Levi did all of the cooking when we were together — most of the time. Because of that, I'm not really that great of a cook.

As a matter of fact, there has always been a man around to cook for me. My dad was a great cook, my first boyfriend was a chef, and then there was Levi.

That said, I'm sick of eating out of cans and sticking things in the microwave. Its gross, and someday I'm going to have a teenage boy to cook for! If Levis' appetite is any indicator for what Adrian's will be...well, all I can say is watch out.

I've decided to try to teach myself how to cook. A lot of people have told me to watch the cooking channel, but honestly, I find most of the hosts to be, well, annoying. Instead, I went to the bookstore, bought a few cookbooks and have resolved to try one new recipe a week.

Tonight I'm going to attempt a chicken casserole. When I told my friends, they all cracked up. Still, I think its a good move for me. I mean really, what's the worst thing that can happen — I'll burn the house down?

I have pretty high standards where men are concerned — you'd never know it, would you? I have a list of requirements about a mile long. I figure, if I learn to cook, I can scratch that off of the list. (However, I'll always require that man shovel off my car when it snows. I hate doing that!)

Does anyone have any advice for a new cook? Suggestions for places I might find recipes, or a new technique to try?

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