How to Deal with Losing Friends Through Divorce

How to Deal with Losing Friends Through Divorce

Posted to by Marsha Temlock on Fri, 08/07/2009 - 6:11pm

When you and your ex split, you never intended to divorce your friends. Now you're flying solo in every sense of the word — no party invitations; the phone barely rings. Where is everyone?

No doubt you have discovered one of the toughest aftershocks of divorce: Suddenly single brings a change in your social status. But don't despair. There is a silver lining to the feelings of alienation you may be experiencing. Loneliness, while unpleasant at times, is part of the healing process.

It makes space for self-discovery. Instead of bemoaning your aloneness, recognize that it is essential that you to learn to be your own best friend. After all, the key to rebuilding when a relationship ends is being comfortable in your own skin, according to Dr. Bruce Fisher, who has conducted divorce process seminars for more than 23 years. Take this time to look inward.

You're not the first, nor will you be the last person to feel abandoned socially. But before you blame the people you once called friends for deserting you, take a look inward. Your so-called social life may be partly your own doing. Do any of these examples describe you?

I have a date with must-see TV. Toni graciously passed up offers to join her married pals for dinner and drinks. Instead, she spent her evenings alone watching reruns of "Sex and the City." It filled hours of time and she took comfort in not having to be "on." Many divorced women don't realize that they are unwittingly sending the message "I want to be alone" when they decline invitations from well-meaning married friends, rather than be a third wheel.

My calendar is booked and over-booked. Do you fill every waking minute with work or highly structured activities to keep busy? Phyllis joined two health clubs, enrolled in three adult education classes, volunteered to head a town committee, and filled her calendar with luncheon and dinners dates. Overloading with things to do is one way to shut out loneliness, but not the best strategy.

Everyone has their own way of dealing with divorce. The emotional toll of morphing to your new identity — going from spouse to single woman, from full-time mom to custodial parent — cannot be minimized. When you gradually gain the strength and confidence to regain your social footing, you may find that people are not exactly clamoring for your company.

Sadly, this is a time when you want and need support. So it's hard to be cut off from the network of folks upon whom you came to rely. On the other hand, it's important to see the situation for what it is and find the opportunity to grow. Some of your so-called friends were probably little more than convenient acquaintances. Good riddance.

Others may be distant for other reasons. Just know that the reasons usually have more to do with your friends than you. Here are some possible explanations:

• Friends whose own marriages are shaky may be afraid of divorce contamination. Instead of admiring your courage, they'll feel threatened and avoid you.

• Insecure gal pals will be nervous now that you're back in circulation even if you give them no cause. Any woman "on the loose" is suspect. If they can't reel their men in, they'll reel you out.

• Moralists will become judge and executioner. Despite society's growing liberal attitudes, there are those who cannot accept marital failures especially when disclosures include infidelity.

• Changes in economic status will be a red flag to fair-weather friends. When the marital pie was divided and Jane got the crumbs, the golf invitations to be make up the foursome were suddenly far and few between.

In "Surviving the Breakup," a study by Judith Wallerstein and Joan Kelly, two-fifths of men and two-thirds of women reported feeling lonely, weary and disenchanted with the people who passed through their lives when they got divorced. So although you may be lonely, you are hardly alone.

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"friends"" policy.

