad marriage to a more fulfilling life.

Physically abusing a spouse is unacceptable. Choosing to stay with a spouse who physically abuses you is just as unacceptable. It is unacceptable because it keeps you from living your best possible life. As I've said before, your life is your responsibility, so please take responsibility for your own happiness.

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The original poster made it

The original poster made it clear there would be angry responses, so, it's no surprise there's a significant backlash. However, she does have a point. I'm a guy whose wife packed up and left with our 2 children. Do I have a hand in her leaving? I'll admit I did. How? Perhaps by not bending to her every whim, and stealing to give her the life of a princess she was convinced she deserved. She therefore withdrew, became emotionally abusive, withheld intimacy and decided I was cheating, when I gave up trying to be intimate. To this day, she holds herself blameless for anything. At the end of the day, I believe I gave it all I could, but still believe it took both of us to destroy the marriage. I cannot help but chuckle at some of the responses, from people who hold themselves 100% blameless. NO ONE is perfect. Are there several circumstances out there where people find they are in a marriage with the 'devil'? YES !! Well, don't hang around, but don't proclaim angelic status either. You got married for a reason, then something went horribly wrong. The folks that stay together are those willing to determine what went(or is going) wrong, address it, and move on. Life is way to short to sit on a high chair and blame others for all their personal mishaps. Make the mistake, learn from it, move on, and try not to repeat it. If you've been hurt, don't hang around seething and waiting for an apology. The person(s) who inflicted pain on you are living life and don't care what happens to you. Accept it, channel it, and do what it takes to re-invent yourself so you can rejoin society. This is called life.

I think you all are missing the point

We all have to take responsibility for our actions in life. We have no control over what others do....we do, on the other hand have control over how we react to things and how we treat others. I know this is going to anger a few "womens libers", but as much as we believe as women that things have changed in our society and the way relationships are structured (I hate to say this) but men didn't get on the same train we did. Men are like children. They need stroking and props like we give our children. They are very simple creatures. They need food, sex, love and sleep. As women, we are in charge of the relationship. If we want the change, it is US who have to make that change. If a man is happy at home, he will not stray. Please Lady's, do not complicate the situation. And a happy husband will do everything in his power to make you happy too (of course there are the exceptions). I was unhappily married for years. I do not blame my ex for the relationship and its dimise, though that would have been an easy out for me. I looked at it from all angles and now that I am dating, I absolutely know what I want in my next relationship. So while I am sure those women out there who have been cheated on are blaming their husbands (and I am not sure where this gets you) look inward and see why he left. And maybe think to yourself...Am I the kind of person I want to come home to everyday? Just a thought...everyone deserves happiness. Life is long and changes happen. Take them for what they are and stay strong and grow from each experience.

This response is amazing and

This response is amazing and so true. It's hard to digest, but life is difficult at times. I was in complete shock that my husband left myself and my two sons this past Christmas. I've worked with a therapist since then, read books, articles, talked with other Mom's that are or have been divorced. I'm truly working on myself and my journey to get through this and remain strong, loving and happy for my boys. I'm not an angry and bitter person and I refuse to allow him to turn me into one. I do sometimes wonder if I have it in me to take care of another child, to take on the stroking and ego boosting that I now realize is so important to keeping men happy,...who does that for me?

I agree with all the replies

I agree with all the replies here! The article was not very well thought out... The following statement in the article "You aren't responsible for your husband's choice to leave, but you may have played a role in his feeling he had no choice but to leave. It truly does take two to destroy a marriage. A happy husband doesn't leave for another woman." made me very upset! I wasn't content with everything my ex offered to the marriage. To me he even lacked on the sexual end....HOWEVER, when I was hit on by other man, especially one who was an old time friend and drop dead gorgeous, I didn't think about leaving and destroying my marriage. My vows to my ex were that I would be there thru sickness & health, til death! I had made a lifetime commitment to him & the family we built together. He played a major role in my possible decision to look elsewhere, and leave, but I didn't. I wasn't fully happy, but I don't believe any marriage is because we're all humans and we all have imperfections, so there's nothing like a perfectly happy marriage. So even if you're not happy, you're supposed to work at it! My parents have been together 36 years and I can say they are fairly "happy". However, there were periods of their lives that things were pretty bad at home. Never a talk of infidelity, but other issues. They always seemed to work it out. My dad didn't just run out on us because he wasn't happy during that period! My dad loves, loves my mother and even during those unhappy times, he stuck through it & so did she. That's marriage for you!


