14 Key Factors Courts Consider in Determining Child Custody

14 Key Factors Courts Consider in Determining Child Custody

Posted to by Susan Reach Winters on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 9:05am

Over the more than 25 years that I've been practicing law, I've often been asked what a court will look at when determining a custody award.

While I can tell you that no two cases are alike, I can safely say that while state laws vary across the country, a court will generally consider the following:

1. The parents' ability to agree, communicate and cooperate in matters relating to the child.

2. The parents' willingness to accept custody and any history of unwillingness to allow visitation that is not based upon substantiated abuse.

3. The interactions and relationship of the child with its parents and siblings.

4. Any history of domestic violence.

5. The safety of the child and the safety of either parent from physical abuse by the other parent.

6. The preference of the child if the child is of sufficient age and capacity to reason so as to make an intelligent decision.

7. The needs of the child.

8. The stability of the home environment offered.

9. The quality and continuity of the child's education.

10. The fitness of the parents.

11. The geographical proximity of the parents' homes.

12. The extent and quality of the time spent with child prior to or subsequent to the separation.

13. The parents' employment responsibilities.

14. The age and number of children.

Whatever the criteria used, a court will also examine the criteria in light of "the best interests of the child". I also recommend the use of a mental health professional to appear as an expert and lend his or her professional opinion into the considerations.

There are also different types of custody. Once the above factors are considered, a court may order one of three types of custody: (1) sole custody, (2) joint legal custody, or (3) joint physical custody.

"Sole custody" awards both the legal and physical custody to one spouse. "Joint legal custody" provides that both spouses have joint responsibility for all major decisions regarding the child's health, welfare and education. However, in a joint custody case, the court will usually designate one parent's house as the child's principal residence and determine a time-sharing plan for the other parent.


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me and my ex cant agree on schools for our 4 year old and enrollment is soon. she wants to send him to a private school but all i keep seeing online are bad reviews of the school she wants. and she also wants me to give up some of my custody. there is a public school not but 4 miles from my house and it have all great reviews from different websites but she wont even consider it. oh and me and my current wife have a 2 almost 3 year old that is his brother. will the courts rule in her favor and split them up or give him to me? we live about 30 miles apart in different school dist. i provide all health care as well any thoughts? we currently have 50/50 legal and physical.

Help me

Hi everyone I need advice!! I have been with my bf for almost 6 years and we have a 8 mo together. We live together in mb Canada and things have gone south! He always threatense that if he leave he's taking her to! I tell him that if he wants her he would have to see me in court! I have been the primary care giver to both her and my other child who is 10. The house we rent is my moms and I'm on mat leave he works full time. How can I get him to leave without it turning dirty and without taking her too? He leaves for hours at a time and hasn't been there for us for months! HELP PLEASE

child custody

me and my x part ways in aug 2010. i moved and had my daughter 1 week and one week with her mother but no court order. she also has another child not from me. in dec of 2010 her sister told me she was going to take her daughter because she is addicted to meth.(the mother) she suggested i take my daughter and i did.in may of 2011 i had to move in with a friend and had no other place to take her so i gave her back to mother. in aug of 2011 i moved into my own place and i told her mother that you are on drugs and u sell drugs she is staying with me u dont like it take me to court, but she never took me to court. in septemer 2011 the mother went to jail for possion for sales of meth and served 16 months county prison. she was released in june 0f 2012 and begged me to come back to my house she wanted to start over. i thought about it and said ok we can work out our problems for the benefit of our daughter. her other daughter continues to live with her sister as that is where she wants to be and not with her mother. her sister lets her come over on the weekends to visit. in september of 2012 i suspected she was using meth again but did not say anything as not to alert her so she would be caught. i found a letter on the floor written by her to a friend stating she has been doing meth for 2 months and hes not suspecting anything. i confront her about the letter and she n ever admits its about meth and changing her story about the letter always changes. i kick her out instantly and she never calls daughter or when she visits its like shes just here to relax not to really see her. when she calls its to ask me for money or something else. daughter lives with me and told her she can come visit on weekends but never does. if she visits she just shows up so i cant say no or were busy today. she is not allowed to see other child because sister say so not cause of courts. i have kept a diary of all contact with mother. her last boyfriend was a 3 week relationship that ended after he was found guilty of possion for sales of heroin. she still denies any drug useage. what are my chances of getting full custody. she has no job no money no car and lives in a parked rv with no utilities.

i need help badly!