read all comments...... sad......unfair.....most here have been taken advantage of by a former husband {me too-predators are everywhere } and some helped the situation worsen w/ poor self esteem and decision making. here's what. some {alot} of men these days are narcissists. the solution w/ narcissism is either flatter them and live w/ the emptiness because you can't {or wont} leave restrained by finances and/or kids, or admit you've been duped and adopt a "strength comes with no contact" policy. JOYFULLY LEAVE THESE LOSERS BEHIND, THEY ARE CERTAINLY NOT CRYIN' OVER YOU. take the feeling out of it and take responsibility for your life TODAY. cryin' over spilt milk ring a bell? i say this w/ no synicism, don't waste one more reply worshipping the problem and talking about these fools. there is work to be done, education to be pursued, new experiences to be had, and new people to find. my whole search tonight began b/c i wanted validation regarding the idiots that can be bought by ex's. the women part of the couple relationships i lost sided w/ the narc and left me hanging. no intellectual curiosity of me whatsoever. guess what? we were aquaintances, not friends. my mistake. just like the one i made not recognizing the predator who bamboozled me. i'm a pretty sharp cookie and it got by me. i finally had enough as the ex was freshly leaving a christmas eve dinner w/ said stupid couple. after not speaking to me for a year even though our kids are sociable, and against my true friends suggestion i not confront due sounding angry, i called the coward. if she has enough nerve to treat me this poorly and lavishly entertain him, she can take a call. i was going to say 3 things. "i'm shocked by your actions, i'm shocked by your treatment of me, and my suffering has been magnified by this." i got the first one out and she went .........hysterical. i remember "this is christmas, it was my husbands idea, if you have a problem etc"........... i shut up and let her bury herself. she practically threw the phone at her husband. i said to him, "nevermind, goodbye". i hope i shocked her. what i said was extremely controlled, she would have died if i would have given her what she deserves. i simply refuse to let them have any ground, but a stop sign needed to be thrown up. now try to have fun w/ the narc. these "friends" are abusive to their female counterparts. sheesh! it's like trying to explain crazy. lets move on. i'm a lady, i'm going to act like one, i'm going to raise my boys to be men, and i'm going to love my deliverance! be glad it's over.

divorce and friends

i just got divorced and i have noticed that these female friends of my ex's - who were his friends before our marraige - are real bitches to me. they totally give me the cold shoulder and i dont know why. and some of his friends say "well, it's change...and change is good." which is weird because i feel completely devastated and our kids are as well...but he is partying like a banshee

Lost all my friends after divorce but finding new ones!

So I've been divorced for 3 years. I agree with the above posts. It is really hard but I too looked at myself in the mirror and I realized that although he cheated I too played a part in the split. All of our friends were mostly his friends wives. We had a bond through his work. After our 2nd child was born we learned a relative on his side is a pedophile. No one including the victim wanted to do anything about it. I flatly had to tell my in-laws that this person was not allowed our children. Everyone including my husband disagreed with me. So after years of feeling resentful on my part and my self esteem was in the toilet. My husband chose to have an affair. I was devastated but nothing compared to all the "friends" who came to my side. Some even helped me move and said they would never talk to him again. To be honest I kind of knew these guys would eventually forgive him. And now 3 years later they are entertaining him, his girlfriend, and my children. It hurts a lot. I never told them Not be friends with him. I knew since they had to work together it would be very hard to stop friendship completely. I did talk bad about him to a couple of his close friends. All true things but I do regret this now. I wish I could undo these things. I haven't since our divorce was final said anything to anyone that was negative. He's not a good dad but everyone thinks he is. I feel the more I encourage a relationship with him the more they fight it. So Ive tried to Remain neutral for the kids. Good news: I have made new friends and every Single day I think God for something. I realized how far I had come. I dropped off my kids and I used to cry for days. This week I went to the gym and I had a great workout! Then I came home and I turned on the TV. My favorite movie Die Hard was on. I was so happy and I thought wow what a great night! I got a good workout and a movie! Notice I didn't dwell on me not seeing my kids or friends. I also joined a speech club and I found another divorced woman that we do things together on our off weekends. I am working on being my own best friend so someday I can also be someone else's. I think I have become a better mother since all of this. And friends are fickle. It's hard to keep friends when all you is feel sorry for yourself. When you make an effort to improve your self new friends will pop up. God works in ways we never imagined.

Good for you!

I am glad you said something about the pedophile in your family. I had the same situation happen to me and I was amazed that everyone wanted to ignore it, and think it was an isolated incident. You are a good mom! It sounds like you are doing great, congrats!

