So I'm working like crazy and it feels great! I've really tapped into my creative side, and I’ve found an amazing outlet and it’s so fulfilling.
I was on the phone with a girlfriend the other day discussing all of my current projects. Her response was "Damn, girl, how many fires do you have burning at once?" The answer to that is: a lot.
I have so many ideas, so many things going at once, that I've actually started writing them down. Anyone who knows me knows that ordinarily I'm quite disorganized, and I don't write things down.
The point is, I'm proud of myself — I don't think I've ever felt really proud of myself before. I'm amazed with myself for having the ability, somewhere deep in there, to go through what I did with Levi, to make it to this point — to come out of it a few months later and still have a smile on my face.
I'm proud of myself for being such a great mom to Adrian, especially because I was so scared that I would never be able to do it by myself. I'm even kind of proud of myself for giving birth to such a beautiful amazing little boy.
I'm proud of myself for finally following my dream, for taking control of my life, for getting somewhere. I'm proud and amazed that I didn't give up.
I think it’s about time that we all start giving ourselves props. What about you? What makes you proud of yourself?
What Others Have Shared ()
There is so much to be
There is so much to be thankful for. My life consisted of roller coastal rides when it came to relationships. Not only with my ex -husband, but with people in general. There were obvious reasons why my life had taken a horrendous twist. I allowed those reasons to fill my life with misery. Today I must cheerfully say I am proud to have surface out of the miry clay. I am grateful to God I was able to accept the courage and strength I essentially required in order to live life again. I am proud of the path I have chosen, and many have crossed mine. I am free to understand, to perceive, to take action and progress. I am proud to be a mother, grandmother and most of all a woman. Our lives are filled with the elements we sow.
Happy To Read About Your Breakthough
Sounds like you are finally on your way to a great new life! You should be very proud of yourself. Keep it going...the world is waiting.
I sure hope so..thank you so
I sure hope so..thank you so much for your nice comment!! Faith
I am on an adventure!
I am most proud that I am not letting my divorce and my ex's affair rule me emotionally or physically any more. Within four months after the divorce, I started my own business, finished graduate school, traveled to several new places, etc. All of things that I wanted to do even before I met him, plus more. I see the next two years as my adventure, within no pressure on myself to be serious with anyone and to do whatevery the hell I want. A good friend and I are going to make "adventure boards" to have in our houses. I am excited to see what comes out as what I want to do, and it will be great to have a visual reminder everyday. Maybe I will even create a checklist that I will have fun finishing.
My ex said I was boring, but I have come to realize that it was just that I was bored with him!;)
Faith, keep up the amazing movement in your life. You have your whole life ahead of you and beautiful boy to share it with!
Adventure boards!! What a cool idea... I might have to steal that from you! Good for you for getting on with your life and not letting the BS drag you down. Take care of yourself-- Faith