In 2006 My X husband and I split up due to a affair he was having he moved in with her. We was together 13 years and have 5 children well I made a horrible choice to use methinphedamines somebody turned me into cps and they took my 5 children to foster care. I woke up and realized I just lost my whole world "my ex " leaving wasn't nothing compared to losing my children. I did everything I could to get them back the strictest meetings passed daily drug screens etc well my x husband said if I give him custody then cps would be out of the picture and I could have them back I agreed to it of coarse and I signed full physical custody to him. I got the kids back 90% the time they was with me I started a job working from 1pm to 1 am 6 days a week so they stayed w there dad for about six months and I found a better 1st shift job so I could have the kids back my oldest son stayed w his dad as the other 4 stayed w me. Since 2008 I have had all my kiddos even my oldest because there dad went to prison for manufacturing meth burglary and escape he got out in 08/11 and marries my mother n law he would give me 75.00 a week sometimes but would go months without a dime and there's nothin I can do because I need a lawyer I can't afford a lawyer supporting 5 children alone exp. He is on his 3rd divorce currently strung out on meth and pain pills and I knw there has to be a way I can get court order support. I live n Indiana please someone help me. Is there anything I can do to get court offered support

So I have a baby he's 4

So I have a baby he's 4 months. My ex doesn't take care of him he doesn't give me any money for him. Thank god I have sum help from de government like stamps and wic. I don't work but I'm seeking for a job. The thing is a want to go to court and see if I can get the whole custody of my child but since I don't have a job I don't now what to do :(

You can call legal aid. Free

You can call legal aid. Free attorneys for low income.

Joint Legal Custody Advice

My husband and I have 50/50 custody of his 6 year old daughter. Her mother lives 3 houses down from her parents (my step-daughter's grandparents) and we are finding out that she is spending most if not all of her time with them instead of mom. It is extremely frustrating knowing this and feeling like we can't do anything about it. Our view on the situation is if her mother doesn't want to spend that time with her, then she should be with us. I know my step-daughter is being taken care of physically and that is not a concern whatsoever, but there is no stability there. Not to mention the fact that there is no discipline either; we are very old school (manners, sir, ma'am, ect.) and it is complete opposite on the other side. Before pursuing anything with the courts, I wanted to see if anyone had any advice or had been in the same situation. Also a little more background, a new boyfriend has now moved into the mother's house; she met this man in November and he moved into her home in December. He has two children of his own (ages 6 and 3) that he sees every other weekend. From what we understand, his sons end up sleeping in the same room as my step-daughter being that the house only has two bedrooms. I think it's completely inappropriate for these two BOYS to be sleeping in her room with her regardless of their ages. Like I said, any advice would be so greatly appreciated! We know in our hearts that it is completely in the best interest of my step-daughter to be with us full time, but we just need to prove it and get some guidance as to how. Thanks so much in advance for responses!

Similar Situation...

