I went to my therapist last week (as I do every week) and for some reason she asked me, "Why are you here, what do you hope to get out of therapy?" I pretty much thought we had already established this but I guess she was just checking.
I told her that my ultimate goal — with regard to therapy — at the moment was to let go of the anger. I feel at times that I am so angry that it is holding me back. You wouldn't know it to look at me, either. You might not even know it if you knew me. I'm generally a pretty happy, social, outgoing person. Or at least that is the way I appear. Underneath all of that is one pissed off chick.
I am so angry with Levi (for obvious reasons) and barely a day goes by that I don't at least have a fleeting moment of rage toward him. Sometimes, if I get on an anger "roll," I can be distracted by it for hours.
This is a problem. I need to let it go, accept what he's done so that I can get on with my life.
Anger sucks. Especially when he's not around for me to take it out on.
She suggested that I write a list of things that trigger my anger. I did it, and my list is absolutely ridiculous. In fact, this is probably the only forum where I could share my list and not be looked at funny or laughed at.
Here's one of the triggers I put on my list, just so you can get an idea:
Anything to do with the state of California, especially in the winter — I can't stand that I'm shoveling my car off, probably while holding my baby, while he's sleeping in sunny California.
Do you understand what I'm saying about it being ridiculous? I actually hate the entire state of California, just because he's there. I'm rolling my eyes at myself.
Perhaps she wanted me to make this list just so I can see how crazy it is. Perhaps she wanted me to ponder whether or not I'm inventing reasons to still be angry with him. I don't know. I guess I'll find out more next week. Does anyone else have a list?
What Others Have Shared ()
I do
Good Luck
I do think this is a
let it go