You clearly state the obvious: 'Leaving for another woman doesn't show integrity, it shows cowardice and an unwillingness to take responsibility for his own happiness.' ; however, your article is unclear. Most of us DO take responsibility for our parts in our marriages, and realize that no relationship is perfect; however, when many of us (seemed to have) had a spouse who is a 'coward' as you've described, and instead of communicating their unhappiness, they chose to avoid and run away from the marriages and families they helped to build, (often) right into the arms of another before they're even divorced? So how do you recommend we (as the left behind wives/spouses) make ourselves 'happy' when our entire world has fallen apart after being lied to, betrayed, and deceived by the one person we trusted the most in the world? Who promised to always be there, through good times and bad?? I agree with a lot of the comments here, this article missed the mark completely. Perhaps if you wrote it from the perspective of 'now we can really SEE who they've become' and take steps to rebuild and find happiness after a lifetime with someone you THOUGHT you knew pretty well, but were completely surprised to learn you didn't - that might be a start.

I have to say I agree with you

I have to say I agree with this comment, i was recently abbandoned by my husband for another woman for the 4th time in a 5 year period, my life has been hell trying to put it back together all the time. This time however things got really ugly, and he has gone for good. Im left with a teenage son to care for high cost of living and at the bottom of a pile emotionally, meanwhile hes off with his new partner seemingly unaware of the pain and hurt he has caused. If I getthrough this (and I am not sure I will) I will be taking my own sweet time in finding someone else, I believed in marriage and gave it my all only to be squashed like a cockaroach towards the end...........

This is annoying and maddening

Articles like this are horrifying to me. To say that two people are ALWAYS responsible for the breakup of a marriage is shortsighted. My ex admitted he was soley to blame for the breakup of our marriage. He had been having a secret relationship with another woman even before we were married, continued it throughout our marriage. He wanted children and a family which he could not have with this other woman so he dated and married me. I believe he did love me when we married, but he also loved this other woman, his self-proclaimed 'best friend.' Was there any way our relationship could have lasted when he continued the relationship with this other woman - was I to blame in any way for not being aware of this relationship (turns out he is a really good liar!), or for not being able to make my marriage work while he was, the entire time, also with his 'best friend.' I think not. I worked hard to try to figure out what was wrong in my marriage and fix it, turned out the only thing that could fix it was getting rid of the other woman - or getting divorced.

I don't think that the

I don't think that the intended message was for us as women to find a way to blame ourselves. It's more like trying to figure out the role we played in the marriage so that we don't fall into that same pattern in future relationships. For me, I realized I will never again get into a relationship if my gut tells me something isn't right. I will never settle again. I will never be afraid to be alone. It took ten years for me to realize this and truly follow my heart.

What is Wrong with you???!!!!