My fiance has similar situations...is the non custodial parent to his daughter and he gets her every other weekend and 1 time during the week. They filed their divorce papers on 1/24/12. She got primary custodian, He pays her $600 per month child support, as well as splitting the daycare which is $100.00 biweekly and she gets to claim her every year at tax time as a dependent. What this also means is, whatever he pays in for daycare he is not able to claim because you have to claim the child as a dependent before you can get any childcare credit back in a refund. Her mother is remarried and has been since June 2012. He has 3 children ages 15 (girl), 10 (girl), and 6 (boy). He has shared custody of his children and they are with him 7 full days a week and then they're with their mother 7 full days in rotation as so. In addition the the children they already have including my fiance's daughter, they have a new baby (boy) due May 9th. (I know...they didn't waste any time) The problem is, is they have a 1200 square foot house; 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom where the children ranging in different ages are sharing 2 bedrooms of the 3. They have my fiance's daughter sharing a room with the 6 yr old boy and the two older girls sharing a room. When he's addressed this issue she has stated that while his children are there for the week, his son sleeps in the room with the older daughter but that his bed and belongings are in the room with my fiance's daughter. Which we thought was kind of strange? That child would never be able to sleep in his own bed when he visits with his Daddy a week at a time? So...this has been an issue of concern. The fact that they do not have adequate housing for a family this size as well as adding a new baby. They don't even have the capacity to hold them all at one time to travel anywhere...they have to take 2 vehicles to go anywhere as a family. I know that things are expensive etc and some people just can't afford it, but he doesn't pay child support since he shares custody and she drives a 5 passenger lexus suv and they planned this baby so...they knew what they were doing... The other issues are not sending jackets for her to wear even when going to daycare and it's 30 degrees. The biggest of all is the fact that he was driving down a main road that leads to their road in his work truck and he happens to look down the road and see her on her bike in the middle of the road with what looked like no supervision...as any concerned parent would do, he immediately turned his truck around to see if she was with her mother. As he approached the house, he sees his daughter and no one else but her 6 year old step-brother. He asked the little boy to please go in and get her mother. When she came out, she had an astonished look on her face. He asked her what she was doing playing outside by herself? She didn’t reply to his question so he proceeded to let her know that he found her in the road riding her bike and she turned and looked at their daughter and said, “what are you doing in that road, you know better than that?” He told her, that she was only 3 years old and needed adult supervision any time she is outside playing. She is not capable of comprehending the dangers of playing outside by herself, let alone in the road. A 6 year old does not have the responsibility or maturity level to watch her by himself either. He's also had people that live in her neighborhood tell him that they have seen her in the road riding her bike at different times. Then last but not least there have been times when his daughter has said things like, “I don’t ever get to see my Mama, or I haven’t seen my Mama in a long time.” When he asks her why, the responses were because she spent the night with her “Grandma” (her mother) or with her “Mimi” (her grandmother). Giving the age that she is this gives her more than the “normal” separation anxiety and is not in a routine where she should be with either her mother or with her daddy during the school/work week. This is a concern for us and appears that maybe her mother being the primary custodial parent is too much for her to handle. There have been times that she has told us that her step-father yells at her. This too bothers him and myself very much and he's also addressed this with her mother and told her yelling at her to get her to do something was inappropriate parenting and that he’d rather she and him stick to the discipline of their daughter. Needless to say the bike deal was the straw that broke the camel's back and he's meeting with his lawyer as we speak to amend the papers for shared custody, child support, daycare expenses and rotating the years to claim her as a dependent so that it's fair for both of them and then she's better off as well...we think...so I guess we will see what happens...I know I didn't really answer your question but like myself it's good to see that others are going through the same issues and feel helpless. I hope you and I both find some answers soon and get some help with these delicate issues...good luck.

Using Grandma to avoid child support

My husband and I have just filed for a legal separation. He wants 50/50 custody but he works until 10 p.m at night so his mom ends up having our kids on 2 or more of his days (3-4 per wk). I feel there is no reason they need to stay at Grandma's for those nights when they can be with their mother. I think he is doing it so he can avoid child support. Does this give me a good case for primary custody?

Yes, Same thing happened with

Yes, Same thing happened with my ex and I. When the court found out that our son was in fact staying the night with his parents, while he was at work(He too worked odd hours) on his time to have with him too. The court will always want the child to be with the other parent before grandparents, baby sitters etc especially over night.. Yes, he is most likely doing it for child support reasons considering they are based upon over nights. My ex did this too for that reason, and it dramatically effected child support. Go after him for custody, because you will win if it is for that reason.You are the childs Mother, and he should be with you before anyone else.


