I turned around and found myself face-to-face with a guy who was sitting one row back on the opposite side of the plane. He was, I guessed, in his early 40s, and his friend sitting next to him looked at least 15 years younger. Both were average looking and neither were really my type.
The older guy, we'll say his name was "Tom," asked me if I swam or was a gymnast when I was younger. Baffled as to what he was getting at, I replied "No." He said he was just wondering because he was noticing that I had pretty defined upper back muscles (I was wearing a tank top) like a swimmer or gymnast would have. I told him I lift weights.
Well, that opened the door to a conversation so he started asking me a few questions like what did I do for a living? Did I live in Manhattan or Florida? Where am I originally from? I came to find out that he and his friend were in town from Florida for the weekend. He then asked me if I wanted to meet up with them the following night and go out for a drink or something. I politely said "Thanks, but no thanks" and began gathering my carry-on luggage to deplane.
As I grabbed my carry-on from the overhead bin, he said, "Between your eyes and muscles you are hot!"
Okay. Did anyone else hear the record screech to a halt because I sure did! Yes, I have sometimes fantasized about meeting a mysterious stranger on a plane or in the airport and experiencing some sort of love connection, but that comment wasn't exactly what I had in mind.
I guess it was nice to hear the compliment, but come on! They were going to see a Yankees game the following day, which I guess was fitting because all I heard in my head was, "You're out!"
What Others Have Shared ()
What a doof
He just had to take it one step too far! What a fool. And funny...