Exercise: How Can I Get Rid Of Cellulite?

Exercise: How Can I Get Rid Of Cellulite?

Posted to by Kathy Kaehler on Tue, 01/22/2008 - 10:05am

Q: Exercise — Is there anything besides liposuction I can do to get rid of my cellulite? What specific kinds of toning exercises might I try to smooth and tighten my "cottage-cheese" thighs?

A: This is my own personal opinion, but stay away from the knife. I have seen women do these surgeries and you just never know if you will be the one who comes out unhappy with no recourse. At some point, we as women have to get realistic. Look at your parents and if the same legs are there then you may have just inherited them.

If not, then you can certainly work at changing them or making them the best that they can be. We have to remember that we are all different. Don't compare yourself to anyone. The work you need to do is strength training. Your legs need resistance to change their shape. All the leg machines at the gyms will strengthen, tone and reshape your legs. Leg extensions, leg curls, inner/outer thighs, squat decks and leg presses are just a few that you can get started on.


Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and use of this or any other exercise program may result in injury. Before starting this or any exercise program, please consult with your physician. Should you experience any irregular physical conditions such as dizziness, severe muscle or joint pain, pain in your chest, or should any other symptoms appear, consult with your physician immediately. First Wives World LLC and the producers assume no responsibility for improper use of this exercise program or any injury that may result.


It is very helpful to do

It is very helpful to do yoga. When I do a 20 minute workout even, with my muscles all stretched out, I feel calmer, and better. Especially if I do a plough type of position, where the blood goes to my head; it helps your lymphatic, digestive and circulatory systems, and you feel calm afterward. Doing yoga makes me want to go out and walk for 30 min. When you feel good, you want to exercise, because you know it will help your body to keep feeling good. Doing the yoga actually keeps me exercising!


I used to have pretty bad cellulite which only got worse after I got pregnant. I had it mostly around my inner thighs and bottom and a bit on my tummy as well. I tried eating more healthy food and did a lot of exercise as well which friends and family members recommended but my skin was still lumpy and floppy. I then recently read an article by a lady who claimed to have got rid of her cellulite by using a particular cream. I tried it and it worked pretty well. It took a couple of weeks but my skin had improved a lot and I managed to get rid of my cellulite completely.

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