My son is 3 years old the father has full custody I allowed it because I was going to college and very busy I asked for joint but he said he needed full to get benifits so I agreed. Well he is from south Carolina we live in Massachusetts our son was born here and has been here his whole life. I have set visations every week. He plans on moving back to south Carolina with our son . Can he do that ??? I'll never see him again


Having gone down this road that you are on I want to tell you that if the child was born in Massachusetts and you have reamined in that state according to the UCCJEA ( Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act) Massachusetts is the home state and any modifications to child custody under this law are to be made in Massachesetts. Check out the UCCJEA and get an attorney. Hoping all goes well.

Can i get full custody of my daughter

My daughter's father and I were never married and are no longer together. My daughter is now a year old. Her father wanted so bad for me to get an abortion when I found out I was pregnant with her, he wasn't present for thebirth of her and didn't see her until over a week after she was born. Within this y ear he has missed her first birthday,thanksgiving,Halloween and only had her for 2hours on Christmas her very first Christmas he didn't see her at all. This year for Christmas all he got.her was a couple stuffed animals. He has 2 sons from a prior marriage and they are everything to him compared to my daughter. He chooses to only have her for a couple hours every Tuesday and Thursday as long as something else doesn't come up. He was supposed to take her for a few hour's tomorrow and just because I asked him to pick her up and drop her back off to me he won't take her and is now threatening us going to court to get 50/50 custody. I would pike myself to go for full custody because he isn't and hasn't made much effort to be a dad to her. What are the chances that I could get awarded full?

worried sick

I left my abusive ex boyfriend over a year ago and now he wants joint custody of my 2 year old daughter. I was served papers at work (i'm currently due to have a baby in 2 days) about 2 months ago requesting a paternity test, me to pay his lawyer fees, give him the income tax money I should be awarded for the year I had her in my sole custody, and he is asking for joint custody. He strangled me and nearly killed me but I was never served and had no idea when the court date was. So I called the DA who would not reopen the case because I was a "waste of time and money". So his DV case has now been dismissed. I know for a fact that he is a drug addict and an unfit parent but I'm worried because his family has money and they have always been able to turn the court in their favor. I wish the system where I lived wasn't so biased. I'm tired of the justice system being a load of crap. To top it all off, I've been running around like crazy trying every means possible to prevent him from getting any custody of my child. I'm beginning to wonder if I should take my daughter and leave but I know this is a matter where I will just have to stand up for her and fight. I'm due to give birth to a second child in 2 days and have no idea how I'm going to be able to handle a toddler, a newborn, a job, and all of this stress.

My son's father lives in another state and I want to go to court

I let my son visit his father in another state which i live in a different state. My son has always lived with me but this time his father wont give me back my son. we have no custody agreement and dont have a court order how can i take my son's father to court its been 6 months and i cant see my 4 year old son because he wont let me.Can I take him to court even though we live in two different states?

you need to file before he does.

I'm n the same exact situation you have. I used to reside in California where my son was born but afyer his first year i left his abusive father and moved bavk to Florida (my home town). We had a verbal agreement that my son was able to ho see him every summer,so i never took him to court or did anything in writting,,the first year was find my son got picked up in FL NY his Dad and 2 months later i went and.picked him up in Ca. The following year we the same but this.time he wanted my son to stay longer,i agreed that was the worst.mistake of my life,he then went to CA family court asking for sole.custody without me knowing.whenui arrived to pick my son up i got served with court orders and i was unable to take my son out of the state until seen a judge in court. This was in march and court was svhedule for he didn't even let me see my son and i had to return back.to .FL i hired a.lawyer from CA abd even tho my son had lived with me in FL and had gone to daycare in Fl,and i had a good job,my own house and no history of problems.the CA court gave primary custody to him. And visitation for me to see my son a week at a time whenever i was in CA also i had to notify his dad 2 weekd in advance if i was bringing my son to FL on vacation i was allowed just 1 week. And there inly reason was because the judge said that afyer 6 mo.in the state of.California they have the jurisdiction over the child and that because my child was 3 yrs old at.that time he was already adjusted to his dad and his grandmother and they couldn't take him out of that comfort zone that thay wouldn't be good for the child. in march is going to be a year since this night mare startwd for me,he doesn't even follow court orders and im going to take him to court soon for that and also for not letting me bring my son on vacation to Fl. So my best advice for.you is to go the court wherw your son and his fatjer reside and acuse hin of kidnapping your son and you want sole custody,explain that.you don't reside therw and he is not letting you see your son. don't wait.to long the.longer you wait the harder it qould get. Good luck. And never give up!