22 yrs of friends walked away

I've been divorce 7-1/2 yrs. I caught the ex having an affair, was 8-1/2 yrs into a 10 yr plan to divorce me when our youngest turned 18 and now realize he lied to me most of our 22 yr marriage. The divorce I could have handled. The affair, lying, cheating and ensuing 2-1/2 yrs of harassment and threats made me an emotional and physical wreck. He's never taken ownership of anything he's done; he points the finger at me as the driving force behind his behavior. I was a good wife and mother; he just never noticed. His friends, social life and interests were more important to him than being a devoted husband and father. After he left he took a good majority of our friends along with him; I'm sure by lying about my role in his diabolical scheme to destroy me. Afterall, his girlfriend told everyone negative things about me when she didn't even know me. Nonetheless, I never spoke bad of him and always encouraged our children to try to maintain a relationship with him despite his lack of effort. I wasn't stupid. I knew better. And even the one group of friends who tried to help me through it were eventually led to feel sorry for him when he whinned about not having any friends left. My nephew, his brothers son, was used as a pawn by my ex. My nephew convinced those friends that I put them in the middle of the divorce which I did not. It was my ex's last ditch effort to search and destroy my friendship with the last remaining group of people who hadn't turned their back on me. And now they're all gone. It hurts knowing that my ex-husband tore my life from me. It hurts running into old friends who give you a fake hug, say nice seeing you and you never hear from them again. It hurts that I still send Christmas cards every year to the same people and no one responds as they did in the past. It hurts that they all maintain a relationship with my ex and my children yet want nothing to do with me. Mostly, it hurts knowing that my children and friends have no idea how much I did everything right in protecting everyone from all the wrong things my ex was doing. Unless you've been through it, no one knows what it feels like to lose your life but not be dead. I'm stuck here till the housing market gets better. But the best advice I can give is to move far enough away from the life you had when you were married so you can have a life of your own to enjoy in peace.


same thing here with my x wife....sorry.lose your life but not be dead! good line. ppl dont get it.....

22 years.....I had 26

I am going through the same thing. He is involved in a "Spiritual group" and I was "not allowed" to go to any of the studies or to the Church with him. The folks at this group believe that he is an angel all the while being so mean and demeaning towards me. I do not know even to this day what he said to all our friends to make them not even be able to look at me let alone say hello. This man spent every waking hour doing things for "others" instead of his own family. Many years we went without so he could spend it on who knows what. I am so sorry for what this so called man did to you, I had the same done to me and you are not alone. We are still fighting about out children who constantly go back and forth stating they hate one of us. He will bribe them to be on his side...and it makes me feel so sick. Good luck to you

You're not alone

You're not alone. It's amazing how many People shit can you after a divorce. In the last 17 days my husband has filed for Divorce after asking for it just 7 days previous, moved out, taken all access to our join accounts, my Jewelry to include my wedding rings, turned his entire family against me, and I've lost ALL My friends. I've never felt so alone in my life. I've started counseling to better myself but it's hard Being stuck in a town with no one. You're not alone. I'm disenfranchised when it comes to men in general. It's Amazing how much you lose when you and a passive Aggressive get a divorce

20 Years later

I've been divorced for over20 years, have moved on with the love of my live and had a good life the last 20 years. But I had a great deal of hurt from my ex-husband (the liar,multi-affair,absent,thougtless, etc guy) and somehow he ended up with all the friends. His personality was outgoing and I was the doer, cleaner, cook, take care of person, why wouldn't he appear as the better friend, he was always cleared up to be the fun person, not the responsibile person! Even after all these years (20) I found out my best friend from college 35+ years ago, saw on Facebook she has Friended him on facebook! What a blow to my ego, he destroyed a marriage with his affairs and lying and he ends up with MY friends!

