Creating Context for Success in The Upcoming New Year

Creating Context for Success in The Upcoming New Year

7 tips for keeping New Years Resolutions

Posted to by Maryanne Comaroto on Wed, 12/26/2012 - 10:18am

We all use the ritual of creating New Year's resolutions in different ways.  For some of us, it's a reality check of our habits and lifestyle, a way to kick ourselves into gear; for others, it can be a cathartic way to let go of things that have become superfluous and inconsequential.

Do you remember the resolutions you set this time last year?  I remember that mine were to slow down and take life less seriously, and to try to be less judgmental.  These things weren't easy for me to tackle, being the hyper-vigilant person that I often am.

Statistics show that a mere 40% of people who make resolutions end up reaching their goals.  That number may seem depressingly low, but armed with the right helpful tips, you can become part of that 40%, too!  

With that, here are seven tips to help you keep the New Years resolutions you set this year:

1. Decide what it is you really want.  That may seem obvious, but if you choose goals that you think you "should" do or that you think others might expect of you, your chances of success are much less than if you do something that you really have a desire for.  The desire has to be personal, and it has to be strong!

2. Figure out how to get there.  Chances are that in the past, you have been more successful with some resolutions than others.  Ask yourself what made the difference.  Figuring out what works for you and what doesn't can help you set realistic targets that you can reach.

3. Remind yourself frequently.  Even if you only have one resolution, it can still be easy to lose sight of it if you don't focus!  The best way to keep your eye on the ball is to have it in front of you as often as possible.  Post a list on your wall, send automated e-mail alerts to yourself... whatever it takes to keep your attention in the right place.

4. Tell the world!  If you have a friend or five whom you can gather around you, that right there is a ready-made support network.  Tell your friends exactly what you intend to do, and watch how enthusiastically they cheer you on!  They'll also be there for you when the going gets rough, and that can make all the difference in the world (Facebook is great for this!)

5. Keep tabs on yourself.  If you don't check on your progress occasionally, you can drift off course fairly easily.  Setting reminder alarms every few months (or every month, if you need to) can provide a great opportunity for you to sit down, take stock, and give yourself a pep talk.

6. Keep on keeping on.  Life is never a linear journey, and you can't realistically expect to start out on the road to your goals and just head straight to the finish line without any detours.  But don't beat yourself up — there's nothing productive in that.  Accept that no one is perfect, get back on the main road, and try again!  There is no limit to how many times you can repeat this step.

7. Have great things to look forward to.  Rewards are really important for motivation, so plan some for yourself!  What are you going to do with all that money you save by making sandwiches for lunch instead of eating fast food?  How about starting a college fund for the kids, or a retirement account for yourself?  Any healthy reward can work to motivate you in the right direction.

So how did the last year go for me? Well, I've certainly taken things less seriously (even myself!)!

Wishing everyone a terrific New Year ahead.


I really liked the tips that

I really liked the tips that you had given about the resolution that we have to take in this year, i think we should not be judgmental about the thinks and should take all the things lightly according to situation.

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