my ex turned into a woman after the divorce

I know i cannot say it's the gender change that is bad for our son but its the known drug addicts and transgender halfway houses "she" hangs out with while our son is in "her" care. The boyfriend and "her" were witnessed fighting last weekend over the live in boyfriend using bathsalts. This same boyfriend is also a newly recovering heroin addict but this witness said, asking me not to repeat it, said the track marks were fresh on the boyfriend's arms. My ex uses this man to watch our son to save money on childcare. My ex also said that the boyfriend is a panhandler but stated that our son does not go with the boyfriend when he begs for money. Freaked out here because i have had bipolar (SMI) since I was 17, i am 35 now, but i take my medication. My ex had been diagnosed bipolar before the gender change and now has a letter from the doc saying that "she" does not need meds and shows no signs of mental health symptoms, however "she" is still labeled SMI, seriously mentally ill, in the system. Not easy to get that removed. (I know the system and people usually can get docs to write notes to say what anything) Can I get my son full time? I am still willing to have my ex see our son on like every other weekend if they stay at home maybe. dont know what to do.

Child support

Hello, my husband has two kids from his previous marriage. His one son who is 16 called my husband asking if he could move in with us, he wants to wait till the end of the school year. My husband's ex wife said we still have to pay her for child support, but I was thinking since she has one kid and we have one we wouldnt. Im confused on how thos works, they got divorce in IL but we live in TN. Please help me, thanks!!

Quick Question

I have a friend who is still legally married to this woman; has a child with her, who had an affair and had a child as a result of the affair. To this day they are still married and not even legally separated from this person. The father of the second child is now in jail for abusing his child. My friend is now going for custody of his child, the question is could my friend get custody of the other child from her other relationship, even though he is not the father?

my ex has custody but my kids don't live with her

My ex wife has custody of our two girls but they don't live with her. She tries to take my time with my kids we have joint legal custody but she tells me nothing about my kids doctors school or anything we are suspose to talk about her family gets to see my kids more then I and my time is always cut short what can I do about it please don't know what to do


My daughter is almost 15 months. I was with her genetic contributor for a brife couple months and when i got pregers i tried to stick with him but he wouldnt stop the drugs, the lying, the drinking. I began to realize i didnt know who this man was or what he was capable of he had us living in a motel room. me without access to see a doc or anything when i tried to confront him or to get help he got erratic threatening to kill himself and it was my fault cause he was going to be a rockstar and i ruined it for him and just really dramatic and scary. i told him i was leaving at 4 months he said he didnt want her, he wanted to abort her or adopt her out cause he didnt want anyone else to rais his kid even if he didnt want to. At 6 months pregnt he finally got back ahold of me saying we did our duty to breed and we are eternally bonded and a bunch of other poor me physco babble. His mental stability is only on the surface. I have not heard from him since then. I am remarried now to my highschool sweetheart he has been there since the moment she was born the only father she knows. I heard froma mutual friend that hes trying to get custody i dont see how he can if hes never seen her touched her supported her he dont even know how to spell her name or her birthday. we live states away. Im concernd about his ability to manipulate ppl into feeling sorry for him and helping him its how he has made it through his whole life the man is 32 and has yet to hold a job down for longer than a couple months or stay sober. What can i do to stop him from draggin my family through this me and my husband are considering adoption any suggestions??