Friends & Divorce

Let me start off by saying that I am new to this site, but am very glad to have come across it. Thank you for sharing. Now, I want everyone who is going through a divorce or husband just left them to do something very simple and it will set you straight. I know it was a total mind-blow for me when I stumbled across it accidentally. First, take a good, long, hard look at yourself. Then ask yourself if you like 'what' you see and 'who' you see. Second, look at a picture of yourself during the latter part of your marriage. Do you like what you see? Do you remember exactly how happy you were? Were you REALLY happy? Be honest to yourself. Third, take a picture of yourself once you get dressed for the day. (use your cell phone. it does not have to be a professional camera) Don't look at it until you come home from your day. Fourth, compare that "during marriage" picture to the phone picture and ask yourself what you see. Lastly, take out your old yearbooks. "Pre-Marriage" pics. Who was that person? Was she happy? Popular? Sexy? Talented? Aspiring to be/do something? Now, if you noticed what I did about myself, you will realize a very unnerving fact. "I LOOKED BETTER AFTER HE LEFT WITHOUT TRYING!" I never knew just how much I was drowning. SMH. Anyway, as far as friends go? They noticed it too! That's why they scattered like roaches when the light came on! Hmph! Who needs them? Your new life consists of losing the excess baggage, so that means ALL that goes with it. New life, new friends! :) The worse part about it is. I learned that God removed him from my life because I did not have the sense to. He looks out for fools and babies, ya know? I am currently a junior in college working on my BS in Computer Information Systems and I am learning more and more everyday about myself as well as my course of study. I am picking up from where that girl in high school left off and she is DEF SOMEONE TO BE RECKONED WITH! HANG TOUGH & GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Signed, Involved 28yrs, Married 20yrs, Divorced 1.5yrs

Understand completely

I too am so happy to come across this website. I can totally connect with what you said. I am divorced after 17 years of a miserable marraige. Whatever friends I thought I had had scattered like the plague. I learnt who my real friends were and that was close to none except my family. Thank goodness for them. My ex spread all kinds of rumors about me to people in my community. Most of them are so close minded that they actually believed all the crap they were fed. It used to make me angry in the beginning but then I thought nobody gets away with doing things like that. He will get his someday. The truth always prevails. As for friends I am still looking for a real true one.

Thank you

Im sorry for the cliche, You rock.

I am going through a divorce

I am going through a divorce now, my husband left me 7 months ago. This has been the hardest I have ever been hit. I have friends who have stood by me, not many, most are judge mental, and say they are there for you, when in fact they are no where to be found. Most of my guy friends stay neutral, but to me thats really not good enough. how can you be neutral to someone who has cheated on another? left them to fix everything and having to give their child up for a person who didn't want to be a part of their life when they lived at home? Guys have no morals. Many social networks are to blame for all this cheating, thinking others have it better, re-kindling old relationships. Divorce is not the answer for all.......but many do it. Friends unfortunately will judge, will be nervous when you are around their husband and will stab you in the back many times. Guys don't care, they go right back out, their friends laugh about it........and they are not nearly effected as we are......emotionally, socially, in work and everyday life.

lost friends after divorced

i was divorced 2 half years ago which i didnt want to get divorced but my ex husband went ahead and divorced me and then he met another woman and got married pretty fast, i fell lost and alone and i use some friends and after divorced they dont bother to call me or spent time with me i feel so alone here , when it come on holidays and weekend this is the lonely time for me but i do try to keep myself busy at home and work but in the end of the night i am on my own ,even christmas time no one called me to say merry christmas , but i am getting use to it now , i have to learn to accept it , my ex husband has left me , i fell so rejected and no wanting from him that is really most painful feeling that i had in my life , i know there is life after divorced but it take time to heal even though it been 2 half years is still hurts me at time ,

lost friends after separation

I have also lost a very good friend through my separation with my Husband. She was the one who encouraged me to leave him because i loved another man. Yes i had an affair with a man i sort comfort in when my Mom passed away from breast cancer. I know it was wrong but i was so emotionally affected by my Moms death. So i left my Husband and my friend hasn't come near, its almost like losing my Mom all over again. Luckily i have 2 other friends that have been there for me the last 4 months and they have been brilliant.

lost friends after separation

Ally, I had a very similar situation. After being very unhappy with my distant, verbally-abusive husband, I fell in love with another man. My best friend at the time saw how I thrived on the attention of this thoughtful man and she encouraged me to follow my heart. Sadly, she told my husband and made things worse for everyone. She and all of our mutual friends took his side. I live in a small town and I feel like an outcast. And now I'm afraid to make new friends because I trust no one. It's very isolating.

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