Cocktails And Cuddling

The wedding weekend slumber party


Mark and Meredith's wedding was absolutely beautiful!

We all had fun, drank, danced and partied with our parents and friends. It's always good times when we get together with all of our friends and families and celebrate happy occasions together.

After the wedding, we all went out to a bar that Mark had rented for us. When the bar closed, we all headed back to the hotel, and all of the girls went to sleep, which was fine by me.

I got to hang out and spend quality time with my childhood guy friends. I don't seem to get to see them as much now, since I'm not invited to couple dinners.

We sat outside and brought our own cocktail party to the garden. Jon and Josh were with us as well. We obviously didn't really need to be drinking anymore, but we were having fun. It's always funny to see how my guy friends are so much more fun when their wives are not around!

Jon came over to sit with me, and we started planning our escape. We headed back to my hotel room - with my parent's right next door! (It made me feel like a teenager sneaking around!) We had fun, nothing crazy - it was nice to have someone to cuddle with, and to wake up with his arms around me.

He left in the morning, literally two minutes before my dad knocked on the door to get me for brunch. It would have been a disaster if Jon had run into my dad on his way out!

Before he left, he asked for my number. He lives close to me in the city, so hopefully I will see him again soon!


Yay for cuddling! I can't

Yay for cuddling! I can't wait to hear more!


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