child custody

my kids father has my three children 7,6 and 4 years old. we are going to court now. my children are telling the court that they seen me having sex with my ex boyfriend. i dont know what to do. am not a monster, i wouldnt do something that bad in front of my babies. my kids father also dont let me talk to them. i feel in my heart that he is trying to make the kids hate me. am so scared that i loose my babies to him. i had them all of their lifes. most of the time i was alone with them i mean he was always living us, he was coming and going for years. i try my best to give the the things they needed. when they got sick or hurt, am there. my legal aid lawyer is not doing his job. so my question is, who can help me fight this case, and what should i do? i not a bad mom, is nothing i wouldnt do for them, i will go to the end of the world for them. thank you.


my children are adopted, my former same sex spouse and I adopted them together in 2004 and 2005. Upon there arrival, I became a stay at home parent, and have been since then. Then in 2007 in the midst of our third adoption, he left us. He was arrested for domestic violence toward me, and spent a year in anger management. Now, in 2012, after 5 long years he has decided that he wants sole physical custody, wants me to pay him child support, while he claims both children on his taxes, leaving me with every other weekend and one evening per week for 4 hours! Our children have been in a 50/50 arrangement, and I asked them point blank, what would you like, how can I make life easier... They both say they like things the way they are. He is accusing me of being unfit, however right before this he took off to PR for 10 days. I believe that joint everything is best, and it serves what our children want to see happen. If there has never ever been any issue until now, and I am more than willing to work with him however I can.... Could he actually win? In our family, I play the maternal role, stay home, read, teach them about adoption etc... tuck them in. Now out of no where, im totally unfit and he should be in control. If this happends, he stands to gain a substantial increase in come, by not paying me the 1/4 of what the court ordered, id be paying it to him, he claims taxes and all exemptions, he runs the show basically. He filed bankruptsy and if he has more dependents, he has to repay less. The entire offer is ridiculous, and reads MONEY all over it. Also, I am about to adopt another baby, with my new partner. I am scared to breath, bc he threatens me, and esssentially wants control over my life. Please any suggestions/advice.... Would a court change an order that has worked well for everyone for five years just because he wants it changed? He does earn more money than I do, I stay home with them still. Will the court see his unreasonable nature of requests? I am afraid my attorney may not be acting fast enough..... Also, if anyone can recommend anything I can do to better my chances with the court, please advice. I have a small family, and we keep to ourselves. I never interfer with his time....

family viollence

Hi, I just found out my ex husband has been charged twice with family violence while being in his next relationship. During our divorce I brought up his abuse and the judge said I had to have proof of it, and dismissed my claim. In the three years since our divorce he has called maybe four to five times to speak with the kids,all other times he call to speak to me about his current relationships and after the kids have gone to bed. I tell him it's not my place and that I feel uncomfortable with these phone calls and I hang up. His mother also barely ever calls to speak with the children, and wants me to give her his visitation rights. I have told her I'm uncomfortable as I don't know the laws regarding it. My issue is this, his act of violence was in front of his other children, he was required to go to jail, and do a years worth of anger management classes, none of which he has completed. I don't want my children around him, I worry for their safety. Though I don't mind his family. I have tried to work out an agreement with his mother, like a weekend get away or something where he won't be able to interfere. Can I be held in contempt for not letting him see the kids during Christmas. Also on another note he is in arrears with his child support.

My son is 6 years old and my

My son is 6 years old and my son has been with me since he was born premature his father has not once wanted anything to do with him until I started getting child support and now he wants to get custody

Ex now wants joint custody of our children

My ex has decided that he wants joint custody of our two children. We have been separated nearly two years and during this period he has had them approximately 3 nights a week. I don't believe this is in the best interest of my children and wondering what the courts opinion would be. Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks

It must be admissible to your

It must be admissible to your case as in it has to be something that affects your child like domestic violence towards you or child etc or anything that could harm the child.


