Dr. Jeannette Lofas
Dr. Jeannette Lofas
Dr. Jeannette Lofas, Certified divorce & co-parenting mediator
Dr. Jeannette Lofas is a certified divorce & co-parenting mediator, counselor, coach, and lecturer. She is the President and Founder of the Stepfamily Foundation, Inc., which is the first organization in the world devoted solely to the challenges of step relationships.
Along with Ruth Roosevelt, Dr. Lofas is co-author of the book Living In Step. Prior to its publication in 1976, no book existed stating that the stepfamily is dynamically different from the traditional biologically related family.
Dr. Lofas has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King, and many other programs. She has been featured in publications such as the New York Times and Vogue, and has lectured at numerous universities and organizations.
In 1995, Dr. Lofas received the first National Parent's Day Award from President Clinton for her "efforts in strengthening step relationships in families across America and thus contributing to effective parenting."
My Blogs:
A Blended Family Holiday (3 Pitfalls to Avoid)
A Blended Familiy Graduation
A Blended Family Wedding