Ughhh! It is bad enough that these immature and selfish men try and manipilulate their wives into taking accountability for their unfaithfullness, abuse, drinking, drugs etc. but I HATE it when another woman does it! I What about the Wife who is unhappy in her Marriage due to the husbands "half" (ha!) of it? How is is that more often than not SHE manages to overcome whatever HE is doing to make the marriage unhappy and continues to try and be loving, work, cook, clean, nurture the kids, nurture him, have sex (while being treated like a second class citizen by her "Oh so entitled Husband"), read books on how to improve her marriage, go to counseling( alone,) because he won't go, asks for advice from her Mother, Friends, and internet, tries to be more patient, tries harder not to argue, WITHOUT- Cheating, Drinking, Staying Out, Abandoning, Drugs? I'll tell you how; BECAUSE of articles and attitudes like this; BECAUSE society as a whole puts most of the shame, humiliation, embarassment, and stigma ON THE WOMAN. The majority of the blame as to why the husband is leaving the marriage for other women or bad behaviors is on THE WOMAN. Making sure the children are okay and coping- ON THE WOMAN. Even the responsibility for initiating fixing the marriage, more often than not is ON THE WOMAN. So the men in society who are weak of character are never forced to take accountability for their actions and behaviors. They continue on with their belief in their entitlement and pass it on to their sons; generation after generation. With every generation the percentage of entitled men who see themselves as somehow more deserving of the respect, fidelity, commitment, empathy and even love, that they withhold from their wives increases. Men show their mistresses off and often brag about them to their male friends. They take them out in public- THEY are not ashamed- WE are! How backward is that? WE don't want any one to know- look how many times you were assured you that you would be "anonymous" when you became a member of this site. WE hide it. Some of us know our husband is at the bar or restaurant, or even worse HOTEL on his golf/fishing trip. Yet, WE are too embarassed to go there and confront these two adulterers. Why are we embarassed? Because if we did that- people would talk, some one would say that WE are "psycho". WHAT?? Some of us won't call the other woman's number or answer her call because WE are ashamed. WE feel like it is inappropriate, or that we might be called "psycho". WHAT??? This backwards attitude is wrong, wrong, wrong. Articles and attitudes like that of the woman above further this horrible imbalance. I REFUSE to be ashamed if my husband is acting immoral. As his WIFE- I am not "psycho" if I exercise my right to question him , her, or show up wherever. And I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for my Husband's bad or immoral behavior when he is unhappy- HE IS. I am not responsible because my husband who is not giving 100% to his marriage is unhappy. HE is unhappy because of the RESULT that HE created by not giving 100% in his marriage, and not treating his wife as a cherished human being equal to him. I, his wife, am having a natural HUMAN reaction to his behavior when I do not respond to him as I once did . I am tired! I REFUSE to be made to feel guilty, and so should every woman out there who has given 100% for years to her marriage when her partner has not. Sadly more often than not, that is the case. The above author has clearly either been very fortunate in her marriage, or has not had her vows tested as so many women have. Either way her narrow opinion continues to further a horrible social injustice and should be discounted for what it is.

I am suffering badly. I don't

I am suffering badly. I don't know how these forums work but I was wondering if you were available to talk to me. thank you.

I couldn't agree more?

Seriously - women need to grow some balls and relise that we dont need to bend over backwards for pathetic insecure needy men. I would rather be alone than be with a man who feels entitled to cheat. Get lost Authour grow some brains.

Oh my goodness! Exactly!

Oh my goodness! Exactly!

I sincerely hope all the

I sincerely hope all the women that have read this do NOT believe a word of this!!! No woman should ever question their hand in the failure of their marriage. This article makes me so mad - how many wives had fought for so long to save their marriages?! It is so easy for the man to walk away without glancing back and the wives are left with the tears and broken images of love and marriage!! Your statement in paragraph one "look at our actions and what role our actions played in bringing about our problems" is ridiculous!! Wives, mothers and women sacrifice EVERYTHING for our family and husbands, the only role our actions played was to try and keep our marriage and family together. Does the author REALLY take time and read what women are posting on this website? Does any of their hurt and pain register with this author??!!! I really need to stop re-reading this article.


Why should no woman EVER question her hand in the failure of a marriage? I am confused at this statement. Aren't you 50% of the relationship? Aren't you 50% of the problem? Of course we sacrifice...we are women and thats what we do. Take ownership or you will be disapointed again and again.


In one sentence you say that leaving someone " shows cowardice and an unwillingness to take responsibility for his own happiness." Yet in another sentence you say that another person should have left. How do we know when we should stay around or leave when there's so many gray areas? How much of another person not co operating is "our responsibility?"

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