My ex husband is mad because im dating somebody that our daughter is around. He is trying to sue for full custody and has tried to kill himself and been admitted into a mental hospital. He is trying to prove me unfit and has called social services on me before of course they quickly closed the case because all he has against me is the fact that im dating someone else. I dont know what to do and what his chances are of getting full custody of my daughter with his mental background and also his mother whom he lives with has also done the same thing. What are the chances of him getting joint or full custody of my daughter?

NONE AT ALL!!!! I am going

NONE AT ALL!!!! I am going through the same thimg with my EX and when he finally saw he could not get me to get back to him he filed a legitimation case against me in oct and i am waiting to go to court. He is battling alcohol so i will nip it in his butt!

should i file for sole custody

My daughter's dad is a dear "friend" but a horrible father to our daughter the only time he sees, talks to or has anything to do with her life is when his mother asks for her for one week during summer vacation . Recently I've come to realize if something happens to me I do not trust him to take care of her. I did mention to him that I was considering sole custody . He said not to do it for his sake . I do not work as of right now but he does. I dnt think as a father he is a good man but I do not want to put him or my daughter thru a custody battle but I do jot feel he should be able to make life altering decisions in her life if he doesn't even know her middle name . My family and friends say to file for sole custody should I do it if I'm jot comfortable or should I because its what's best for my daughter ?

Playing Games

My husband was initially willing to concede to joint legal custody and leaving me the residential parent. The kids have not spent one night with him since we separated. Now he wants joint physical custody where we split days and nights. He is in hopes that he will be awarded child support if he has the kids 50% of the time. Am I crazy or is he using the kids as a means to an end?

I'm in your shoes now. My

I'm in your shoes now. My STBX did that. He wanted me to also pay him the daycare $$ to him "so he could pay it for me". Wanted retroactive child support going back to point we were still living together, etc. These are not the old school me some of us were raised by. This is a new generation who is turning the tables on women for $$. Why? Well, IMHO a) ego. If you left him, anyway he can crush you publicly is ok b) ensuring you finance his lifestyle and not the other way around (e.g., gambling, women, etc) c) form of control...this is esp in cases where there was abuse and you are breaking free from it I got some sage advice from my brother in regards to men like this - publicity. Very few respect a man who is willing to use their children for $$. Make sure all know the deal whether he wins the case or not. Also note who is really watching the kids. I did that and in return, I found some interesting tidbits on how the potential $$ was going to be spent and just who is really watching the kids in my case. The court of public opinion is often not used enough.

Parenting a child after a

Parenting a child after a divorce is an unenvious situation. Sure, two parents who are dedicated to the task at hand can provide a loving environment that the child feels comfortable in despite the unideal circumstances. However, even if the child is ok, there could be things going on behind the scenes that are not agreeable for one or both of the parental parties. It is during these moments that one wonders how these two people ever had a healthy relationship. Just because a marriage does not work out, does not mean that one or both parent should stop parenting, or create a hostile environment in which a child is caught amongst the quarreling. Ideally, both parents would remain present and positive influences in the lives of their child.

judge and support

My ex husband makes 6 figures, recently, he was informed about another child who is 20 in NY. He went to court in NJ and after we have a PSA the Judge ruled that our first legal child will in fact have her support decreased. I have spoken to numerous attorneys aho have all said that the first child cannot be affected by this new child. This Judge is horrible and unjust. I am so angry at this court system. Any advice.


my sons father left me while i was pregnant, married someone else on my due date. he now pays child support. my son is 8mths old. he sees is father anytime he wants but he doesnt spend the night at his father's house. his father doesnt want me to meet his new wife, come to his house to see what type of environment he's living in and he told me i dont need to know where my son is at or who watches him, as long as he has him. my son father is now taking me to court for joint legal custody and visitation. what would be the outcome of all of this. he has a criminal record(which he spent 2yrs in jail for misdeameanor crimes) but its from 1989-2002 can i use this against him in court along with other evidence that i have

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